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Everything posted by JKflipflop

  1. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    Permaban this cunt. Now.
  2. JKflipflop

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    OP sucks cock by choice.
  3. It wouldn't have helped these guys.
  4. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    How about you have to make a camp to quit? If you don't have the means to make a campfire, you probably don't have anything worth saving anyways. You can logout at a campfire or at a tent you own. If you quit any other way your character is killed and any vehicles/tents associated to that character are also destroyed.
  5. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    10 seconds is going to stop this problem how?
  6. JKflipflop

    Dayz Current State is Game Over

    You must be new to the internets. Hook, line, and sinker.
  7. JKflipflop

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    LOL youre just reinforcing my point, actually. The 99% that are dead is because they follow your silly civil constructs. The one percent left are the ones that aren't afraid to shoot first.
  8. JKflipflop

    Ghillie Suits

    No no, it's not a bug. You can't take the clothes off a dead body. Ever.
  9. JKflipflop

    Realistic to shoot on site?

    Honestly, this really is how it would be. We'd go back to our natural instincts where a small group of humans would be lead by a strong alpha male. We would have no use for rival males and kill them on sight. They're only other competition. Females would be needed for repopulation but they'd die too if they put up a fight. Humans like to forget they're barely more advanced than gorillas.
  10. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    I like this idea. Just making your body stay in the world for a few minutes could work. If you're quitting in the woods it wouldn't really be any different than it is now, so long as you picked a safe spot to quit.
  11. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    Seems that you wouldn't even need 5 times. You quit once to get out of the fight and log onto another server. Chances are the coast is clear and you can continue along your merry way. So a counter-type system does nothing.
  12. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    Comon. Someone needs to come up with a good answer. This is the internets! We have the aggregate intelligence of the entire race at our disposal here. Surely we can find a solution to the fight-dodging pussquitters.
  13. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    Were you trying to make "Rocket" backwards? LOL.
  14. JKflipflop

    100% of people I've engaged D/C

    I think the solution is to make it like logging out in an MMO. You hit the "logout" button and your guy has to stay perfectly still for 60 seconds before you actually quit. If you take one step or shoot the timer stops and you have to hit the "quit" button again. If you alt+f4 your body stays in the world for 2 minutes vulnerable.
  15. JKflipflop

    Ghillie Suits

    You can't take the clothes off a dead body.
  16. JKflipflop

    A serious question for the PvP-phobes

    I've made it my mission to ruin this game for as many people as I can. Hopefully we'll bring back the bandit skin. That was a brilliant idea.
  17. JKflipflop

    All (8) of our vehicles gone. How?

    Yeah, all that effort. . .like logging in once a day and cycling through them to make sure they don't leave your fleet? Boy, that's quite the chore.
  18. JKflipflop

    All (8) of our vehicles gone. How?

    Yeah, you shouldn't be hogging vehicles like that. It's complete bullshit that you're fucking everyone else out of having one because you want to just look at them and circlejerk your epeens with each other.
  19. JKflipflop

    How do I get down from firestation NW Airfield?

    Tell me the name of the server. I'll come help you.
  20. JKflipflop

    Spread The Word: Surrender Key

    LOL pro with mouse smoothing at 1/2. Beautiful.
  21. JKflipflop

    Best Video settings for Dayz?

    antialiasing off ansiotropic very high video memory default Set your 3d resolution to your monitor Turn post processing OFF everything else to high. Set gamma/brightness as needed for time of day.
  22. JKflipflop

    Green mountain...

    I'm not talking about that place. We don't go there any more.
  23. They aren't doing this in their spare time. It's their job, numbnuts.