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About raphier

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  1. raphier

    dean this, rocket that

    NO you spilled your jimmies no authority for you! And no, people that do this are like parrots. They just repeat interviews for "rightness" sake.
  2. True, but GTA also had 5 iterations and 13 years to upgrade their tech
  3. Same crap that happened with The Witcher 1. No matter how strong PC you had it still stuttered. Gamebryo was one awful engine and there was nothing that could redeem it.
  4. haha you know what you are? you are a leech. You stich with a stronger group and change your master when they gain more power. There are only two kinds of people: one's who seek power (use power as leaders) and who persuade power (Hide behind the leaders) ;)
  5. raphier

    High data traffic while playing DayZ

    This is a legit complaint. The netcode is doing a lot of unnecessary tasks which may cause hickups and nitpicks. Knowing Bohemia they as well may be refreshing the item table every so often it intimidates the connection like a torrent, like updating the whole map instead of sending data from your radial position.
  6. NO. I'm profoundly deaf with a cochlear. I rather take visual over acoustic clues. Besides, will the heartbeat override other sounds?
  7. raphier

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Well, let's start with villages. Sometimes when a person turns into a zombie, they don't stand still but walk and walk over a distance. I'd say some small villages should be empty, others have zombies in lesser quantities. A lot of zombies scattered around and not in large groups everywhere you go. Maybe ,well cities can have a lot of zombies together and especially the biggest places with a lot of sound attractions can have a lot of zombies together. Right now, when you see a zombie, you shoot it no matter where you are, you get 30+ zombies on your ass right at that moment. Ask yourself, do you want to kill 30+ zombies for a magazine of wrong bullets and 1 bottle of cola?
  8. raphier

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    feels like a proper zombie apocalypse me arse. In a so called real apocalypse, you'd be spending more time scavenging than killing zombies. And you'd not see more zombies than the population of the country, unless you want to think that the entire continent from the west migrated here. This has turned into a zombie target gallery range instead of survival game. I understand that there are people who just like to kill zombies and nothing else and then there are people who want to survive and loot and nothing else, but saying that nothing should be changed is wrong.
  9. raphier

    Suggestions regarding survival options.

    I don't like the idea of illness. but I think water could be contaminated. Overdose it and you may die of illness, or you keep eating antibiotics in same time to keep it at minimum. Makes hunting for clean water even more important.
  10. raphier

    Military NPC Missions.

    Military AI takes much bigger toll on server than twice amount of zombies. That would really kill zombie and player count. They should be moving a convoy out of the area and protect hospital as their own interest. Too perfect :P
  11. raphier

    What Do I Need?

    Can you elaborate? My friend just bought OA to play DayZ as we read in a lot of other places that Arma2 Free works fine. Does he have to do anything special? I think £15 was enough to play one mod' date=' £30 is a bit much. [/quote'] just follow http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA_2_OA:_Combined_Operations_Lite Then there is also http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?101214-ARMA-2-CO-%28how-to-combine-ARMA-2-into-ARMA-2-OA-and-use-together%29 for commercial A2
  12. Obviously this idea is off-limits. But a man can dream, right? This is pretty much a safe-zone, unarmed/non-combat area, a bar, a meeting place, a trading hub for all the survivors and bandits out there. That sort of thing. But the main reason why I want this place to exist, are side-missions and economy. What I mean with that is, there is this player-fillable giant board which people can fill with labels like "Helicopter Rotor Found. Ask Me." or "need an electric radio, have broken car.", but mostly marker locations of "Got stuck, for anyone who wants can salvage my items here." or some small dynamic missions by the game that help sustain the hub and in return you get small rewards. And have a small economy in which I am pretty sure people would trade rare items for more ammunition and good food. There is also a need of some small community endorsement and I think a hub would do wonders in encouraging longer life expectancy, grouping, clans and bearing to new players. I know this is just a dream right now and with Arma 2 and Chernarus, pretty much impossible to make. Just something to feed our little imaginations. :blush:
  13. raphier


    Cannibalism in real-life offers many different characterism, like illness and dizziness. I'd say that, ofcourse it would be interesting to simulate it, for example by lowering the person's health by half and make making him couch a lot. Then if we go further with the theme, the make him depend on rotten flesh which can be dangerous, because depenging on how long it's been rotten it provides many different dangerous side-effects and lest make the person unable to eat animal flesh anymore in-game terms. In my opinion, we'd rather not since there are a lot more important things in there that should take priority and memory than this.