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About Forest_Funk

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    On the Coast
  1. Forest_Funk

    Will PIP be added to the final release?

    flexible range of sight is something you should really be able to change. i mean - gamma brightness and field of view can be changed and do even have a absolute high impact of the gameplay and does give people with better computers a positive effect compared with low-budget computers (on my old PC i could not even change the settings to play without flashlight or nv at night). but a difference between 1500m and 2500m wouldnt be so dramatical i think. it's very rare that you spot people so far away because the map of chernarus does not have many places where you can even see so far. :-)
  2. Forest_Funk

    Improving the Long Range Scope

    nice suggestions but i see the problem about the field of view. you can change this setting and gain a higher zoom ingame, a lot of ppl use it. but this setting also has an impact on the scope - means: smaller field of view will change the size of your target through the scope. this does prevent using the scope for a certain rangefinding. i realy hope they will change this in the future because one reason that dayz is such a great game is the amount of realism in here. and something like a certain need of skill and knowledge how to use a scope propably belong definitely to this in my opinion. do me a favor devs and stay on this realistic type of gameplay, make some changes here. maybe that the field of view does not impact the scope so you can learn how to handle your scope the correct way.