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Everything posted by Re-Patch

  1. What's up everyone I am excited to present our new DayZ SA server to you: www.ExiledSpecialForces.uk | PvP | Active Admins | Pers: OFF We are a small clan with a tight and organized play style that loves to PvP in DayZ SA. Especially up north at the NWAF/Myshkino area. In order to keep desync to a minimum and the performance as good as possible, we do persistence resets every now and then, usually once a week. Only downside to that is that you can't build a camp or store cars on our server, they might get deleted. We have a zero tolerance for any kind of glitching or hacking. If you can provide proof beyond a reasonable doubt (clear video, detailed time, names etc.) we will make sure the cheater gets banned from our server, as well as reported to other big communities and the DayZ devs. To report a player, please use our form on the homepage: http://exiledspecialforces.uk/report/ ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Detailed information about our server: ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Our Server IP: (Port: 2402) Slots/Hive/Camera: 40 / public hive / 3rd person perspective Our teamspeak: ts.ExiledSpecialForces.uk Feel free to hop on here if you meet someone in game who you want to chat with. To report a player (cheater) please write a chat-message to one of the officers: VirtualMechanic, Juelz, Matt and Re-Patch. Remember: we only take action if you have evidence beyond any doubt (video with details etc.). Server location: United Kingdom Restart schedule: 12 hours (daylight only) ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* In case you want to get an impression of our gameplay: YouTube ESF playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzSVCJRjPVg&list=PLByTYp5NYQwsRuq9BKtRfddDuu72gmUx0 My own YouTube (newest two videos show me playing with ESF) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClGQBxkmeO6KHZ3RCgeIhNg We would love to see you on our server! Come fight with and against us. Hope you'll have a great experience on our playground and see you up north. Good luck! Cheers & have a good day! Re-Patch
  2. Re-Patch

    700m Ricochet Headshot

    What's up everyone Welcome back to the 3rd episode of my "Battle Reports" DayZ Standalone series. In this edition I'd like to show you a succesful evenig at the NWAF we had a few days ago. Towards the end of the video you will get to see a truly special shot with the Winchester. Warning: To those who are only interested in seeing the kills, I'd suggest you skip to 02:00 in the video. The first two minutes are an introduction to my channel and the intro itself. I'd be happy if you watch it of course, but if you have limited time, I understand :) Title: 700m Ricochet Headshot, DayZ Battle Reports #3 By: Re-Patch Video type: Events of one single evening, edited with music & effects, heavily focused on PvP in 3rd person perspective. Video length: 08:05 What's it about? We had a great evening at the North West Airfield a few days ago (my clan ESF and me). On top of a few kills you will get to see a very special 700m kill with the Winchester. You might not have seen such a shot before :) Link: I would be happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think about it. Have a good one & thanks a lot for watching! Re-Patch
  3. What's up everyone Welcome back to the 3rd episode of my "PvP Compilation" DayZ Standalone series. In this episode you will get to see some decent PvP at the North West Airfield/Myshkino tents and a sweet SVD shot. Also I'd like to introduce my ESF (Exiled Special Forces) clanmembers with this video, I joined them recently and they're a great group, had a blast playing with them the last few weeks. Title: PvP Compilation DayZ SA #3 By: Re-Patch Video type: Compilation of short clips, edited with music & effects, heavily focused on PvP, most of the time 3pp Video length: 08:47 What's it about? You will get to see some solo and squad gameplay from me and my clan. All recordings are in 3pp and it's all about PvP. You will get to see some decent 1v1's, some tactical teamplay and a sweet shot with the SVD. Link: I would be happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think about it. Have a good one & thanks a ton for watching, cheers, Re-Patch
  4. Re-Patch

    PvP Compilation DayZ SA #2

    What's up everyone I'd like to present my second episode of my PvP Compilation DayZ SA series to you. Title: PvP Compilation DayZ SA #2 By: Re-Patch Video type: Short clips, edited with music & effects, heavily focused on PvP, most often in 3pp Video length: 11:31 What's it about? You will get to see some solo and squad gameplay from me and my mates. Mostly solo in this one though. It's all about PvP and 3rd person in this episode. Most of the video takes place at the Myshkino Military Area and you will get to see some decent kills as well as a special kill at tent city. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pcjSKz1zq7Y I would be extremly happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think about it. Have a good one & thanks a ton for watching, cheers, Re-Patch
  5. Re-Patch

    DayZ Madness, bye bye 0.59

    What's up Everyone The era of the old renderer is almost over. I made this short video to remember the last few patches, in which most of us, despite everything we always complain about, had some good times as well. Title: DayZ Madness By: Re-Patch Video type: Funny moments, weird bugs & bye bye .59 Video length: 06:05 What's it about? A short compilation of funny & weird moments that happened in the last few patches. Goodbye .59. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rY1T0mbzTlg I would be happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think. Which zombie kill did you like best? :) let me know! Have a good one, thanks for watching & cya in the next patch. Re-Patch
  6. Re-Patch

    NWAF Annhilation

    What's up guys I would like to present the second episode of my DayZ Battle Reports series to you. Title: NWAF Annihilation, DayZ Battle Reports #2 By: Re-Patch Video type: PvP @ NWAF with my buddy, events of one evening, edited. Video length: 13:26 What's it about? My buddy Reddington & me went to the North West Airfield seeking some decent fights, and we found them :) It was a successful evening. Link: I would be extremly happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think. Have a good one & thanks for watching, cheers, Re-Patch
  7. What's up guys, I've got just a quick question. On Reddit no one was able to help me, maybe here someone knows more... Since two/three weeks I'm experiencing two weird bugs that are both damn annoying. Am I the only one (=something on my side) or are these known already (and is there maybe even a fix for it)? stable 0.58 & 0.59reinstall did not helpvalid. game files did not helpreinstall mouse did not helpusing old UI1) When I click on an item in my inventory and want to drag it "outside" (to the right side for example, that it lands on the floor), the item 7/10 times gets stuck in my hands, I can't drop it off next to the character. Then I open/close tab & try it again 2-3 times until it works. Is that a bug with my mouse or a new bug with the game? Btw., the mouse works flawlessly in the only other game I play, CSGO. 2) In the last few days, my zoom is constantly getting stuck. I'm talking about the "+" zoom. Usually, when you only hold "+" and don't double click it, the view goes back to normal "fov" once you release the "+" button. Recently it keeps getting stuck in the zoomed in view. I found out that I can fix it by pressing "ESC", but it keeps happening, any ideas? Thanks for your help & cheers, Re-Patch
  8. Re-Patch

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    Unfortunately it's not working for me :( (neither left side/right side, leftclick/rightclick doesn't matter), only 1-3x tab (and try again every time "works") What is working sometimes (if I grab an apple for example (1slot), and it's get stuck on the cursor) and IF I have 1slot free in the invetory, I can place it in the inventory with a left click, but this is only working sometimes, not always.
  9. Re-Patch

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    Yo Twojz, thanks for the tipp, I will try this as soon as possible, that would be an acceptable work-around for now if it would work. cheers, Patch
  10. Re-Patch

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    I didn't have a chance to respond yet and sorry for the poor description, it's not my motherthongue and I wasn't really sure how to put it. But you got it right, unfortunately it's exactly like this: ....... that the item is stuck on the cursor, and that you can not interact with anything else as the item is locked to the cursor? And yeah, it's damn annoying, I mean ... I freaking love this game, I've played more than 3.5k hours already and seen every patch & pretty much everything already, the time with the hackers etc. etc., but these two bugs at the moment are heavily putting me to the test right now :/ Thanks again for the help, will definitely check/open ticket on the feedback site asap.
  11. Re-Patch

    Two annoying bugs, any ideas?

    Thanks a lot for the fast answer. Sorry I forgot to mention that, yes, I am using the old interface. 1) Thanks, it's a good tipp, but unfortunately not the solution... I know that (your example) it goes back into the inventory (in another slot/another piece of cloathing) if you drop it there, but my problem is, even if I would want to do that, I couldn't, it really gets stuck in my hands (not the hands slot, just when u drag it, it get's stuck there, you can't do anything with it anymore once you start dragging the item). Also it's random, even weapons, not just certain items. I can neither drop it, nor put it in the inventory/next to it, whatever, doesn't matter. Sometimes I can put it back in the inventory, but 9/10 times I just have to close the inventory with tab, open again, and try this for 1-3 times to "fix" it. Some extra info, what keeps happening to me as well (like every 6th or 7th time I fire a gun, the shooting gets "stuck" as well, meaning I can't stop shooting, until I rapidly click tab/esc etc. etc. (but usually the mag is empty by then and everyone will know where I am). I could imagine this being a similar/the same issue. You can imagine that if you're battling in Cherno/Elektro on 50 full-pop these two bugs in combination are veeery annoying. Thanks for the tipp though, I will check the feedback tracker and open a new one if I can't find anything. 2) I am talking about the incremental zoom (numpad + and -) (although if you use it to zoom without a weapon it's not really incremental ;)) It's not locked though, I know you can lock it with a double click on the button, but that's not it, I'm just holding it and realeasing it again after a few seconds (bound to mouse 3). The reason I don't use the normal zoom (right click) is that it brings you out of breath, that's an absolut no go since I use it every few seconds, especially inlands (to check back/sides etc. thoroughly). My friend has the same issue, really seems to be a bug. Funny thing is also that you can only fix it by pressing ESC, minus (as it usually would), won't bring you back to the zoomed out view, only ESC helps. I will do the same here (feedback tracker). This one's not as bad, ESC is always working, the other two are pretty gamebraking for me though, hope that gets fixed soon. Thanks a lot for your help & have a good one, Cheers, Patch
  12. I'm not the OP :D I thanked you for typing out a nice/good answer which in my state I wasn't able to after reading the OP's post ;)
  13. Thank you, sorry was too tired to do it & had a stressful week.
  14. Re-Patch

    Vilayer Server owners?

    Hallo Guys I'd have a few questions about things like, setting up restart times, restarts itself & persistence management. Everything I can find about it is outdated. Nothing on the Vilayer page itself & no further explanations in the Vilayer Admin Console either. Anyone here that knows a bit about it and actually owns/runs a server at the moment? I'd be grateful for some help. Thanks a lot & Best Regards, Re-Patch
  15. Re-Patch

    Vilayer Server owners?

    Thanks for the answer guys! As for the 12 hours, I'm totally fine with that, thing is, I just don't get it yet how this works exactly. In the console of the server I have these two options: Time Manager: http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/timemanagerqatdy8jkl5.jpg Server Time Settings: http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/servertimeset2bzv3e0glw.jpg As you can see, I have set the (ingame starting time) to 08:00 in the morning (the acceleration I will remove). Is this correct --> when I set it to static custom time in the "server time settings", the time (pacific) that is shown in the "time manager" is irrelevant right? Meaning, I could start the server at 16:00 (realtime, CET), it would run 12 hours until 04:00 in the morning (realtime, CET) and then restart and run again until 16:00 (realtime, CET). This would repeat itself over and over again. That way, our people that are playing usually somewhere between 17:00 - 01:30 (realtime, CET) should always have daylight, correct? My brain hurts xD Thanks a lot for your help! ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* @ Yutani, thanks a lot for the tipp, I'm gonna open a ticket. cheers, Re-Patch
  16. Re-Patch

    PvP Compilation DayZ SA #1

    What's up guys In addition to my Battle Reports on Youtube I'm starting a new series, it's called the PvP Compilations. Let me provide you some info about it: Title: PvP Compilation DayZ SA #1 By: Re-Patch Video type: Short clips, edited, focus on PvP Video length: 06:49 What's it about? I know that quite a lot of you don't enjoy longer content. But I have a lot of recordings to share, so I'm starting this new short series, called PvP Compilations. You will get to see between two and ten short scenarios of me playing DayZ Standalone (heavy focus on PvP of course) alone or with my friends. Link: I would be really happy to see some comments on the video on Youtube or to receive some feedback here from you guys. Let me know what you think. Have a good one & thanks for watching, cheers, Re-Patch
  17. Re-Patch

    PvP Compilation DayZ SA #1

    Thanks a lot SneakyDude, that's nice to hear! Have a good one & Cheers, Re-Patch
  18. Re-Patch

    PvP Compilation DayZ SA #1

    Thanks a lot for the feedback MeatGhost, really appreciate it !! I'll try to use simliar introductions/ways of giving context in future videos then. Haha it's been a while, but I remember, that was a daamn good feeling driving away with that car :D Especially after I offered them a friendly encounter and they attacked me without any words, wrong choice B) hehe Cheers man & thanks for watching! Re-Patch
  19. Re-Patch

    About the next coming camera angle

    Wait a second? Are you serious? I missed that news sorry, so it is actually better now? Because I told myself I'm not gonna try again until they fix that, it was horrible before. Hell's yeah that'd be effing amazing (even though I like the current 3PP as well), I'm gonna try it tonight then. Hope there are still some servers left?
  20. Re-Patch

    About the next coming camera angle

    Haven't visited this board for half a year or so, changed my mind today, saw this, remembered why I don't come here anymore, thanks for that. ------ I'd love to play 1PP again, but as long as they leave the eyes on the height of the breasts or don't change the window's height I'm not gonna do that. It's absoluetely ridicolous, it feels like your playing a child character. But you won't care since you are playing the real DayZ and everyone else isn't so... I'm out, just my two cents. Cheers
  21. Re-Patch

    I'm a complete noob to PC gaming and Dayz...

    That is good advice actually :P I wish I could learn it all over again. Don't get attached to your gear, ever! Trust me (or us), just don't.
  22. Re-Patch

    I'm a complete noob to PC gaming and Dayz...

    First off all, gratulations on buying the most awesome game ever :thumbsup: ;) I'll try to answer some of your questions and comment on some decisions if I may. This may happen when you have the status "hot" in your charakter menu (tab) for example. If you are hot, you will lose a certain amount of water every second or so. Would you run around with that status for 10 minutes it would make you extremly thirsty, while you may still be perfectly saturated with food at the same time. Keep in mind that there is a third attribute, it's not only hunger/thirst, your stomach has an attribute as well (how full it is). Meaning, if you drink tons of water for example, you will get stuffed (you shouldn't eat/drink anymore then, at least not when you reached the dark brown stuffed status, red one will make you puke). You will be hydrated from the water, but you can still be hungry then. Same works vice-versa with the food. So try to balance it ;) Don't worry, the zombies will be easy once you get the hang on the melee weapons or when you use a firefighter's axe. Try to learn to aim to the head, basically every weapon in the game one shots or almost one shots the zombies with a clean head"shot". The splints are buggy since a few patches, don't throw them away, sometimes it takes like 5-10 tries to craft it AS WELL as to use them afterwards. Default for speaking is "Caps Lock" I think, if you don't want to hold it permanently, you can double click it (fast), this will lock it so you are permanently speaking in chat, double click again to unlock (this double click & lock works with most functions in DayZ, leaning for example). Good decision my friend, once you will be more secure in the game you can do the same with the weapon put away even. Make sure you control the situation (as good as possible), get into cover before speaking etc. etc., there are lot's of ways, have fun exploring. Compass spawns in every house basically, just loot all the houses/sheds etc. Guy before me answered already about the military bases. Good luck & be careful, a lot of people camp those bases, there are lots of serverhoppers etc. etc.) I wish I would get the feeling again that I had when I visited the NWAF for the first few times :D B) Maybe you were on a persistence on server, these are still pretty buggy and sometimes finding loot can get pretty hard. If you want it a bit easier, just join Persistence Off servers for now. All this is unfortunately still buggy and 100% normal. Just try a few times ;) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One more thing, you should maybe check out WOBO's channel on Youtube once you played a bit more, he has some nice tutorials/explanations of the game as well. And if you want to see how awesome DayZ can be, check out Mr. Blackout81's channel as well ;) That guy is a legend. cheers & have fun in Chernarus
  23. Re-Patch

    does anyone know how to get a refund

    What the ****? Is that normal nowadays or what? I don't like something, yeah that is definitly not my mistake at all, let's get my money back. How about reading/or informing yourself for a few minutes before doing something? What reason in the world would there be for the developers or anyone to refund you because YOU DON'T LIKE THE GAME? Are you kidding me?