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About inked666

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    On the Coast

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  1. inked666

    I give up. Please help!

    Yes yes and yes. I tried all of that an ran everything... Out of sheer luck and a lot of baldness later, I can finally play it. Big thanks to Dchil! I had to run the dayz in beta aswell..... seems so simple now haha :beans:
  2. inked666

    I give up. Please help!

    Still doesnt work. Gives me the same reasons as before and also- now ive only got two servers to choose from. >:( Are you f*cking kidding me DayZ?!?!
  3. inked666

    I give up. Please help!

    Ok, So ive downloaded and attempted to install the version unsder the latest (as thats what every other thread says to do) but then I get: Wong CD Key and then it goes back to being the latest version.... :huh: Am I just plain stupid or...???
  4. inked666

    I give up. Please help!

    Wow, this is confusing...
  5. inked666

    I give up. Please help!

    Im trying to download commander now. I bought the combined operations pack which had both in... and the beta came with it. Im new to this... I just let everything download before doing anything.. :( Thanks for the quick responses though!!
  6. Hey everyone. So, I bought, downloaded and installed Arma 2 and Arma 2 OA (combined opps) today, then downloaded the dayz mod (all from steam). Every time that I try to join a server, I either get: Bad server message/ a red X next to the name/ a red circle next to the name/ You've been kicked from the game (without even starting to play!) or this: http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b254/FyreFlareon/dayzUtesError.png I've read loads of posts about fixing it but NOTHING has. Ive tried deleting the beta and manually changing it, I've restarted my laptop so many times I'm dizzy, I dont have dayZ commander and I'm pretty crap at managing all the files etc that people have described in other posts. I'm pulling my hair out here!! WHAT THE HELL DO I HAVE TO DO TO PLAY THIS GAME!!!???!! Someone PLEASE help me.