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Everything posted by FanaticModz520

  1. Okay to start off i am not any kind of developer or game designer for anything but, the direction the devs should go in as of now is to keep doing what theyre doing in terms of optimizing the game. For those who don't know what i mean, what im saying is basically, they should keep making the game easier to run for those of us who may not have top notch computers. They should hold off on adding things and focus on the bugs, cleaning up the codes and fix any lingering issues and once these things have been done they can add this etc. This is just my opinion by the way.
  2. FanaticModz520

    What Direction they should take now?

    It makes the game more enjoyable while waiting for more content to be added. You cant enjoy new content if you lag and glitch
  3. So i just want to quickly say something about how i think DayZ should be updated in the future, really what i think they should do is finish whatever they are working on currently then stop and just fix the known/common glitches just to smoothen out the game and once that is done then they should continue the add in features. If they keep adding things without fixing the common mishaps then the game will continue to be glitchy and if the features are glitchy then it will just be adding on to the problem. This was just my opinion so no criticism about how they're working hard, trust me i know they are trying and it isn't easy this is kind of like a starting point or outline of what i think would help the development of the game.
  4. FanaticModz520

    My Quick Opinion on Future Development of DayZ

    True but how long will that take? (rhetorical) i think just a few major bug fixes would be a good idea and once the servers get bigger then bigger maps would make sense.