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Posts posted by holyteal

  1. Okay you have some good points that i didn't take in consideration, but nothing impossible to solve:



    It's not just spawn locations or players dying multiple times in a short space of time that cause issues.


    For example...

    I have a 2 week old "geared" character and am killed in Zelenogorsk.

    ==> To resolve this we can make the the closest spawn to where you die becomes unavailable for 10 minutes (or the two closest spawns if get more spawn-locations) instead of your starting spawn like i proposed at first.

    I have not died within the last 15 minutes therefore all spawns are available to me.

    ==> Same solution than above + Not really an issue in itself.

    I select the Kamenka spawn point and can be back in Zelenogorsk in ~5 minutes.

    ==> It's part of Dayz IMO and not totally avoidable. Anyway they can fix it by making distance between spawns further away + They said they gonna make the running slower in final version so it could be resolved by itself.


    In a game where "permadeath" is supposed to be a key feature, having to stop what you're doing and leave the area in case someone that you just killed respawns and comes back should never be an issue IMO.


    Another issue is that players who lose "old" characters to PvE are easily (and consistently...) able to return to their corpse and recover all of their gear as if nothing ever happened. In fact I would argue that spawn selection actually encourages this behaviour.

    ==> Could be fixed by the first proposition to your first concern (making the nearest spawn to your death unavailable for 10 minutes or so).


    Thank you for your feedback, it helps me polish the idea more and more. If you can find other flaws, will be greatly appreciated.

  2. I am aware of this issue, that's why spawn-locations need to have a minimum distance between them making comeback still possible but not guaranted. In no circumstances it should be possible to comeback insanely fast on your corpse. 

    In my opinion even if it's not perfect, it's still an improvement over the current system.


    EDIT : i have added your concerns in the drawback section.

  3. Hi,

    I have thought a lot on how spawning could be improved after suffering of, to name a few: massive loss of time to regroup with friends, persons coming back non-stop and insanely fast on their dead bodies or bambis suiciding everywhere on the coast (immersion-breaker). 

    All of this issues are not intuitive and I believe make the game suffers more than we think at first glance.


    So I came with something which could in my opinion resolve all of this (it's just a concept done in Paint) :

    So let's say you enter a server as a freshspawn character, the first thing you see is a page like this where you can choose where to spawn and how your character looks.
    Everytime you die, the closer spawn to the place where you died becomes inacessible for 15 minutes (could be more or less).
    To make it truly work, thoses timers must be persistant between public servers and the distance between spawn-locations enough to prevent players coming back too fast on their corpse.
    • Nearly complete disappearance of players suiciding for respawn purpose (immersion-breaker).
    • Less bambis rushing mindlessly on geared players (because the spawn location is not always available).
    • Easier and enjoyable way to regroup with your friends.
    • More immersion in the landscape as you see group of bambis trying to survive together on the go (group of friends).
    • No more insanely fast comeback of players to re-take what they have lost on Coast (for pvp players).
    • More polished/professional and look-alike classic game menu style for Dayz in a good way.



    • Need to be persistant to avoid issues of players choosing their spawn location in another server and then proceed to comeback on the one they want to play.
    • Need to find the good balance for the timer on the spawn-availability so players don't get stuck/impossibility to play for too long. Should be not that hard to find and not a big issue (dying 8 times in 10-15 minutes is very rare and players will be comprehensive if it happens).
    • Need to make minimum distance between spawn locations in order to prevent very fast comeback of players on their corpse or whatever.


    What do you think of it ? I am interested in your opinion, ideas on how improving this concept etc. Thank you.


    Many of us are glad the "experimentation has all gone one way" - that being to make DayZ less a military PvP game and more a player interaction (i.e. interaction besides shoot everything that moves) zombie survival game.  The player should not feel in total command of his surroundings all the time with eagle eye zoom - I'm so tired of seeing guys in their videos quickly changing their FOV for ridiculous zoom to snipe.





    I believe removing/nerfing the zoom is not only about realism, but about gameplay. Dayz need to make you feel unsafe to be true to his root, it's a survival horror game with zombies, having an "eagle eye zoom" is a big drawback for the atmosphere and human interactions. It makes everyone feel way more distancied than they should, a lot less immersed in their surrounding. When i was playing the game at the beginning of Alpha, i was litteraly zooming all my surroundings all the time because it helped master and predicts my encounters, i couldn't be surprised by a zombie or a player interaction if they were not hidden. I could see them coming 360° around me at about 1KM away.


    Yeah, sure in real life you could see at 1KM but you are not sitting in a chair, perfectly immobile in front of a screen analysing every bit of pixel looking for every little bit of movement poping out, in real life you can actually forget to check a direction or be distracted by something because you are obviously immersed in whatever you are doing.

    So the zoom for me actually enhances in a bad way the over-analys that videogames implies, the kind of things that lead to cold and mass KOS.

    That's why this question is not that simple, personally i prefer loosing some vision to make Dayz more thrilling and more immersive, immersive not because it's more realist but because your brain will not be able to control everything so you will feel more challenged and emotionally involved in it.


    If it was me, i would remove the zoom definitely and replaces the right click with the head movement button. I believe having head movement on right click will help the game feels more alive (interactions between players will be enhanced) and improves ergonomy.

    • Like 2

  5. I like everything except :

    • Visual presence : I prefer being immersed and having to guess if i can be seen by zombie or players than having an icon showing me exactly thoses informations, in my opinion this will add too much metagame and Dayz should avoid it by all costs.
    • Stamina bar (too gamey), even arcades shooter like Call of Duty don't have one. Too much metagame too.

    And icon for stance is useless in my opinion but i don't mind if you add it.


    What could be realist and improve gameplay for dayz would be some kind of hit direction indicator. So much time i have been shotted multiples times without the possibility to react, in real life if i take a bullet in my back i can know for sure the guy is behind me.

    I have two suggestions for this, either something like this who show where the hit landed with a flashing and showing all the time the condition of the differents part of the body (without the health indicator of course :) ). This could replace the indicator for broken legs or hands, freezing/wet etc, all in one...


    Or something more classical but efficient like this, maybe tweak it so the direction indicator is less advanced and shows only the global direction like left/right, behind/front.


    Or maybe both :P

  6. After watching the video I like this view more than i expected, so i will be glad to test it if it becomes available.

    Just two things that are important to me and are not (yet) fixed:

    Camera should not turn as freely as it is right now when pressing ALT. Turning neck should have some restriction and you should not be able to see your own backpack in first person. Same goes for 3PP you should only be able to see 150° of peripheral vision and turning neck should have more restriction.

    - Wall peeking, camera should get closer when you comes closes to any object of the world ; just like the camera in miscreated which is perfecly done :


  7. Here a good example of a well made camera in pure Dayz style :



    Notice how the camera reacts to the environnement, getting closer when the character is near any solid object presents in the world.

  8. In my opinion the best 3PP camera would be a mix of different ideas :


    - Camera is centered like it is right now. (3PP in the screenshot posted imo doesn't suit the realistic vision of Dayz).

    - Camera gets closer when you are inside a building or close to a wall, brush, trees, etc.

    - Camera can not turn as freely as it is right now when pressing ALT. Turning neck should have some restriction and you should not be able to see your own backpack in first person. Same goes for 3PP you should only be able to see 150° of peripheral vision and turning neck should have more restriction.

    In fact with free look enabled, i don't see intuitive control behind using a special key to force turning neck, maybe and i say maybe it should be tweaked and nearly everything should be correctly tied to the character. This "look-around" button is often not immersive and makes the character's animation not natural and forced when used, looking just like the head was detached of the body which can looks stupid sometimes. The head could still have some liberty or an illusion of movement compared to the body when turning the character around to make it more immersive, that will be all the difficulty and rely a lot on the quality of animations if done.

    It could also in this optic be replaced by an ALT button usable only when not moving or doing anything which only allows to turn the camera around your character in 3PP but very close so there is no point in abusing it to see behind you, the utility will be purely cosmetic just to shows how your character looks in the world from different perspective (it could be even available in first person mode without ruining it).

    - The character should be close enough to the screen for everyone so you have to actually turn your character to see what is coming behind you, in order to do this something must be done about the FOV slider and maybe forcing one value for everyone is the key. 

    - Remove the ability to zoom view, it's not realist and doesn't help the camera abuse problems. Maybe making zooming only possible when you are not turning your head and not moving at all, to make it looks like a focus/concentrate vision with a lot of blurring on the edges.

    - Blurring the vision a lot on the side when you are running and maybe blurring vision on the edges a little all the time so you feel the need to turn your character to see better.


    What i will really like to see about bringing a new 3PP in game is more reactivity of the character in the environnement. Because right now sometimes you feel like playing a robot with x ray vision instead of a human being, without your character even moving you can see nearly everything around you. I would like to see more foot movement, more turning around needed in the game to have some awareness, it would looks like better and plays better in my opinion, adds a lot more of organic and dynamic feel to the gameplay.

    • Like 6

  9. I would like to see a body check gesture on players that is do-able only when the players get in this position: [http://i.imgur.com/xTxXOYB.jpg]. This could prevent bambis trying to hide a gun in their pants and could add some fun interactions between players. The body check will list all the items the player got in the notification section (just like you got wet etc. it will list every items here). Some items could be still invisible like a very rare foot holster [http://imgur.com/kLdJUMh] or things like that with a percentage chance to be detected of let's say 50% for example.

  10. [First suggestion] -> Add a body check option to players that is do-able only when the players get in this position: [http://i.imgur.com/xTxXOYB.jpg]. This could prevent bambis trying to hide a gun in their pants and could add some fun interactions between players. The body check will list all the items the player got in the notification section (just like you got wet etc. it will list every items here). Some items could be still invisible like a very rare foot holster [http://imgur.com/kLdJUMh] or things like that with a percentage chance to be detected of let's say 50% for example.


    [second Suggestion] -> Normal players shouldn't be able to use the special vehicles only under certain conditions: add some rare forming books on piloting helicoters or tanks or planes findable only in some places. Thoses books will grant you the ability to use thoses vehicles at one condition, you must keep your character alive enough time for them to learn the book. So for example, you obtain the helicopter's training book, you right click on it and press "Start learning". At this moment you will have to wait let's say in real life 3 days before you can use an helicopter, so you must keep your character alive 3 days (even if you don't play dayz it still count as days are passing). So an helicopter pilot will be actually someone with a very valuable life, maybe players won't try to kill them but take them in hostage to avoid precious time lost learning thoses rares books or imagine all the cool situations it could add to the game. If you had for example two books, you can learn only one at a time.


    Hope you enjoy thoses suggestions, i liked sharing them with you !
