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About lakota

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    On the Coast
  1. I got this issue,did someone find a fix?
  2. lakota

    Dayz stuttering on all servers

    I'm having the exact same issue,i can play fine for 30min,then i got some fps drop and the image and sound starts to stutter each time i move camera,if i just run it stay smooth. When i come back on desktop stuttering is still present the only way to fix it is to reboot. I tried a lot of things but nothing worked so far. I think its battleye. i5 2500k Asus p8p67 GTX 670 8GB SSD Vertex3
  3. Strange thing too:I had a Pristine long range scope and 2 pack of 20 bullets appearing in my inventory when i was chasing down the hacker at the NE airfield.^^
  4. Yep,sorry i forgot to mention but it was on stable hardcore.
  5. Just wanted to share this: We just finished a 2 hour session with a buddy,we got killed at least 3 times by players using speedhacks or teleporthacks,on 3 different servers with only 20 people on it. One time in Novodmitrovsk,we both respawned at Cernaya and got killed the following seconds by a some guy who appeared right in front of us with a gun pointed. Later we switched servers and we were killed again at the NE airfield by someone using the same hack.. I hope its not getting worst,i never saw this before....
  6. lakota

    Trading Post

    I have a 75 rounds mag for the AKM and a scope for the mosin,all pristine.