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Everything posted by spinager

  1. spinager

    The amount of crap you can carry is insane.

    Because its not in your inventory space. its on your back.
  2. spinager

    choppy and slow, hard to move around

    What brand/speed of CPU? I have a radeon 6870 and i am not having issues.
  3. spinager

    Suggestion: one in the chamber

    I wouldnt doubt it. They have added so much more detail to this game, that it would be pretty dumb not to add this feature.
  4. spinager

    DayZ Ecology System

    made no sense to me. :p
  5. spinager

    SSD's and game improvements?

    tbh ive noticed improvements in the mod when running off a SSD. Others may say there is no difference.
  6. spinager

    DayZ 1.8 Update

    Heard its on BMRF servers and some other server. Sneak peak really b4 it goes public i suppose.
  7. spinager

    Item damage in Dayz SA looks dumb...

    lol, dogging the demo b/c its a demo. Oh op u so fany.
  8. spinager

    How do I pitch tents in breaking points?

    You go to Breaking Point forums. yes. Thats a good idea.
  9. Ive always kept it 3rd party free in my end. But the automatic server start up is pretty neat. Regardless, The beta patch for me at least, auto updates on my end. I go in to the beta folder and replace the .exe in the main game folder with the beta patch version since they are named the same. Cant help you with folder names atm since i'm away from my PC and on a Mac. And for the question above, It will work, as long as in your parameters you put the correct mod folder you want to use. Just like the regular version. Just with the Beta patch.
  10. spinager

    I have a presale question.

    I have it in Steam as a Gift. Got any games on steam you can gift? Let me know what you got and see if im interested :D
  11. spinager

    So, we killed Gooogle today.

    Guessed I missed how google was so special... :(
  12. omg, hope that person irons out everything they can iron out.
  13. Hmmm, if their engine allows them to not render what the eyes cant see, then they can keep 3rd person the way it is. Similar to World Of Tanks. If a team mate/you does not have line of sight to an enemy tank. Then they will not be rendered to you. If they can implement that for both zombies and players then that would be pretty cool. I like playing in first, but 3rd imo takes some stress off of my eyes at times. But I usually play 1st only.
  14. spinager

    A way to kill zombies without weapons

    Found some couple nights ago.... In DayZero :p
  15. lol, too lazy to loot industrial areas?
  16. spinager

    Blood Mechanic- Rethink

    I like the bleeding mechanic requiring more bandages. But imo, everything else is fine.
  17. spinager

    DayZ is draining at first...but it's fun.

    So you want to be the drainer?
  18. spinager

    Selling 3 m107 mags

    lol useless ammo is useless.
  19. spinager

    So we ran into a bloodsucker on breaking point...

    That was gay.
  20. spinager

    My M1014 got lost in my backpack

    Because you put it in a backpack that does not allow weapons. As in you cant put a weapon in that pack. Ever. Get a different backpack and make sure it can be packed with weapons.
  21. spinager

    Dayz Origins Not Working
