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Everything posted by spinager

  1. spinager


    Try reinstalling.
  2. spinager


    Update your DayZ files. And the beta patch while you're at it.
  3. spinager

    Tons of bugs cannot solve

    here is the beta patch since i see that the link i posted does not have it http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php/ Its the top most link. Green bar
  4. spinager

    Tons of bugs cannot solve

    Have you installed the beta patches? If you say you have all the DAYZ files up to date wit the correct file names and file folder locations then give this thread a try. http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2728714 make sure on steam game Library to RIGHT click on Operation Arrowhead to run COMBINED OPERATIONS. Im sure you've tried this but idk I'm just trying to help. and FYI these aren't bugs :D
  5. spinager

    Hospital doors bulletproof?

    Next time go to the back of the building and up the ladder. Most of the time there is a box at the bottom of the ladder and on the roof.
  6. spinager

    Horrible FPS for dayZ

    Its the game not the ur system. If you read change logs and Rocket posts you would know that he has been trying to improve the performance of the game. So just be patient and wait until there is a permanent fix. Until then try other servers and/or restart the game.
  7. spinager


    Lol, I was up there this weekend on Sunday. First time killing people for sport :D Of course I won't do it again since I did get the M107 from a sniper guy that was up there. Shot him with the winnie after I saw him him get chased by Zombies. If I keep doing it i know something like will end up happening lol. Might try this when I die. Or better yet, pick off anyone that spawns there from somewhere :D
  8. spinager

    What about adding coma?

    ...you die and your friends are a little to late to fix you up they can still save you but you will be put into coma. ...you die... you will be put into coma... lolwut!
  9. That was me. It was Sunday around 12pm - 2pm pacific time. I murdered 6 people and killed a bandit. I had a buddy who went to loot the bodies. First time doing this. Never killed for sport until that day. Reason behind this was because I recently got a M107 and Ghillie suit the day before. I just wanted to see how it felt and wanted to know how many players I would see at Cherno. Jelly, and Viper. Both of you I saw shooting at people so I took the shot. Viper was the only bandit that registered as one. But yea, might not do it again at Cherno. But might pull something off up North/ NorthWest. Cheers!!! Let me know if I shot You :D Topic: Um have you ever decided to shoot for sport?
  10. spinager

    Zombies see throught the walls?

    I've never had any trouble. Sure some get aggrod, but putting the game away because of this reason? Seems pretty childish. It's not even hard to get the simple survival loot. Only thing hard is hoping that they spawn :D
  11. spinager

    Is this your bus?

    lol i was playing with a taiwanese/chinese guy last night. Pretty cool guys.
  12. spinager

    Need Morphine

    Morphine is very abundant at hospitals. Idk why you say you couldn't find any.
  13. spinager

    Legs are Broke

    You're in Cherno. Find your way to the hospital. There are two of them in that town.
  14. spinager

    Spawning.. The fuck?

    You may have logged off while the hourglass was going. IDK And your friend needs to make sure he has the updated beta. If it still occurs tell em to respawn.
  15. spinager

    Oh, Heartthrob

    MURDERER!!!! OT: Idk, I would like to know some more details as well.
  16. spinager

    ATI Lightning problems [all dark]

    Try your monitor brightness? Idk. I say this because the gray square/ circle looks as if its at normal levels even with gamma and brightness at full. I don't have any troubles with my 6870.
  17. It should be in one of those forts. Pretty defensible, but then there are Zs that spawn there. And there is one close to the beach.
  18. spinager

    How can I get my graphics better?

    I don't have bf3 but I do have a Radeon hd 6870 much like yours. I usually set my settings to normal. Anything higher and it beggings to drop frames in towns and some dense wooded areas 20 - 40 . At normal I get 40-60+ frames constantly. I'm not on my pc to say where the settings are set.
  19. spinager

    The zombies them selves

    Zig-Zagging? part of the game. Plus who shoots at a moving target? Wait for them to stop. Evert time I run from them they do the same animation. Which goes like this. Run->stop->attack->run Every time they stop that is when you shoot them. It's not hard to dispose of zombies. Unless you are being followed by a horde. Which will be tough. The only time i think zigzag movment would be a nono is whe they can hit you while running. As of right now, that run/stop animation happens when they get close to you because they are FASTER than the player, that is the opening to get a headshot. rinse and repeat. If they were able to attack while running, then I would understand. In this situation they would have to be taken care of once aggrod or else you will die for sure even if you try running.
  20. spinager

    LOSING BLOOD (not bleeding, nor thirsty or hungry)

    A quick antibiotic shot will do the trick. Even if your not coughing. i think the system is bugged at the moment. a teammate had that problem after a blood transfusion and it stopped after he took the shot.
  21. spinager

    Flying car?

    Sounds like a desynch thing lol.