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Everything posted by spinager

  1. spinager

    So I found a tent in Sobor...

    Actually thats far from surviving. If you were to have taken both guns. And give to a friend then i wouldn't care. Maybe if you were to have thrown a frag/explosive at the tent, I wouldn't care. Part of the game. But using a glitch to 'delete' a weapon. Pretty dick move imo.
  2. spinager

    sd ammo?

    Nothing. Because you can't.
  3. spinager

    So I found a tent in Sobor...

    You'll be surprised where you can find things. But kind of a dick move to delete that stuff. Should have just left it for them or another lucky player to pass by.
  4. spinager

    Worst luck ever.

  5. spinager

    Moved to middle of nowhere, what do I do?

    Try log out log in. Fixed it for me. Or was it the respawn that fixed it? hmmm.
  6. By the sounds of it, you wanted to try a new version of CoD Zombie mode. Which in your case, this is far from it.
  7. spinager

    Shot through a building!!!

    You have to be more clear on what building you ran into. And which hospital you were at. I am going to take a guess that you were at the apartment buildings. ANd that you ran into the SMALL apartment to the left of the Hospital. There is a glitch there. You can literally run through the wall where the ladder is. Just walk towards the ladder and you will go right into it. EDIT: Actually all SMALL apartments have this issue.
  8. spinager

    Pending Update: Build

    Sweet! That graphical monster kept attacking me every time I go and look at Stary tents. Was a not so fun weekend.
  9. okay. Thank you for playing. Have a great day.
  10. Maybe it was a hacked in weapon? IDK. Just saying. If you found of the ground in a spawn area, then that sucks. But if it was a player found weapon could be. Maybe when the gun is out in about the world like tents, the server checks if its legit. If not WIPE!. imo
  11. spinager

    Am I a bully or was this justice?

    Good job. I may have done the same thing. The incident has not occurred for me to do it. But when it does, ill be the punisher for that one scene.
  12. lol, we both know how well that went. But sometimes they might. I was at Kamenka. No food. Hungry. Blood dropping. I have a M16. I see a fresh spawn getting chased by a Zombie. I figured he most likely has no food. But after a while just there with him. We weren't communicating. I decided to take his life. Truth be told he was empty. :/ I starve to death on that character :/ lol
  13. spinager

    More random events (like chopper crash sites)

    I don't like the idea of a set position. Have it happen in an open area, any where on the map. Only a rare few may be able to see the plane pass by and dropping it.
  14. spinager

    Loorable Buildings IN Dayz

    find the shooters, and silently kill them with your MP5SD. Lucky bastard. First time i had one, i was not sure the gun was shooting :P
  15. HAH, jokes on you OP. I have BOTH on my character. :D Found the M4 green camo CCO SD while tent city hunting with another player :P. as50 we got from a guy at NE airfield who was most likely waiting on other players to roll by. We got him first :P EDIT: And the ghillie :P
  16. lol, idk bruh. Ive been getting in them quite easily. Have everything up to date? just asking.
  17. spinager

    To the person I killed on UK 122 (Sorry)

    lol, that should be my mentality. Sees guy driving a van. FUCKER has my VAN!!! *shoots*
  18. spinager

    ATTENTION All players:

    Good luck! Wait till friday night so i can hop on? :P
  19. spinager

    True banditry!

    O shut your trap. This was not close to a definition of combat.
  20. spinager

    You know your EXTREMELY lucky when...

    Yea, same thing happened at US 150 couple of weeks back. There was 2 across the road from each other. Its was just south of Stary.
  21. spinager

    AS50 turned into a DMR

    For the majority, i say its a server - hive sync issue. You have a Winnie in your back pack. Find an akm. Drop the winnie and keep the AKM. You log off. Log back in. Winnie is back in the pack. No more akm. One way to make sure you keep the gun is to keep it as primary. This happened to me when I found a M107 and a m4 SD off a dead guy :P. Had a winnie. Put the m4 sd in my pack. Main gun M107. logged off because i was having the no debug menu bug. Log back in to fix it. My pack was back to it's original state before getting the M4. So i had my winnie back. Lame. Still kept the M107 tho :D
  22. Well, I'm from the US, and there are plenty of servers to join over here. I've also seen plenty of servers overseas. i don't see how this would be a problem. This is not like the days where there was only 10 servers and 3,000 players trying to join.