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Everything posted by Domino25

  1. Domino25

    New hobby: working for others

    Do you still need O+ blood on Stable 3rd person? If you have the kits, I am O+ Also, I'd love a pistol silencer on Stable 3rd person.
  2. Domino25

    Why does 'feeling the pulse' reveal the name?

    The name recognition is a substitute for being able to identify a face. Realistically, If you get close enough to take someone's pulse twice, you're going to recognize its the same person, or that person you've been traveling with all day. In real life, you could look at their face and know, in the game they have to give you the name to since you could look at the same in game face all day and not be sure its the same person. Also, its not too far of a stretch to assume everyone is carrying their wallet with the id still in it and pictures of their dead family.
  3. Domino25

    So what is DayZ, exactly ?

    Its an educational game designed to raise awareness about the dangers of ladders and going on roofs.
  4. Domino25

    The 5 Rules Of Dayz...

    1) There are no other players, just Zombies, Zombies that talk, and Zombies with guns. 2) You weren't raised in a barn so close the damn door 3) As a newspawn you have nothing to lose, there is no reason to sneak 4) Don't get cocky...don't get reckless... Don't eat her sock (This rule created with input from the dog) 5) Once you have everything you want, Logging off is the only way not to lose.
  5. Domino25

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    What you have to remember is that there is a virus that turns people into mindless heartless killers (Zombies). What you might not realize is that it's not as simple as infected/not infected. In actuality, there are many degrees of infection where they may remain normal in appearance, retain enough intelligence to utilize tools but have lost their empathy and a portion of the intelligence. These partial zombies are often referred to as "Bandits" or "KOSer". Interestingly enough, when a full Zombies Groaning sounds are neurologically decoded, you can see that they are actually racists/sexist slurs that are well, overly slurred. So that must clearly be a symptom of the infection. That said, should you find a genuinely uninfected person, you still have to get past their paranoia and compulsive hording symptoms of the PTSD they developed during the fall of civilization. So regardless of gender the only "Safe" encounters you can expect are ones where you can control the situation with force, and the only way to be 100% in control the situation, is for them not to be able to able to move or follow you... by killing them. Besides, they might have beans... you're kinda hungry right? Those %*s! They took your beans...must kill... *Correction* there are no genuinely uninfected.