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About Mindwhiz

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  • Gender
  • Location
    New york

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  • Bio
    Hello i am friendly (although annoyed with people) survivor i try and help when i can though i seem to receive a lot of bullets for my help....oh well this game is very fun and i enjoy playing
  1. Hello i am looking for a partner to play with i am a good player but sadly i recently died so i need to get some gear again but please let me know if your interested i have teamspeak vent and skype (though i dont know how to use vent very well) so send me a pm if your interested and we will talk some more
  2. Mindwhiz

    Need a Youtube DayZ Partner

    hello i would gladly join you in your vids although i do not record myself (i am on a laptop good gaining laptop but not enough space to do recordings) i am a semi-serious player and have a decent load-out atm please send me a pm or contact me on steam if you would like to play with me http://steamcommunity.com/id/RuhRohRerrorists/
  3. Mindwhiz


    hello i would like to work with you however i am uncomfortable posting my skype on this forum plz pm me if you wish for more details i am in EST and would like to know your loadout and some other things before i make a decision thanks
  4. oh god i laughed so hard that was great thanks for sharing
  5. I am a halfway decent survivor although i have died alot recently its more or less from walking into other people and getting blown to smithereens than zombies themselves so i have decided i want to play with some other people i have TS and vent (though not a clue how to use vent to be honest) i have SOME stuff atm but im pretty sure that this life will die from lack of food if anything (i can never seem to find ANY as of late) still i have a pretty good knowledge of the map now so its not like i cant go find some new stuff again anyways, so if you would like to play with me or extend me an invite to a group go ahead and i will consider it
  6. Mindwhiz

    Voice & Text Communication

    yeah i have issues with this only because i can never communicate with anyone so i always get end up shot on sight no matter what i do even people who designate themselves as friendly in blue shoot and kill me because i dont respond.....