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Everything posted by Volkier

  1. Volkier

    The PSO scope.

    It does throw it out of whack. I didn't think of that the first time I found the AKM with a PSO scope, and just assumed they didn't implement the scope properly thus having all the distances way off. The 'default' fov seems to be in between the "e" and "i" in "field" for the "field of view" - as that is where the PSO scope seems to actually works with the built in rangefinder. And yes, I do hope they 'fix' it by locking FOV for all scopes to their correct corresponding view distances to avoid these problems in the future. Or maybe they shouldn't, just to add that little bit of extra to learning curve. I think the question is - should zeroing be removed completely from certain guns - the AK with the PSO scope being an example, as it defeats the purpose of the scope's range mil dots. Whilst you could in reality alter the zeroing of certain AK models by raising or lowering the rear sights of the gun, the PSO scope did not (to my knowledge - someone who knows better feel free to correct me) have zeroing on it, hence the mil dots. So the trajectory of your gun should not therefore change when you alter the zeroing but are looking through the scope rather than the iron sights - as it currently seems to do in the game.
  2. Volkier

    DayZ is peaceful

    Let mortal futures perish, And let the dark skies burn. For all shall quench the hunger, Of my tormented soul. For I am not within, Pathetic, futile flesh. I AM the Grave Volkier, And thou shall know my wrath! Yeah I know, it's kind of corney and gimmicky and all that, but it stuck since my adolescent self came up with over ten years ago, and seems to suit the theme. I've played DayZ mod quite extensively - however, unfortunately the server I played on went down, and everything else just felt too gimp (I live in New Zealand, so we have a very limited amount of good servers - for both standalone and the mod). I play mostly on Hardcore servers, not because I'm hardcore (I actually a very shy and.... stuff.....), but I find third person wall scouting tends to devalue the survival "what's behind the next corner" experience - as you kinda know exactly what's behind that corner before actually physically being present. However I am not a snob and have nothing against regular third person view servers either (if anything, I can see the benefits and unique experiences both types of playstyles provide), and would actually say I play where-ever the few friends that I have play themselves. Which is usually Hardcore. Though none of them are hardcore either. (Honestly - who came up with those names? Couldn't they just call them "first person" servers?) I tend to try and play the experience of surviving in DayZ, rather than specifically trying to find people to shoot at. I tend to not shoot on sight, and try to make conversation after observing the other person and waiting patiently for them to finally get to within earshot, because I have no friends and feel very very lonely amongst the zombie apocalypse wasteland. This normally gets me killed with friendship bullets. A lot. Except for this one time when I snuck up on someone looting crap, and demanded they be my friend at gunpoint. We had a great time, except I've not seen that guy ever again. I do have some vague suspicions that he would have probably shot me and taken my shoes if he's seen me first. I don't know why, but just have this hunch. I am told I am clinically insane, but the doctors disagree, saying that my condition is beyond their professional skills and understanding. I like to ramble about random crap (as I'm sure you've all figured out by now after reading above) I like scavenging berry bushes (not the ones that make you piss blood after eating them), making friends with friendship bullets, sunsets that signal a server reset and thus more phat lewt, and long walks on the beach - though not as much when they are a result of a bug or a glitch instead of getting shot by another player. Which happens 95% of the time. If there are any other NZ / AU players who want some company, or to handcuff, have their way with me and take my shoes, you can probably find me on Steam. Same username, and same avatar pic. Or a similar one. I really can't remember. See you all in Cherno! (As usual, just before you shoot me in the face)
  3. Volkier

    Long Range Sights

    I have the exact opposite issue. Regardless of whether or not I bind my right click + hold to holding breath, it will always zoom, and never will hold my breath to steady my aim. It does still sound like my breath is being held, but the swaying remains the exact same. Possibly might be something to do with not being able to find the "right click to zoom" option anywhere, as I couldn't test it with unbinding that. Binding another key on the keyboard to hold breath does work though - so I end up toggling optics, then zooming with right mouse, holding down the hold breath key I bound, and firing. Perfectly honest, I felt that the extra level of zoom being tied to holding your breath like it was in the mod was more sensible, as it simulated the extra accuracy you would get from holding breath in reality - whereas the different levels of zoom on the optics were through toggling optics themselves. It also took a bit extra skill to spot targets without 'hold breath zoom'. But I guess that's all up to the individual's preference. The point is - or rather the question - is anyone else having problems with the right mouse button refusing to register as "hold breath", instead only zooming you in without the former, and has anyone found a solution?
  4. Happened to me today just now on HardCore. Twice. Fresh spawn after relogging from a server reset, and then another fresh spawn on top of that (different location) when I tried to exit and relog. This is after about 8-9 hours of running around trying to collect gear trying to get close to being fully geared, and surviving all the other bugs and glitches. Happened to a friend of mine a few days ago too - I was there when he logged out and can confirm he was not shot after log. Chain of events as follows: - Server resets. - I rejoin server. First one to rejoin out of the total two people playing at this time (early morning IRL, I thought I'll get up early so I can do a quick run of otherwise populated areas for a few attachments and whatnot I'm missing) - I get the bug where I cannot equip any weapon into hands. Knowing from experience that I will either have my legs broken and boots / pants / everything in pants destroyed in a minute or two as has happened three times in a row in this situation over the past few days, OR get a zombie spawn on top of me, aggro me from across the wall, and headshot me without any possible way to defend myself or avoid getting hit (I'm guessing that the leg breaking bug is related to movement and desync?), I log out. At this stage, I'm the only person in the server - the other guy hasn't connected yet. There's no zombies, no movement, and still no players online at this time. I haven't moved from logging out in a bush. - Log back in a couple of minutes later. Fresh spawn. Rage for a moment, and log back out hoping that some sort of relog magic will work. - Log back in again - another fresh spawn in a different location this time. Didn't get any warning messages or anything. I understand this is in alpha and all that - but why is it necessary to have an 'override' system in the first place? I'm sure everyone playing DayZ would much rather be simply dropped from the server that wasn't able to sync up character data from the Hive, and try reconnecting in a few minutes, rather than having 20 hours of gear farming wiped because of a single packet loss that is completely outside the players' control. Anyway - just thought I'll pop in here to point out that this bug is still very much alive and well.