its abit much dont you think ? its a physic we could do without . its annoying, pointless and does nothing to add realism. ok some scope weave while kneeling and more while standing but prone with bi pod no none . found my self a AK and a PSO scope, (oh yes baby come get some) took alittle jog along the beach, wait whats that ahead? pull up my gun to scope in and SKY GROUND SKY GROUND SKY GROUND ,wtf have i just step on a wobbly mine come on .i ve been a hunter for many years and though i may die of a heart attack running across a couple of fields carrying a heavy rifle scope and suppressor i can still aim and shoot rabbits at 125 from the knee after a jog,even from standing scope weave would never be as bad as to be unable to identify and range your targets. so please please reduce the weave .i love the pso scope and its fast ranging system but at present its useless