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Everything posted by Killapoo

  1. Killapoo

    Some Config Help Please

    I have to agree with Danile here. As a server admin, it gets tiresome to find out who the death dodger is via the logs. I shouldn't have to waste my time to deal with a prick who can't accept his own death. If some server admins don't want it in, that's completely fine, but let us admins who want it to better manage the server have it.
  2. Killapoo

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    Anybody getting anywhere with them?
  3. Killapoo

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    I've received emails from them before. Doing it the good ol' fashioned way and waiting for a ticket response.
  4. Killapoo

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    I've been checking my emails all day. Haven't received anything from HFB.
  5. Killapoo

    My HFB Server has been down ALL DAY

    Same here. Server's being acting funny like this for the past two days, just randomly went down and I can't restart/stop. Name: DayZ Zombie RPG - Atlanta 44 (v1.7.1.5) dayzmod.com - Hosted by Killapoo Connection Info: FTP: Status: Unknown
  6. Killapoo

    Atlanta 44 - Killapoo

    Ah, well then best of luck to you and your fellow clan mates.
  7. Killapoo

    Atlanta 44 - Killapoo

    On my screen it was 200+. I go by what I see, plain and simple. bandits, looters, and raiders are far different then general asshole griefers who purposely destroy everything to get a hard-on. Yes I know you have to survive, who doesn't? You didn't need to message me, I'm a big boy and would have found out. I'm going to assume you're messaging me with a dickish tone. So done deal, if you don't like being kicked from a server, Then go host a server, or find a new one to play on. if you would have waited an extra 20 or so minutes, you would have had the ural and the V3S civie.
  8. Killapoo

    Atlanta 44 - Killapoo

    Also, if you're going to PM with a dickish tone, then don't expect me to be respectful. And if you're going to just server hop and grief camps (not looting and leaving the camp how it is and not destroying everything, but I think you're a big enough boy to understand that.) Then you won't be welcomed here at all. Play nice and fair, not like an assclown who thinks this is CoD.
  9. Killapoo

    Atlanta 44 - Killapoo

    All three of you showed up 200+ ping on my screen. Thus warranting the kick. You raided our camp, cool that's naturally going to happen. If you're going to whine about being kicked on the forums for high ping, then go play on a different server. Fix your ping and you're more than welcome to come back.
  10. Killapoo

    Ping auto-kick

    Is it possible to set up an auto-kick for players who pass a certain ping?(in this case 200)? Tired of these people constantly connecting with insane ping.
  11. Killapoo

    Ping auto-kick

    The file that has my rcon password is cfgdayz\server.cfg Can't find the the line that you've mention.
  12. Killapoo

    Ping auto-kick

    Huzzah thankyou!
  13. Killapoo

    How to ban

    So got two death dodgers in my server who don't like to follow the rules at all. Was curious to what the ban command is. Tired of constantly kicking them.
  14. Killapoo

    How to ban

    Where do I type in the ban command? Just global? I tried #Ban (ID number) and nothing happened.
  15. Is the Huey spawns broken? Can't find one at all.
  16. Killapoo

    How to ban

    Ah, thank you good sir.
  17. Killapoo

    New server Q's

    Howdy folks. After searching the forums for 5-10 minutes, I can't find any post concerning my questions. I just got a new server (Atlanta 44) and I'm wanting to change the time to the Berlin time zone (can't remember which one it is), set up my Rcon admin in case I encounter hackers/jackasses ruining the gameplay, as well as setting up an admin for my friendly, and how to lock the server if the situation ever arises(hopefully not). Looking forward to playing with you fine gents and lads. :D
  18. Killapoo

    New server Q's

    Oh duh, i was thinking it was in the server controls itself. Well that answers one, now i just gotta figure out how to log in as admin.
  19. Killapoo

    New server Q's

    How do i access the server clock?