You know I read these forums religiously and I still fail to understand why so many individuals, who each plays their own preferred style of game, insists on commenting on how other players should play or be made to play, encouraged or discouraged to play, the many "styles" available. Part of the beauty (and ugliness) of this game is that each and every day, we bump into the weirdest shit, ugly, unfriendly, funny, warm and down right horrible, while making friends, killing strangers and experiencing the growing realism of each build. I don't know enough about "real life" to dictate how it should be but I do enjoy life because I don't have to live it anyway but the way I choose. The "rules" we create in gaming are what limit us and I truly hope we can progress through DayZ with the only restrictions being that of the software limitations and not some arbitrary "design" forced upon us. ps. I hope I never lose this genuine and unique enjoyment while playing such an original "game".