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Nathan1 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Nathan1 (DayZ)

  1. Nathan1 (DayZ)

    HFBServers.com- Worst Customer Service

    Looks like HFB have just taken all the money and ran. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/200052-psa-hfb-servers-took-your-money-and-ran/
  2. Nathan1 (DayZ)

    PSA: HFB Servers - took (y)our money and ran

    I had a dedicated server in Los Angeles from them (they were reselling from Limestone at LA) and $1600 in clanpay http://gyazo.com/49d22070ae655c462259e5a4438d51e4. A couple of weeks ago they stopped replying to my support tickets and we were receiving no information Looks like their website just went offline too, their control panel seems to be still online. http://gyazo.com/2900a49af9238a5de382dd6ca3af4854 They also maliciously damaged one of my Teamspeak servers on my dedicated server. I complained nothing happened. http://prntscr.com/3v0hbo Their dev website: http://dev.hfbservers.com/ http://gyazo.com/6c748e2c91a23c6451d9a3294a060b29 http://gyazo.com/444a88b45ac8218b6c32a200ab85e96d My Clanpay log: If anyone needs new hosting I found http://www.reliablesite.net/ which is very cheap on the "clearance" range. I was talking to some other minecraft owners that the largest networks use reliablesite.