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Everything posted by gunnprophet

  1. gunnprophet

    Request: G15 / G510 applet

    Hi, Ive been looking around for both DayZ and Arma 2 without much success. I REALLY want an applet that can display debug stats such as days alive, zombies killed, blood, humanity etc on the LCD screen of the Logitech G series keyboards. I have even gone as far as attempting to research how to do this, but I am not very good at programming this sort of thing. It seems as though it would be simple enough to do, there are apps out there which make it really simple to put stats on the LCD screen, such as AIDA64 or LCDSmartie. But I can not work out how to get the debug data to print out nor how to then input new data into one of these programs. Is there anyone out there who knows about these sort of things, who is either willing to make this simple app, or can help me in the right direction? I think with the amount of gamers who use the G series keyboards, there must be a lot of other people out there who are interested in something like this!