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About Yenar

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Yenar

    Dayz Adventures

    Well first comment is that we didnt kill for no reason, the fire station fight was me going back for my body after running into them by myself, second fight they attacked us, as for the wall glitch well........ it is DayZ and we saw them watching us through the walls "shrug" We dont usually, we try to snipe, but thanks for the feedback.
  2. Yenar

    Dayz Adventures

    My buddy Poptart and myself decided to start posting videos since we play so much and are usually quite successful. Enjoy. Unfortunately, cant seem to get the forum to embed the video, shows up in editor but not in the post.. weird. There we go
  3. Are you guys serious? Wait till the choppers are released, then when you cant figure out how to down one or drive it off start complaining. But long story short, this is nothing but screaming hysteria at this point about what "may" be. one last thing, I snipe man sized targets at 700-1000 yards regularly in the SA, a slow moving helicopter, 10x that size, circling a target location? Please, between me and 1-2 other snipers that thing would be toast in short order(or maybe just me with an svd when their released), or the pilot would be, meaning you get another crashed heli.
  4. Yenar

    Your biggest DayZ shame

    Biggest shame? Just a couple of days ago, my buddys and I are chilling in berezino ontop of a factory, we kill 5 people, so I walk over to the ladder to go loot, hit f, my guy puts away his gun and keeps walking forward right off the edge of the building....... Then one of my buddys lines up on another guy to shoot not 3 seconds after I yolo off the building, He proceeds to fire a few into the guy while strafing to keep the angles clean, and he walks right off the building......... This all happens while were showing the newbie with us how to loot, where to loot, and how to become a sadistic psycho murderer....... only time we've ever rage quit.....
  5. Yenar

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    I find this whole thing hilarious. Discrimination? Sure there was, on your part for being offended that they acted like they normally would, they treated you no differently than they would have anyone else..... Thats not discrimination on their part, its discrimination on your part for wanting to be treated better than "average". Anyway, Troll post is Troll....... shutup and go play
  6. Yenar

    AKM Weapon Sway through PS10 Scope

    Ya, unfortunately all the guys on my team have tried that to fix it, and 0 difference, alot easier to make splints with gathering sticks now, but even after all of us trying it 4x each were still having the problem of massive horizontal sway........ this has got to be a bug, I can handle sway, but like others have said ill get upto 60 degrees to one side or another, making the gun worthless, the other weapons are doing it as well but not nearly as bad.
  7. Yenar

    AKM Weapon Sway through PS10 Scope

    My team and i made sure to get all kitted out with akms and replace our sks's and mosins, and now were starting to seriously regret it, I've personally used 4 splints and 2 morphine on myself as it was suggested in another thread about damaged limbs, and it didnt make a difference whatsoever, I've got the bright green healthy status and I can be standing still for 5 minutes, and still sway. There is a way to negate most of that, but its not very realistic to use in a firefight This happens to all weapons, but the akm both with and without scope is by far the worst of the bunch