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Everything posted by eisman

  1. This new Overpoch Server has a lot to offer: - all vehicles, skins and weapons from Overwatch - base building (indestructible cinder| snapping) - sector FNG | missions | care packages - extra loot | high mitilary loot - bike depoy | self bb - view distance changer - overwatch & skin trader - lift and tow | service points - and my favorite: bank robbery! Our comunity is growing fast... join now and experience a one of a kind gaming experience. The server has active admins (age 30+) and offers fun for heros, bandits, loot goblins and builders. Hope to see you soon on our own root server with 8Core/24GB RAM/SSD: IP: TS: you need to install Epoch and Overwatch | add launch parameter: -mod=@DayzOverwatch DayZ Commander: Settings - Launch Parameters.Steam: Right Click "ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead" -General Tab -"Set Launch Options"
  2. more then 10 regular players now .... check it out
  3. You need to activate the lap top in the bank to try to rob the bank. There is a 30% chance to start the robbery. In this case alll players get a message that the bank is being robbed and you need to stay there for 5 minutes to finish the job... what you do in this time is up to you, but there will be many people trying to get the money from your dead body :)