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Everything posted by fyraxxus

  1. I know there have been many topics on this but none of them seem to have solved the problem, I have a decent rig and I get massive frame drops even on the lowest setting. I have tried different configurations, different servers and installing the latest drivers but none of these things have worked. I am able to run games like BF 4 on high settings with a constant 50-60 FPS so I don't know why I wouldn't be able to run DayZ. Here are my specs: Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate. 16GB DDR3 1333MHz RAM. AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB. AMD FX 6300 - 6 cores 3.5 ghz MSI MS 7640.
  2. fyraxxus

    20- 25 FPS on a decent computer.

    Thank you for the help, I hope it gets fixed soon, I've been waiting to play the game for quite a while XD
  3. fyraxxus

    20- 25 FPS on a decent computer.

    Ahhh I see thanks a lot, so do you think I should buy a new CPU or wait for the optimisations?
  4. fyraxxus

    20- 25 FPS on a decent computer.

    Well sorry but I find a game dropping below 30 FPS fairly unplayable. That's my opinion though and it shouldn't be dropping below 30 FPS, that's why I posted my issue.
  5. Hello, I am having an error with the DayZ Standalone, whenever I open the game I get an error saying "Cannot open file 'addons\(different files every time I try open the game)' ". I have tried verifying game cache and identified 148 files that failed to validate, apparently Steam downloaded them and I recieved the same errors after opening the game again. EDIT: I found out that if I verified the integrity multiple times the amount of files that failed verification would go down, I managed to get it down to 15 and now it actually starts the game but gives me an error message saying : "Corrupt Data Detected". EDIT 2: I apologize for this post but I have solved the problem by checking the cache multiple times.