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About DarkOverlord

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  1. DarkOverlord

    Which was your first gun?

    AKS-74 Kobra This was immediately followed by the ever-trustworthy M1911.
  2. DarkOverlord

    Tackling a (Un)Dead Issue

    Exactly. I didn't mention the sensory issues with the zombies right now because Rocket has already addressed it and said that it will be fixed. Cities shouldn't be so barren and bandit ridden. It should be governed by the undead and only the undead.
  3. DarkOverlord


  4. My friends, we all know about the pressing issues surrounding the zombies of our beloved game. I believe I have a remedy for this. Now, I may not be a true 'veteran' of this mod and, yes, it is an Alpha but I have done a great many observations and this is what I think would make the our adorable antagonists. The issue around the zombies is that they act like AIs and not the Undead. While, in all actuality, the truth, the aim of the mod team is to make this a realistic simulator for the zombie apocalypse. While I have no problem with a running zombie (even though it defies all logic about a rotting corpse even having the ability to run), but one that can sprint to a player in a matter of seconds from a mile away is absurd. A way to remedy this is not to dumb down the running speed of the Sprinter (as I shall call them for simplicity's sake) to a crawl but to bump it down to the size of the Monkey or Hopper. This is because any given Hopper 'runs' at a normal running rate for any human being and can realistically be ditched when being chased. A Sprinter, as it is, is too much With this said, I have never really understood the concept of the Hopper other than to have a comical value to them. If the Sprinter's speed is reduced to the Hopper's speed, it kinda makes the role redundant and can be removed. This gives a bit more realism to our zombie apocalypse. Now, this is where our 'Hardcore' brothers and sisters are like: "BUT DAT MAEKZ DEM 2 EZEE" Well, duh. That's the point. However, here is going to be the kicker so you can get excited. The current zombie numbers are not worrisome unless you attract like some 30 of them and you're stuck inside a building with little to no ammo. The solution for this 'increased' ease is to simply increase number of zombies in a city. The number of zombies in a town are fine or could use a little bit more but... A place like Elektro or Cherno should always have the presence of zombies. If there is anything I'm going to give The Walking Dead credit for it is the sheer intensity of having a zombie pretty much filled to the brim with the dead. This is something that should be captured in DayZ and maybe even capitalized on. Cities should not be governed by a small team of bandits holed up in a school or any other building. To actually explore this idea, we should double the amount of zombies in the cities. This will discourage bandits from holing up in a Fire Station or on top of a hospital with their loud sniper rifle to just pick off newbies who go in to get decent gear and roll out. What do you guys think?
  5. DarkOverlord

    Really Dudes???

    A good sniper is always going to kill those who are defenseless. You cannot fight what you cannot sense.
  6. DarkOverlord

    The Hourglass

    What kind of bloody purpose does it serve other than to annoy the fuck out of you with its 30sec-2min cooldown?
  7. I am admittedly guilty of this kind of thing... I logged into my server (Colorado 1) and I saw a guy in a Ghillie suit trying to loot something. He wasn't looking at me but my first instinct was to kill him. I had my revolver out and I put 5 shots in before he died and I put one more in to make sure. After killing him, what I would assume was his buddy, came running in and tried to fire at me with his Lee Enfield but I reloaded and put him down quickly. I felt dirty but it was so good because they had a lot of food, water canteens and an AKM between the both of them.. It's a shame that a damn guy had to come up from behind and shoot me in the head while I was trying to look for AKM ammo in Balotta's hangers.
  8. DarkOverlord

    Just thought I'd let you know..

    There really isn't a reason to leave DayZ. Why? Because the mod is free and has been an enjoyable experience for a great many of us. However, this is Alpha and there ARE going to be bugs that will get us frustrated from time to time (like how Zombies have vision equal to or greater than Superman's own) but we shouldn't be leaving. We should be discussing this on a civil and thorough manner on how to get it done and help Rocket and his team prioritize what needs to be done. Right now, I applaud everything the mod has become. The experience is truly both realistic and unique. This is something that is very hard to do nowadays and this is what Rocket, as I've been told, wanted to do from the beginning with the mod. The only objective now should be to fix the zombies. In my most honest opinion, I find it very hard to believe that a sack of rotting flesh is capable of outrunning me or able to see me from a great distance. The eyes are the first to deteriorate when a corpse decomposes. Their eyesight should NOT be that good. Lol
  9. DarkOverlord

    What The Hell?

  10. DarkOverlord

    The average life of an Zombie

    I detect faint traces of sarcasm?
  11. It's too damn easy to aggro an entire CITY'S worth of zombies. The zombie count, I noticed, was reduced with but the ease of these guys making a mad dash for you is just bonkers. I enjoy everything that was improved upon with these zombies; however, the running or the superpowers needs to be toned down. I can deal with zombies easily. It's just being bloody overwhelmed by them that I can't. I just died in Elektro's Fire Station because, every time I walked out, 5 or more zombies were attracted to me regardless of what position I moved with. This was while I was trying to help an unarmed player to boot. It wasn't until a bloody bandit shot me in the head while I was trying to defend myself from zombies that I was able to get away. This isn't increasing player interaction. It's just an overwhelming mess. Rocket, if you read this, please make it a priority to fix the zombie in some manner. I don't mind everything else as it is actually enjoyable. I just don't want to be 100 yards from a town and see streets become black with the bodies of the undead from all across town.
  12. DarkOverlord

    Trust NO ONE

    Despite the patches to encourage groupwork, is anyone else finding it harder to trust people in the game? My most recent life, I had an AKM and was shooting down a horde of zombies that were walking into the Flight Command building at the Airfield in Balotta. This dude in the second floor was doing the same. Before I can even utter that I was friendly, he shoots me in the head.
  13. DarkOverlord

    Looking for group

    SteamID: SilencerX7 I'm usually lurking in the server RU21 I believe because I can only get on at night and I HATE playing on night. Chances are, I'm sprinting to Cherno or Elektro since bandits keep killing me and robbing me of my AKs. Lol
  14. How the frick do you use SideChat now? I updated and everything. I see people use it but I cannot use it.
  15. DarkOverlord

    My Issues with the 1.7.1 Changes

    Upping the Zombie count would be fine if Rocket toned down the super human like Zombies that can sprint at ridiculous speeds while also hearing and seeing shit that normal human beings couldn't be able to. There comes a point where the "immersion" into the game is completely broken when the Zombies are just simply super mutants on crack or some shit like that. Agreed. We don't need Zombies with superpowers. We just need more of them that ACTUALLY act like what their defined to be: Rotting sacks of flesh that can move and hunt. This is the one time where I will concede that quantity is definitely superior to quality, especially considering what is starting to new spawns in 1.7.1.