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About Just_Alive

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    On the Coast
  1. Just_Alive

    ethics of first kill

    This is almost an exact duplicate of my third, and least guilt inducing kill. I basically consider the airfields and military zones to basically be a Kill or Be killed no mans land. I've never once had someone initiate contact with me there with words instead of a barrage of bullets, so on one of my trips there, maybe my second week in I was in the same situation, looting the two floor jail, I had shut the door behind me, I almost always shut the outer door, I dont know why ... maybe hoping once, just once, a damn door will make a sound when opening, lol. and gone straight upstairs, looking for a large caliber gun, as all I had was a 1911, and thankfully a single mag for it. I was rummaging about upstairs, and actually found an M4 (with no ammo, of course) and was pulled out of my excitement by the sound of someone loading a weapon below me. Now scared out of my mind, I crawled to the upstairs door and shut it, then, in a blessed moment of terror driven genius, put my unloaded M4 against the wall straight in front of the door, and moved to what was your exact same position, behind the bunk beds to the right of the door. I had my 1911 out and waited, sights up, staring at the door, feeling my heart pounding a slow and steady beat. I swear it was at least 5 minutes, i was starting to think he must have heard me, or maybe found what he was looking for and moved on without coming upstairs. Then, literally the moment I started to move, the door swings open and he walks in, looks down, and walks right up to my trap, I breathed a little sigh of relief and squeezed the trigger. Five shots, probably one would have been more than enough, and he dropped to the floor. I came around the bunk, closed the door again, and put the last two bullets in the back of his head. Whoever he was, he was fully geared, m4 with all the attachments, kevlar, assault pack, all the goodies, and ammocans full of 5.56 I had set a trap, and it went flawlessly. I actually felt proud to kill him, because I knew if I had walked downstairs, or gotten on my mic, I likely would have been the dead one. I was outgunned, but I had kept my wits long enough to come up with a beautiful plan, and it worked. After rearranging my new gear, I swung open the door and moved downstairs, rounded the corner and came face to face with two more, fully geared, m4's raised, and had a split second to wonder if they were friends of his before I was cut down in a spray of bullets, "you are dead" staring me in the face as i listened to them both emptying their magazines into my body.
  2. Just_Alive

    What's the current hacking status like in DayZ:SA?

    Trying not to be "rantey" with this ... but what exactly is BattlEye doing ? Those of you not in denial (or not hacking yourselves) know that hacking is absolutely rampant in DayZ SA, to the point of being ridiculous. I haven't seen such a high frequency of blatant hacking ever, to include garbage F2P games where hacking is completely expected, and almost accepted. The biggest thing that bothers me is again, how blatant it is, these guys don't even bother trying to hide that they're hacking, which means one thing, and one thing only, they aren't afraid of repercussions. This is caused by a number of things, like the lack of a reporting system (ridiculous) inability to see player names (understandable from a realism standpoint) and of course the big one, the ineptitude of the anti-cheat system ... I say all this to say, I absolutely guarantee this is driving players away. Who knows how many, but after the 10th time you've spent 10 hours getting all the gear you want, and set out to go play hero, and some guy just blinks into existence in front of you, says something asinine, and then steals your gear piece by piece before shooting you in the face, I'd say it would be pretty surprising if you DIDN'T quit, at least for a while. I don't know ... everyone just seems to be taking this in stride, consoling themselves with the "its alpha" and the "Battleye banwaveeee!" and the "Theyll fix the code eventually, god, go play something else, loser!" and I really don't get it ... I dunno how clear the message I'm trying to get across is, but the audacity of the hackers in this game means that they are NOT AFRAID of being caught, banned, and paying any consequences. Anyone who has played a lot of online games should know what I mean. These douchebaskets are usually very, very cautious about where when and how they use their hacks, aimbotting from a distance, not raging when they die, and teleporting right back to who killed them with full kit to get revenge, etc. etc. and they simply are not at all restrained in DayZ ... the second a new hack comes out its EVERYWHERE, and they are all gleefully using them to directly mess with legit players ... If something isn't done, this is going to turn into HackZ, where literally everyone who isn't hacking is just going to wash their hands of this game, and move on to something else. Yes, that even means you, inevitable several people who comment saying "5000 hours played and I no seez hackrs, mebbe you just lagging or no good player?" (nothing says "I'm a liberal irl!" like refusing to acknowledge reality when its right in front of you) Anyhoo ... love the game, think progress is happening ... albeit slowly ... but really ... there needs to be some kind of active policing going on in order to keep new folks from leaving, and or just not starting the game ... right now its a hackfest, and hackfests usually keep that stigma even after they've cleaned up their act. BI has already made metric sh*t tons of money and the game isnt even released yet, but if they want to make even more when it is released, they really should try and address this somehow. I think the simplest, and most effective method is to make something like a server report method. if you're killed by, or see a hacker, zooming around, teleporting, stealing gear, etc. there should be a menu option to make a live report of that server, which gets immediately forwarded to BattlEye, who can then actually send someone to spectate all the different players till they find the hacker, then issue a ban. Boom, problem solved. And as an added bonus, these little Sh*t stains will start to feel scared every time they use their little hack script, wondering if all of a sudden their screen is going to go black and read "you have been permanently banned, rot in hell, loser" in white text. I don't have a clue if there is anything built into the software right now to allow any kind of spectating, but if not, it wouldn't be difficult to add, especially compared to trying to close all the loopholes which allow the hacks to work in the first place. Any thoughts on this ? To me it seems simple, practical, and a hell of a lot more effective than whatever BattlEye is doing now, because whatever it is, like I said ... the little girlfriendless sh*tstains aren't afraid, and we NEED to change that somehow.
  3. Just_Alive

    ethics of first kill

    I posted a rather lengthy description of my first kill in the "your first kill" thread (post#100 on page 6 if you're interested) but my second in game kill was even more emotionally wracking, which is what I absolutely love about this game. I'll keep this as brief as possible, basically I was approaching the NE Airfield and saw someone suddenly pop up running around in the tower. Going off of my previous experience at the Airfields, where I had been attacked as soon as another person saw me, every time, I brought up my mosin, aimed, and fired a single shot, and he dropped immediately. I felt a little twitch of guilt, as he was just another person running around in the open, possibly a new player, looking for gear like all of us who aren't hopping servers, and started jogging towards the tower. Just as I was getting close, I see him stand back up and start moving, which scared the hell out of me, and made me dash behind the small shed next to the Tower, and get on my mic "Hey ? ... are you friendly ?" (a stupid question, in hindsight, but I was utterly confused, this was the first time I potentially had the upper hand in the situation, and had never talked to someone over the mic and gotten a response) A tiny voice replied cautiously "yeah, i'm friendly ... did you shoot me ?" "errrmm .... I fired a warning shot, I didn't hit you, did I ?" (the ease with which this lie flowed forth really bothered me) he replied "Yeah, someone shot me and I fell unconscious ..." (I could see and hear him rustling about in the Tower, probably wondering where in the hell I was, and scared sh*tless) we talked back and forth for a few minutes, and I decided I wasn't comfortable killing him, especially since there were only 3 or 4 people on the server, something felt even more wrong about murdering a guy in such a low populated world, so i told him where i had seen a sporter 22 and 3 30 round magazines, obviously dropped by someone who hit the airfield first and found a better weapon, then turned and hauled ass away, using the hangars and trees for cover. Once I was at a good vantage point, I spun around to watch the Airfield through my scope to make sure he wasnt planning any shenanigans. after 10 minutes or so i spotted him running full speed in the same general direction I had left, one rifle slung at his back and another in his hands ... apparently he had decided to grab the sporter I had told him about. Thinking back to all the times I had been betrayed, murdered, and shot in the back, something came over me and i raised my Mosin and took another shot, missing, but alerting him to someone's presence, and leading to a good 20 minutes of him running around, hitting treelines and searching in a panic for me. I took another shot as he was running across my screen, meaning to end the cat and mouse, and he dropped. I waited a few minutes to be sure, then got up and sprinted towards where he fell, and as I crested a small hill and saw no body, I realized I hadnt hit him, he had just run below the horizon at the same moment I fired. My heart started pumping, panic setting in as for the first time in the past 40 minutes I didnt have the upper hand. There were a few buildings immediately nearby, and that was when I saw him peeking out around the corner looking at me. I dropped the mosin and switched to my FNX as i started running laterally, emptying the magazine in his general direction and causing him to turn and run behind the building. I quickly swapped mags and rushed down the opposite side, slowing as I reached the corner, dropping to my knees and inching around to see him peeking around the opposite direction, weapon down, and asking "hey man, is that you ?..." i put two shots into his back ... he fell to the ground, and as i approached, I put another two into his face, and searched his bag. This was where I lost it, I felt like a monster... his backpack was FULL of books ... all different, all classic literature ... he had maybe 4 or 5 rounds of ammo, a little food, and a ton of books ... he was obviously someone who was roleplaying, travelling the world, surviving, and trying to preserve all these classic works in the apocalypse ... he wasn't a bandit, or a murderer ... he was, if anything, the first and only "good" person I had ever met in the game, and I had stalked, lied to, hunted, and murdered him in cold blood ... and I felt like a monster. Not many games, if any, can play with your emotions like this one, and that single 45 minute or so interaction with a single person ... I couldn't bring myself to take anything from his corpse, or hide it ... I left it laying there, facedown in the dirt, as some kind of memorial to my sin, and made my way to a nearby house to log off for the night, and ponder what I had done.
  4. Just_Alive

    question: server restart bridgeover ?

    Tryin' to get the old post count up, eh ? good contribution to the thread! (to be clear, that was sarcasm)
  5. Just_Alive

    Noob needs help

    Ahhhh, I see now, you're an angry little child ... angry because you get killed, constantly from the sounds of it, and you feel the need to whine and moan and scream and throw a temper tantrum over what has already been explained to you to be, in the current state of the game, a perfectly reasonable way to get loot, when loot doesn't respawn at the moment. Nothing sucks as bad as running from town to town for literally hours, and finding jack sh*t all, like the OP mentioned, because someone, or in most cases, several someone's have been there before you. You claim "Its to(o) damn easy to loot up now, even on a full server". If this is the case, why are you throwing such a temper tantrum over people finding loot on other servers ? Its so easy to find it on a full server, (according to you) so what's the big deal ? Seriously, quit being a tool, quit hijacking OP's thread, and grow up. And to the OP, good advice from others above with regards to combat and finding loot, I just got done playing a bit and oh my god is the melee zombie combat so much better, it doesn't take a thousand hits anymore. I found a pickaxe and was killing every zombie in 1-2 hits (1 hit if you hit it in the head, two for everywhere else) I then found a firemans axe and it was killing all zombies with one hit (people said it was doing that before, but i NEVER got a 1 hit kill before today with it on a zombie) so all in all, you should have a much easier time killing the zombies now. If you're still finding it a bit rough, try circling the zombies with "a" and "d" keys till they lunge at you, you should be able to avoid getting hit, and once they lunge, they kind of stumble for a second, which is your chance to get a couple hits in. Only other thing I can think of, and I don't mean this to be insulting, is do you know about bandaging ? and being hydrated and energized ? it sounds kind of like you might be bleeding out after one fight, and then the next zombie finishes you off.
  6. Just_Alive

    Your first kill

    Great thread idea, and I think a good thread for my first post. I've been debating getting SA for about 8 months now, and finally pulled the trigger. My only regret is not doing so sooner, the game is amazing, even with the copious amount of glitches, PBO hacking zombies, and actual hackers (what scum) which I seem to be running into more and more often... But anyway, my first three days of play, I was killed on sight 4 times. Two of them after getting some great gear, it was frustrating, but also very intense, I haven't felt an adrenaline rush like the one I get when I round a corner and see another player. Two of those 4 deaths were excellent learning experiences, teaching me to basically never climb a ladder if you're not the only person on a server, lol ... my 5th death was from a hacker, and really, really pissed me off, I was tracking a guy through a large city, which I now know to be electro, he was slaughtering people, and I wanted my first kill to be a righteous one, saving people from someone who was just a straight up murderer. I snuck, crawled, and crouched my way towards the sound of his gunfire, made my way through the back door into his building, where I could see his victims blood dripping from the ceiling. I inched my way upstairs with my sks out, and cleared both rooms upstairs to find ... nothing. I had even heard his footsteps above me. A few seconds later, my sks was gone ... then my shirt, then my pants, and then *poof* there was suddenly a guy behind me who wasn't there before, and a single gunshot to the back of my head later, "you are dead" Furious at what I was sure was a hacker, otherwise known as 12 year old scum of the earth, I ragequit for the day. The following day, I went from freshspawn, straight to the NE Airfield, tired of being shot on sight without a word, and furious at being killed by a hacker, I was determined to be that ***hole. I was lucky enough to hit the airfield before anyone else, even luckier to find an m4, a 60 round mag, a 1911, and three beautiful pristine mags for it, and ammo for both. I ditched my pack so as not to make a large silhouette, and moved to the hills where I could overwatch the airfield. I sat there for 40 minutes, mulling over what I was doing, wondering if I should just keep trying to be friendly, I had actually bought a new headset for the game after day one, just so I could talk to people, and yet so far, not a word was spoken each time I was slaughtered. That was when out of the corner of my eye, I saw someone appear in the Traffic control tower, running around full speed, obviously looking for loot. I settled in and watched him through my sights, guessing the range to be about 300m and adjusting my sights accordingly, when he sprinted back inside and went down the stairs... I decided I would pop him when he ran around the edge towards the hangars ... but 30 seconds passed ... a minute ... 5 minutes ... I had decided he must have logged off to server hop for loot. Right when I had decided to run down and see whether he had logged or what, I saw another figure sprinting towards the tower in the distance, and decided I would let him run to the top, and kill him the second he paused to pick something up. He ran around the corner and then I heard the stutter of an m4, and the crack of an sks, and I realized then the first guy I saw hadn't logged, he had decided to sit on the stairs and kill anyone entering the building. This filled me with righteous rage, as that undergeared player running recklessly towards the tower, cut down by a spray of bullets without a word was ME four days ago ... and I decided to get some vengeance, for him and myself, I sprinted towards the tower, deciding to climb the ladder, and hopefully get to the top before he could make it to the top of the stairs, and gun this ambushing bandit down. I made it to the tower, rushed up the ladder, and as I turned to the stairs, again saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and spun around to see someone rushing away from the tower towards the bunkers, i quickly raised the sights of my m4, and let loose a quick burst, at which point I realized two things, first, that the m4 is inaccurate as hell, and second, that this was the more poorly geared player I had seen running to the tower, that single sks shot was him managing to kill the military geared stair camper. I felt like an ass as he ran off, as I meant to SAVE this guy, not kill him, so I ran down the stairs, and towards the hangars, yelling into the mike "hey! i'm friendly! i thought the other guy killed you and you were him! hey wait up!" As I came around the last hangar I saw him by the small watch building, Sks levelled at me, and realized how stupid it was to think he would trust me. I came to a screeching halt, spun around and sprinted back towards the hangar entrance as he let off a couple shots, thankfully missing me. Once inside the hangar, I whipped out my m4, and decided I wasn't going to die. I had about 40 rounds left, and I charged outside, firing a burst where he was last standing, but wasn't any longer... down to 20 or so rounds now, he peeked around the other side of the guard shack, fired at me and missed, I sprayed another burst, hitting him, but not dropping him, seeing the blood fly. And then I froze, out of bullets, as he pulled out his axe, and started chasing me around the guardhouse. My heart was pounding, and I felt like an idiot, I should have taken more careful aim, now I was going to get chopped to death in the stupidest fashion. About the third time round the guardhouse, this guy swinging wildly at me as I screamed into my mic "seriously! i'm sorry! you don't understand! I wasn't trying to kill you!" ... I suddenly remembered my 1911, thinking maybe I could still salvage the situation if i fired a warning shot to make him stop, I hit the hotkey and ... I stopped running as i pulled the gun out!!! he caught up to me, I panicked as i realized he was going to kill me, and when the 1911 was finally in my hands and i could move again, i spun around and just emptied the mag in his direction, apparently missing every shot as he turned around and ran. At this point, heart pounding, I just went into automatic, hit R and swapped in a fresh mag, rounded the side of the shack where he was crouched down, saying something in his mic, the first time he had spoken. I don't even know what he was saying, i just pointed the gun at him point blank, aimed down the sights, and put all seven rounds in his chest. Staring down at his body for what seemed like an eternity, as my pulse slowed, I checked his pack and felt nothing but guilt as I rummaged through the useless scraps he was carrying, batteries, unopened cans with nothing to open them with, no ammo for his sks, a pistol with no mags ... It was like I had just killed myself ... he had managed to come out on top just minutes ago, maybe even his first kill in the tower, some douche with an m4 trying to murder him but he kept his cool... and then moments later he's gunned down by me ... Sorry for the tl;dr, but my first kill means a lot to me ... and its why I love this game so far ... never, NEVER before have I felt guilty because of something I did in a game, till that day... and my next kill was, in a way, even worse ...