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About slywether

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  1. slywether

    Cooking stick proximity cooking

    Nothing fancy, and I supposed it may be complicated at the moment. So I'm loving cooking with sticks. A cooking pot was such a burden before, and remained a constant unicorn for me in previous iterations. I tend to gather about 1:2 cooking sticks to meat when I cook, so I can break down the sticks to keep the fire going. When you drop a stick with or without meat is just jams out of the ground like reg sticks. I have tried leaving the sticks close to the fire out of curiosity to see if it would cook like that, to my dismay. Maybe I just haven't been patient enough, but it takes about 1-3 minutes to cook a steak on a stick generally, and I've waited quite some time with a stick next to the fire. It would be neat if I could pile all my sticks up near the fire, and just keep the fire going. It would still take some managing to keep the fire going, and not to burn meat and such. Prob wouldn't be "op" or unbalanced, I'd imagine. I have also noticed that my face doesn't melt anymore. I honestly haven't even noticed getting hot while cooking either, but that could just be my current clothing, etc. But makes me think the "casting"/"cooking" animation is attached to the cooking process, and they removed the face melting. Maybe I'm just drunk. Anyway, cheers to being alive since the last wipe, and char wipes being the only times I've fresh spawned since .45 and about 10 hours into 400. (Not that there's anything remarkable about that, I just dig not dying :)) PS: Can anyone confirm fish work again? filleting, cooking etc? I can travel for cows when I need, and get the random deer/pig, but would love to fish again, and just haven't tested it since it wasn't working.
  2. slywether

    "My stomach grumbled violently"

    I've been hanging out north of the tracks, and find metric craptons of food on a regular basis. Along with that, once you get bright green energized hydrated and healthy, you can pretty much stay that way indefinitely by periodically stopping at the overabundance of apple trees for a minute or so to eat an apple or two. A few moments to stay healthy permanently goes along quite well with the slowed down methodical surveillance of a town for infected, purposely and surgically avoiding them without conflict scenario that is the current stable. YMMV.
  3. slywether

    Thoughts on the new eating and drinking system?

    I've found that by simply "eating" and "drinking" again as opposed to "eat all" and "drink all" has proven this new system or bug to be a non issue. Also, though mildly annoying due to low chance, I had the opportunity the other day to pick berries for like 10 min while i waited for my roommate to get off the phone. Found about 12 berries, ate them and went from not energized to bright green. Repeated the same thing with apples later on and it only took about 3-4 apples to get energized. I assumed whatever this is to be a fix for not being able to spam wells anymore. Since before you had to spam F 20-30 times, which is insane, to get hydrated. Now it's a drink or two. tldr; Stop clicking eat all, it works for me.
  4. slywether

    Makeshift Shelters in the woods

    Everytime I go camping I build a debris shelter and laugh manically at my cold friends in their tents. I support this fully. Especially since I just finished making my full Natural Leather clothes, ghillie hood/gunwrap, and pigpack. I look like a gd boss while im trying not to throw up eating zucchini and not drink my entire jerry can of water.
  5. slywether

    4gb ram or 8gb ram ?

    Speed and quality of ram factor far more than the ammount. Going from 1600 to 2400 with a proper high end cpu will result in a gain, albeit a small one. Same with DDR3 to 4 at this point, with a ridiculous price difference. Quality namebrands like Crucial, Kingston, G skill, etc make a difference, but mostly from a longevity/not DOA point of view. 8gb is a pretty good standard, and you will probably never need more, but as said above upgrading to faster 8gb can result in semi decent gains. Also SSD is tits, the. To your original question though, you probably will not notice any difference just getting more ram.
  6. slywether

    Hang that cooking pot

    it will still be 2 spaces, so wait for a large gas canister. though atm the cooking stove and pot are useless for anything other than storage. find stove, attach pot, fill it with meat cooked/raw. 5 meats in 2 spaces. This can be done with the fireplace kit as well. edit: I like the idea too, more things should be able to be strapped onto your pack. machete. knife, pot/pan, pelts, tent, rolled up rain coat, etc, etc.
  7. slywether

    Anyone excited for the .357 Lever action?

    Yes! Though my use of one will weigh heavily on the quality of the iron sights and whether or not I have a magnum already :)
  8. Am I just an alcoholic or are these things gone now? Are there dynamic/static versions? I never really took notice to them, but after finding a Longhorn (my first and only) on top of one, I began searching them far more often. Though now, I suppose maybe since hot fix, or over the last week or two, I haven't seen one at all. Can't find a picture of one, but the blue'ish building, two shelf racks on the inside, two what appear to be coolers or freezers, usually busting with food, and sometimes ammo/weapons/mags. Whatever they are or want to be called, where did they go? As a side note. I would like my pump shotgun already!!!!! Thank you.
  9. slywether

    I sure hope

    indeed one can attatch the log to the kit in the inventory. And a stone. And fill it with meat. Albeit rather silly'ly. The kit won't go in with a log attatched but put it in yer bag, then drag log onto it. Perma fire kit, meat storage for 4 spaces, bingo!
  10. slywether

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    The game is extremely playable for me, sans the servers lagging rather f'in hard with more than 20 people in it, but whats new. Though I only play on 1 server. 22 hours since the wipe, same char. The only bug I am experiencing is the rapidly clicking LMB resulting in swapping hotkeys bug. Everything else seems perfectly fine and stable. ymmv obviously. You can run from zombies and lose them moreso than ever. Trapping them in houses is far more possible. Melee outside axes and fists seems a little borked. The weather affects become trivial shortly after fresh spawn. I don't get all the hyperbole people keep ranting about. Maybe im doing something wrong? or right.
  11. slywether

    Dying of hunger wayyyyy too often

    I feel like one would have to purposely try to die from hunger in order for it to happen. Brick arch house, piano house, pubs, shelf house, are busting with food. Busting! Stop looking for food in high traffic areas. Stop looking for food in places where there usually isn't any. Apple harvesting takes to long since the spam F fix. Get off the coast.
  12. slywether

    Temperature effects are broken since hotfix

    Axes breaking is a pain but until they fix the fact that you can store a fireplace kit with a log, a stone, and 5 meats within 4 inventory spots it is a non issue. Make that once, keep matches, perma fire. In regards to the temperature mechanic. I played for a good 5-6 hours last night. 3-5am server time. The cold status came about quickly, and the spam was incessant. I decided to warm up after about 30 minutes of cold status. Started fire, the status goes away within 2 ticks of "I am warming up" or whatever. After the cold status was gone, I put the fire out, stuffed it in my bag and continued on. The cold status returned in about 5 minutes. At this point I wanted to see how long if at all It took to get "hypothermia". I'm only assuming that the cold status becomes hypothermia after a certain point, as I have not seen otherwise. But can attest that I ran around for a good 2 hours with orangy/yellow "cold" with no issue before I decided to warm up. I did not warm up or attempt to remove the cold status again for another 3 hours when I logged off. I was wearing rain coat, hunter pants, gloves, cowboy hat, jungle boots, all pristine except gloves. It took maybe 30 minutes for "I am shaking" to come on, and that would repeat every once in awhile with no discernable pattern. I was primarily in the western side of the map from the coast all the way up to Sinistok. Never going any more eastern than Nadezdino'ish. Maybe it was all pristine gear, maybe the power of the mighty cowboy hat, I don't know, but temperature seems to be working just fine for me. edit, or at least not horribly broken as so many are claiming.
  13. slywether

    Favorite things about .49 so far

    1. random open doors. +1 for sounds. 2. new melee is a bagillion times better, purposefully gathering up 5-10 zombies and going axe crazy. 3. I like the temp thing. Making fresh spawn slightly more stressful, but becoming an afterthought once you get out of the cold status, neat. It is raining cattle prods though. I have seen probably 40 of them in only 4-5 hours of play since the patch. Thoroughly enjoyed being a fresh spawn again, as my last character was over 100 hours and a couple months old.
  14. Me and roomy minding our own business looting balota. *whip* *crack* *pufft, ptang, ptang* Bullets begin raining down on us from no discernable direction whilst entering barrack #3, south side of the strip by the hole in wall. "Shit!, get to the last room now!" I yell. I am armed with nothing but my trusty 1911, him with a .44 era decked out m4 and a buttload of 60 round mags (admittedly he doesn't play much without me). "You lean on that door with a hair trigger, if so little as a frame blinks at you open the fuck up!" I tell him across our poker table we set our laptops on to lan. I need a second to figure out our next move. He is deadly anxious, and wants to just log there in the room. I tell him that is more than likely guranteed death. We think. We abuse the door system to get into the bathroom. "So, you remember that flashbang I found the other day?" I grunt. "This is when I imagine we are meant to use this fucking thing." If our attackers are across the field, chances are they won't get flashed. If somebody made it to the barracks and is holding down that corner, well this is our only shot. "I've never thrown one of these, or anything for that matter. I have no idea if it's gonna blind us through the wall, not work, kill us because of some strange bug, or just explode!" I explain after a long pull from the communal liqour bottle. "I'm gonna throw it, maybe it will make a *ptunsch* sound like CS, regardless we go on 5, you run left, ill run right. Hit that hole in the wall, and keep moving to the coast, we'll figure it out from there if we survive." We agree. I move into his posistion, throw the god damn thing, look down and away, count to 5 and we charge headlong into who knows what. Server reset. Aftermath: We lived, meandered westward along the coast to find a place to camp for the evening.
  15. slywether

    Character reset :(

    Kitted out to me is having three bright green bars and an axe. Everything else is just delicious frosting.