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Everything posted by archamedes

  1. archamedes

    Will these buildings ever be enterable in future?

    one of the last 2 buildings were open in arma 2. it was a big open warehouse that had gangways you could walk on and a 3rd floor office
  2. archamedes

    Dayz Comic

    Was thinking of putting together an unofficial DayZ comic. Here is the concept image for the first issue. What do you think?
  3. archamedes

    Dayz Comic

  4. archamedes

    Dayz Comic

    I did pm Brian hicks on here and explained everything and assured him that no money or revenue would be generated from this, its pure fan art. I dont expect him to reply as he has enough to deal with, but it would be nice to gather his input on it
  5. archamedes

    Dayz Comic

    yeah, I have already got quite a bit in my head for the base story, characters and how the story will pan out. Would love to get some input from the devs on this. I have already made a full 5 part comic for the pc game Frontier Elite from 1992 and it had a huge response. The last I heard, it had been downloaded over 150k times and even translated into 5 different languages, which was a big honor for me to be told.
  6. archamedes

    Defib a dead person

    Currently a defibrilator only works on an unconscious person which in reality is a bad idea. The point of using a defibrilator is to jump start someones heart after it goes into cardiac arrest, using it on someone who is very much alive or even unconscious will more than likely kill them. Picture the scene, I'm with my buddy and suddenly a player comes out and shoots him dead, hes got fractures, hes got broken bones, some of his clothes are ruined & he now sees the "You are dead" screen. I manage to pop off the enemy player and immediatly get right to work as time is fading away (Say 3 mins to act before all hope is lost & you cannot save them) The first thing I do Is bandage the wounds to stop bleeding, I then set up a saline drip & attach that, finally I put a battery in the defibrillator and shock him. You only get 3 shocks before battery runs out, but after that you no longer get the option to shock anymore even with a new battery. I wouldn't like to see it where every time you are guaranteed to bring them back, but at least give them a 25 - 50% chance of being recusitated. In arma 3 you have a 300 second countdown for a friend to come and use a medikit on you before you die, so I cant see why a similer system can't be introduced in Dayz but with a much more hands on technique as i have mentioned. Not only will this add more of a kind of emergency field surgery aspect to the game, but it will also give the defibrilator an actual legitimate use & people will want to carry them more rather than leave them like most people do. Then providing they havent exited or clicked respawn, their condition goes from dead to unconscious & you then have to feed or water them and wait for the saline to do its thing to bring them back. After this fix any bones or fractures and hope you have enough kit not ruined for you to continue.
  7. archamedes

    The "new" cheating.

    not all private servers, I said All public and private, so you have the one character on whatever server you decide to use. yeah people don't like it because they want to gear up on a dead server and then jump onto high pop and give it large. That is probably the only reason, asside from hopping servers in popular heli crash locations to improve their chances of finding one and claiming an m4.... so they can then jump onto high pop and use it. But Still i think it would be a good idea when proper base building/barricading come into play. As i said it will prevent people ghosting into your base
  8. archamedes

    Where'd the hopper go?

    yeah i noticed the monkey zombie has been gone for a while. I liked him because out of all of the zombies, he was the only one you could never out run and was a bastard to hit with the axe which is what actually helped the zombie population in terms of lethality
  9. archamedes

    camera angles for DayZ Standalone

    yeah i saw that hicks vid, it actually looks like it could be an awesome tool to make some really cool videos, so you can get the action from every perspective and even record cinematics of the map etc... The only thing I do hope is that it won't be live. Because people will be using it to fly all over the map to find out where other players are and tell their mates where to set up an ambush and it will grief the shit out of everyone. I kind of hope that it logs your entire play session from the moment you spawn in to the moment you spawn out/die and then create a replay track that you can then rewatch and use the camera to get some great views. They do this in DCS World where you can rewatch your entire mission and the file is only saved as a couple of megabytes in a track folder. This will also help people identify how they died and stop all this bullshit of "I didnt hear anything it must have been a hacker"
  10. archamedes

    The "new" cheating.

    personally I think that all servers be it public or private should reset your character, meaning that server hopping no longer becomes a problem, same with ghosting. If you stick to a server you build up on your character on that specific server alone. If you can't find any heli crashes, you wait for a reset. You can then also have multiple characters with different levels of gear on each server, so if you die on one, you can jump on another and continue with that one. After all its supposed to be a zombie apocalypse simulator, if you don't find food in a house, you cant jump into a different dimension where there is now food waiting for you. Not that this has to do with kicking people mind you, but it will stop them from treating it as their own loot factory for them to get rambo'd up and then go high popping bambis
  11. archamedes

    Clarification on "Base Building"

    Am I the only one that actually enjoyed the base building in epoch? My base took me months to build and I was so proud of it when it was finished. I even made a secondary safe house close to cherno as my main one was way up by berezino. I had a spare car so i could drive round to my main compound. Obviously base building was highly dependant on the traders, and having resources to sell to gain gold, but I never really got the whole trader/safe zone aspect to epoch, but I did spend a hell of a lot of time using it. Secondly, I did mention a solution to ghosting would be to prevent anyone spawning inside an occupied structure, even if it is your own. So if someone spawns out of a house and hops server where that house is occupied, he will now appear outside the front door or outside the fence. Problem solved
  12. archamedes

    How do you set up your hotbar, and why?

    1. Axe 2. Main weapon 3. Side arm 4. Compass 5. Bandage 6. Handcuffs 7. Binoculars/rangefinder 8.Knife 9. Waterbottle/canteen 0. Matches I always have it set up, because its all things i use at some point and keeping it in that order makes it easier for me to get stuff out when i need it
  13. archamedes

    I dont get the reason

    because when you are geared up, crafted everything you need, have loads of ammo and food.... You then say "now what?" Until there is actually more to do in game like AI side missions, full persistant bases and other things to keep you occupied then you go hunting. I think bambi shooting in some cases is more to do with sharpening up your shooting skills or just opportunity kills when you have played for hours and not met anyone else. Its not about being an asshole or generally trying to rob someone of all their cans of pipsi, but this is a game, the only true threat in the game are other players. Each time i die, i switch roles from bandit, to friendly.
  14. archamedes

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    could you sound any less of a prick when trying to make a point?
  15. archamedes

    When did people start hating on the game so hard?

    you will probably find that the most recent spate of trolling reviews on steam are more than likely hackers who eventually got globally banned & its the only thing they have left to hurt the community
  16. just please, take a step back for a second and think outside the box. You are sometimes the same people who point at a cloud and call it a ufo without ticking off all logical explanations first. Trust me, this post isn't intended to feed the hackers troll boner, because we all know they love for us to talk about them, so no this is not about you, so go away. What I am talking about is some of the shit I keep seeing people write on the facebook pages and elsewhere, so I am going to copy and paste some of the crap I have seen people write to which i have helped try to clear up. "A hacker shot me through a wall, i was hiding in a house and he shot me through the wall from the outside." Yes, yes he did, but there is still an issue with walls that may cause bullets to pass through, the exact same reason why some zombies still glitch through walls. Don't believe me? Try it for yourself. Shoot your mates through a wall of a building, any building and see what happens, just don't accuse them of being hackers. "I was running through a town and suddenly I am dead, I didn't hear the shot, it must have been a hacker." What a coincidence, silent death kills suddenly start happening around about the same time they introduced silencers and gillie suits, it must be a conspiracy. "I was checking out a building, it was empty and had no windows, I suddenly got the you are dead screen, a hacker killed me." Actually no, not necessarily, this same thing happened to me & I may have came to the same conclusion (or assumed someone snuck in after me and shot me) But I was in a police station with 2 of my friends, there was nobody else on the server and while i was checking one of the store rooms i died. My mates came running in, my wife was one of them i saw her screen and there was my body with ruined trousers, nohing else was ruined, just the trousers. There was nobody else in the building,, so this was due to some bug that glitch killed me. Had I been on my own on that occasion I would have thought something sinister was going on & may myself probably pulled the hacker card, but more or less put it ddown to someone sneaking in behind me. "He was glitching all over the place, he is a hacker." Ok ok, I know there is some script that is used by hackers to make them impossible to shoot, but not always the case to put this down to hackers. Could also be a desync issue. "I knew he was a hacker he had an m4" Yeah, i face palmed at this one. So yeah, I don't deny there is still and always be a hacker issue in game, but I think half the accusations I read about hold no weight or are actually things that can be explained and half the time, those who pull the hacker card are just bitter because they lost their character of 5 days or didn't pay attention to the open area theyran into and got their ass handed to them.
  17. archamedes

    Dayz 0.51 Fun & Frolics

    As the title says, us doing funny shit & messing around in the current build when we aren't trying to dodge bullets from Bandits
  18. archamedes

    Anyone Remember World Containers?

    What the hell happened to the stone ovens as well?
  19. archamedes

    DayZ has become empty and boring

    mate, you need a clan, and a clan with a sense of humor & able to troll, prank and have fun with. The fun is what YOU make it & if you just run around and try to shoot people on your own, then you are the problem, not the game
  20. archamedes

    Most Horrible Thing Ever Happened

    never get attached to gear, notice how i said "never get attached to YOUR gear" because lets face it, nothing except the clothes and torch you start with is actually yours. everything else is burgled or robbed from homes and players
  21. archamedes

    better locked doors

    I can't be the only one who thinks this, but the current locking system in Dayz is pretty poor. So here is the scene, you got a player chasing you down, you run into a house, close the door and lock it so you can, reload or banda..... "You are dead" thats right, because from the 3 seconds it took for you to lock the door and take 3 steps forward, matey has alreay bashed the door open with a sledgehammer or axe & you have only gained a few seconds before you are facing him again. locked doors are only effective against fresh spawns because anyone else, not even fully geared people have any of the many tools required to break a door in. I think it would be much better if it took at least 10-20 swings from an axe (That will degrade it) 5-10 hits from a sledgehammer, Open instantly with a lockpick with a 25-50% chance of it breaking if used from a different pick, or finally only 2-3 hits with a crowbar because a crowbar is useless against killing zombies so most people don't usually take them, but on the flipside they would be perfect to pry open a door. Just a thought
  22. archamedes

    better locked doors

    it was just a suggestion, because they seem so fickle anyway & I have ended up with a bunch of ruined lockpicks fr no reason
  23. lol admin abuse yet killed by a zombie. NOOB!!! Seriously, this falls into the same category as people crying hacker when they get the "you are dead" screen when running openly in a high pop in berezino
  24. archamedes

    Grenade Baseball

    It was never going to work out well in the end. http://www.dayztv.com/video/dayz-grenade-baseball/
  25. archamedes

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    The fact is Real violence opposed to gaming violence is inconclusive. The media like to put a spin on it claiming it played its part, but it comes down to the fact that anyone who goes out and kills would do it regardless. Some behavioral scientist on tv once said that by making these assumptions that the two are connected is foolish, its no different than saying that males who drink coffee are more prone to domestic violence because everyone who has beaten a spouse has been known to drink it. Its just inconclusive. Before video games, people would blame TV, before that they would blame books. I mean come on, what excuse do they have for the romans? I'm sure GTA 5 had no impact on them. That guy that shot up the virginia tech university was photographed holding 2 guns out with leather fingerless gloves and the pose was very similer to the early tomb raider games. The media went batshit saying "video games were responsible" Yet he never owned a console or even a single pc game for that matter. The colombine killers who shot a load of school kids, they had doom on their pc..... So that must have been the reason right? No, they were fucked in the head and went ape shit.