Hey Just a few ideas for animal behaviour: -agressive behaviour under certain circumstances, say a Stag may charge you if with young ones or with females during a certain time of year they will aggro a player - herd animals stay in a herd ie: cows, deer, pack of wolves. -if you are near an area where animals are your character can detect a urine scent. -footprints for tracking animals - baby animals -different kill areas affect how much meat you can take of a carcass -noises an animal would make -animals can be found in areas where they would like to hang out in a real life situation. ie: deer in forests, and sea mammals around the ocean - animals in citys, due to the fact that there are not as many humans they have taken over the cities in chernaraus here are a few suggestions of animals that could be added (all exist in russia) -Bears -rats and other vermin -huntable rabbits and hares - Fowls - Birds (we can hear them why not utilize them) -sea birds - sea mammals -wolves