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Everything posted by SykoWolf

  1. SykoWolf

    Plate Carrier Accessories?

    Actually they aren't. The models have to be made from scratch. If you're saying the weapons and such from Day Z looks like the one from Arma.....then you need to think about that for a moment.
  2. SykoWolf

    Weapon Sway!

    The sway is somewhat overboard even for someone not used to firing a weapon. I think the sway needs to be toned down about 20% in all states except cold and fractured, then it would be ideal in my eyes.
  3. SykoWolf

    Get it off your chest!

    A racist roleplayer wearing no shirt, pants and only had on a cowboy hat and a magnum gave me a blaze with only two rounds. I shot him in the back of the head.... no regrets. I handcuffed a guy I met and executed him based on a hunch I had. I've killed many people at airfields and military bases whilst I was looting, although I dont think this is bad considering the location. I always take potshots at people when I have a Mosin with a scope. (Not firing AT them, just near them to scare them a bit)