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Jake Mosca

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Everything posted by Jake Mosca

  1. Why hello there, I see you have stumbled upon this thread. Me and a friend of mine want to find some more people to join our group that I started. Lots of fun to be had. There are just a few pre-requisits though... 1. Dont be 12. 2. Dont be annoying. 3. Know what the fuck you are doing. Thanks for reading and if you are interested, add me on skype @ jakemosca11
  2. Jake Mosca

    Finding Nemo - Looking for someone?

    I am looking for a man named "Niggawitfriedchicken", we met in a bloodbath. RIP chicken!
  3. Jake Mosca

    Looking for team

    Hey looking for mature players that also have a good sense of humor, over 17 is a must. Sorry Kids Skype: Jakemosca11
  4. Jake Mosca

    DayZ Stories

    It was a long road from a radio tower called "Pop Ivan" to Cherno, but I was willing to determined to get there. I was equipped with a CZ 50 and a 1911. my character was all geared up and ready for Cherno, my next location. I climbed over a mountain to get glimpse of the over ran city, and got second thoughts. But what can i do, i need supplies and I am getting hungry. Ah, i see my first location to loot, a small gas station. I approached it cautiously, ignoring the undead. Then I hear a sound no survivor wants to hear "AAACH"... shit. Well i ran not being able to see the bugger. Thankfully it was a crawler. But I still had to shoot him because he wouldn't give up. I then saw a massive horde emerge from the city so i used the rest of my energy, to run into an apartment building. then, through my own blood i noticed a bullet zing through a window near me, a cz 50 round. "Посмотрите, там, оставшийся в живых, хотят, чтобы я убил его?" I was like wtf. Then i got shot in my leg and fell to the ground in pain, the undead rushed into the room with a lust for Jake blood. THE END (В конце)