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About Cerebral

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  1. Bump for... the 1st 50 players to register and play on the server get a free plot pole. www.coreclan.net
  2. Bump for... the 1st 50 players to register and play on the server get a free plot pole. www.coreclan.net
  3. Hey guys, CoRe Clan has started a Dayz Overpoch server! CoRe has experience in server hosting from games such as Battlefield 3/4, Minecraft, WarZ, MULTIPLE DayZ Mods and even StandAlone. These are the scripts that we are running. -Selfbloodbag -Take Clothes - Custom Buildings -Extra Loot -Autorefuel -Safezone/anti-backpack stealing at traders - Snap Building - DEPLOY BIKES, MOTORCYCLES, AND MOZZIES!! - AND MORE COMING SOON Some of the customizations. - Custom map. To make all of chernarus have more loot throughout. - Bases are indestructable. - 400 vehicles. BONUS FOR GROUPS! 3+ Player Groups can get a STIMULUS PACKAGE for a short time! -To Claim, call an admin ingame or post on our Website www.coreclan.net -STIMULUS PACKAGE contains a fair amount of supplies to get you started with a base, only one per group Server IP : Server IP : Server IP : Got questions? Join our ts3: www.coreclan.net