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About {ZTF}Gamma

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    On the Coast

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    Secret base south of NW airfield. Oops.
  1. {ZTF}Gamma

    Day Z Urban Legends

    So me and my friend (IRL) were at NEAF and were doing a routine hunt for guns and supplies (him and I had a AKS and a SVD respectively). So as we are going through the barracks, (P.S. we are also neutral not bandits or heros) he spots a Ural in good condition. We both thought it was a trap, but surprisingly it wasn't. So we took the Ural back to the rural office we fortified. So we hop in it later and start to head down the road to a hospital nearby. But as we get to the front of the hospital we notice the wreckage of a few other cars. As we get out we are both almost instantly shot in the knees. A minute later or so 2 heros with sniper rifles emerge. They ask us why we were driving the Ural and friend replied "why not?". They said car are demons and need to be exorcised. So they drive the Ural to a nearby field and proceed to blow it up with grenades, and yell, "FOR THE GLORY OF THE BIKE MASTER RACE!". They drop some morphine and blood bags 25ish meters away and bike away. So yeah. Cults.
  2. {ZTF}Gamma

    My plea to remove military gear

    Heres a suggestion, play Epoch. You can buy gear on that. With in game gold. Aquired from missions. Standalone isn't the only DayZ out there people.
  3. Standalone is basically Dayz Original with expansion packs. Honestly though, original Dayz is much better in my opinion. Escicially Epoch. Speaking of, Epoch is probably the most active category of Dayz mods. So if your gonna get back in, (you should) I suggest Epoch over anything else.