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Everything posted by arkental

  1. arkental

    Your idea of the "perfect" server?

    I know me and my two aforementioned friends would jump on such a server in a heartbeat if it were available. I am unsure whether or not it will be a success however. Either there are very few with similar preferences to us, or there simply haven't been a well advertised offer for us yet. And I forgot to mention. A perfect server would have a friendly community. Not friendly as in no PvP/KoS, but friendly as in able to get shot without crying, or killing someone without polluting the chat with smacktalk.
  2. arkental

    Your idea of the "perfect" server?

    No 3rd Person, Night-time (full moon acceptable), near "Vanilla" amount of vehicles but more variation is fine, no luxury weapons/items (AS50, NVGs, etc). Anything remotely close to this would be amazing, and I have looked around for ages on behalf of myself and a few friends. But so far it seems to be much more popular to add battleships and thermal scopes than something like this.
  3. Just for those of you guys worried about us in iG hoarding vehicles/crash sites. We're not hoarding vehicles, so don't worry there. In total we have 2 hueys which are our main vehicles, aside from those we have 1 motorbike and 2 cars (Reasonable amount of vehicles for our group I'd say). We do have a hatchback we use for storage currently as tents are damn rare on this server, but that one will likely be parked somewhere people can find it when we are done with it. And we're gonna go easy on the crash sites from now on. We'll hit them, but will make sure we leave gear there for other people to discover as well.
  4. Sent an application with some quick info about our small group as well. But I forgot to ask however: Does tents save correctly on your server at the time being?
  5. We are currently considering the same approach, but have two quick questions: 1) Will this bring with it any unwanted side-effects? F.ex missing inventory, vehicles, tents? Or should everything currently on the server be fine? 2) Will Rocket magically show up at our admin's house and beat him up over it?
  6. arkental

    An idea on solving PVP

    I like the blood idea/effects, but how would you explain getting covered in blood if you kill someone from a distance? Sounds more likely you'd get it after attempting to loot a recently killed player. The hallucinations are also interesting, but I'm guessing it would be hard to implement without a lot of bugs. I have to admit I don't like this suggestion primarily out of the anti-deathmatch motivation behind it, but because it would be tremendously interesting to see DayZ try to simulate the mental state you might find yourself in after killing someone. Curses though? No thanks.
  7. I live right next to a marina, which would be godly in the event of the zombicalypse. I'd steal a boat and some fishing gear with no regrets, but after that I'd likely be a #2 once I find a suitable island.
  8. arkental

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    OP made a nasty mistake of pinning this on the bandits. Logging out to avoid the zombies is pretty close to an exploit, and it's not isolated to the example you made. Wether it is a person running with a train a Zs, then disconnecting->reconnecting to reset them when he reaches the building of his choice, or a player killing another and doing the same so he can safely loot, it's not okay and will likely get fixed eventually. No matter if you're scavenging and PvP'ing, you should be forced to plan ahead and deal with any attention from Zs you pick up.
  9. arkental

    Don't punish bandits; reward survivors

    I agree with the OP when it comes to the idea of rewarding surivors rather than punishing bandits. The way I see it, right now banditry has a great reward in the form of looting, while the survivor style doesn't really have anything to counter that. An incentive not to KoS to balance the scales is better than than a punishment. But as others have said, it's doubtful the game could handle different loot tables in that way. Here is my counter-suggestion though: What if 0+ humanity allows you to retain any survival tools you have picked up when you respawn? You lose everything else and start with the basic survivor gear, but in addition you get to keep the equipment on your toolbelt; hatchet, matchbox, compass, knife, etc, and make these items unlootable from corpses. Banditry would retain the reward from looting you and your backpack, having an advantage there. While the survivor gameplay rewards you by making death slightly less frustrating and giving you survival items fitting the playstyle. Now, before anyone jumps in and calls me a carebear: Keeping the survivors interested in the game and avoid that they take a hiatus or outright quit after being KoS'd for the umpteenth time is a good thing. It gives bandits a source of equipment and prevents things from ending in an all out deathmatch.
  10. I can agree with what Scorp wrote. Right now you can generally shoot a player, and still have enough rounds in your mag to shoot any infected who got alerted. It would be interesting to see more infected around, and perhaps instead of only having those within x meters of the fired gun react, have any within their range again will follow them. Causing a poorly planned shootout to end with whoever survives it not being a survivor for much longer. As far as running around with a trail of infected I have to admit I'd like to see something that puts a stop to that, albeit I will admit I can't think of a solid way to solve it. The easiest solution would be to have infected run faster than players, but that would also unleash a waterfall of tears rivaling the niagaras. And likely cause plenty of frustrating and unintended consequences for players who don't do the Z-train. I saw someone once suggest infected animals. Perhaps infected dogs that move faster than the player, but are less common than human infected could be a potential approach. Rare enough that you don't constantly run into them, but enough of them that rushing through a village at full speed you're likely to pick one up. Moves faster than the player and if they catch up then, well.. you're in trouble. Also perhaps more common in areas like military camps (under the explanation that the garrison would likely have dogs on duty), making it a nasty experience for a lone shooter to raid these locations and forcing survivors to team up if they want to get hold of the best weapons/gear.
  11. Slightly off-topic, but I began pondering this while reading the topic so I'll shoot anyway. I've played solo so never really checked out hospitals for blood bags and such. Does the place have a decent amount of supplies? I just got an urge to go "RP" a doc in Elektro or Cherno and do nothing but offer people meds and transfusions, mostly to see how people react and how long it takes before someone puts a bullet in my face for it.
  12. I spend most my time in Elektro/Cherno these days, and generally friendly unless I feel I have to put a bullet in someone. The thrill that comes from sneaking around while dodging bandits and zeds is just amazing.
  13. arkental

    A possible safe zone?

    While the safe zone would have a lot of nasty issues in terms of gameplay and griefing which would have to be solved, I am honestly favorable to the addition of one. However, I would imagine the zone being inland. Either in the northwest part of the map, or even better, in a random location/village differing from server to server. While some might argue the zone would easy mode the game somehow, I feel the common goal shared by survivors/non-bandits could offer a great deal of increased interaction between players that take us away from the SoS mentality. Let's just say f.ex that the zone is in a random location from server to server. This means that (with global channels disabled) you now either have to a) cover the entire map and hope to get lucky, or b) interact with other survivors for directions or even joining up for the common goal of reaching it. I would stress that the zone should offer very little aside from some temporary relief from the hazards of the world (shooting disabled?) to facilitate social interaction and encourage players to use it as a hub from where they can go on scavenging expeditions, etc, with others. Some minor incentives like limited "safe" storage (not tent sized, much much smaller) and such could also go a long way towards encouraging players to avoid banditry and stick to the survivor style. In no way shape or form should it be free lootz of epic proportions for anyone however, in fact it could be interesting if to keep the safe zone "safe", players will have to scavenge and supply it with ammunition and consumeables. Now, before someone jumps in and calls me a carebear: I mentioned incentives for less banditry, yes. But I am in no way saying "WHAAAAA BANDITS TOOK MY BEANS!". I am opposed to rampant deathmatch banditry, and I believe a potential safe zone for survivors to play around with could be beneficial to lessen this. But at the same time it has to be carefully balanced to avoid leaving proper banditry behind. As you might have guessed by now, I prefer incentives to not shoot other players over punishment for doing so.
  14. arkental

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    Happened to me a few times. Oddly enough if I turn the flashlight towards the ground I can turn it on/off, not while pointing it in any direction though.
  15. I can agree with flares and chemsticks, etc seemingly giving off less light than they should at the moment. But to be honest I have to admit that the pitch black hours are the ones I love the most. Especially when I am lurking around Cherno/Elektro at night with my trusty flashlight. In fact I often server hop to get to play during nighttime, and I'm a survivor/scavenger, not a bandit with NVGs and an unstoppable bloodlust.