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Everything posted by Anox

  1. I feel like the game is just shooting, I have no problem with this. Just there is the potential for some weird and unique interactions with players, But you're usually dead before you get these moments. Anyone actually get any interesting moments?
  2. Anox

    Respawning loot?

    Is there respawning loot yet? I haven't played in around 6 months. Or anything thing else interested added lately?
  3. If he smokes casually could be a valuable team member. I've found , That weed can make you a much better player. You're often more relaxed and can handle a stressful situation better.
  4. Anox


    I'm currently using the crossbow with a magnum as my secondary. I've been contemplating switching to a different gun. In my squad I often end up in close to medium engagements or flanking. Is the crossbow effect for this? What would you suggest I use?
  5. Anox


    Alright, looks like ima try to find an akm :)
  6. Anox


    Are the iron sights any good? The PSO scope looks too zoomed in.
  7. Anox


    What's the word on the AKM? How good is it?
  8. Anox


    I have around 6 bolts so far, but I could get more. I was thinking of getting the AKM or M4? Or would the SKS be better than both?
  9. Anox

    Murderer Status

    Did you get killed fag? Lel stop crying.
  10. I find it's often only when I join a new server, I have gotten a few error messages too.
  11. Anox

    Has Anyone Else lost Faith in Dayz?

    Sorry, I didn't realise games had bugs. I'm glad all that beta testing that was done on Battlefield 4 worked. We need more great minds like you, would you mind helping with the game in your spare time?
  12. Anox

    What's new?

    More of a what works, and what should I be checking out. I haven't played since they added Cernaya Polana. Where can I find the new towns?Are the improvised bow and crossbow good for hunting?How can I start a fire?Can I craft ammo for the bow and crossbow or is it only found?Any new guns?Can I fish at any body of water? Any important crafting recipes?Any thing else?Cheers if anyone does bother to answer my questions. :3
  13. Anox

    No one cares about the new city?

    Where is it? I'd love to take a look :)
  14. Only use 3PP to see my character while traveling, Just makes it a little less boring. I always switch to first person in any dangerous areas, Or in combat.
  15. I've had DayZ since Day 1 on steam. Never once have I regretted purchasing it, Yet it seems quite a lot of people have negative opinions of it. Why?
  16. Quite possibly my most anticipated updates so far. Really just wish people would let their servers go to night time before restarts, Seeing fires in the woods would be an awesome feelings.
  17. Anox

    Make backpacks very rare

    Honestly, If someone wants to wear a mountain back pack to carry more items , it's fine by me. Just makes them an easier target. I almost always wear one of the two improvised backpacks. Haven't found any need for something larger.
  18. Anox

    Why are people complaining?

    Eh, I've started playing again today. Mainly due to my anticipation of 0.45, Considering trying Experimental but meh. There's not really any update I could suggest that would make me any more excited about DayZ than I am.
  19. Anox

    Torture in DayZ SA?

    I'd honestly be 100% supportive of any additions, such as torture. Just more things to encourage players to adapt to their own unique play style.
  20. Anox

    Your first kill

    Managed to take a guy by surprise at North-East airfield, Only had an FNX. Was so scared, I emptied the entire clip.