I don't really care for your suggestions except possibly a perk system as long as it stays mild like you suggested. For me DayZ is very similar in many respects to the old MMO Shadowbane. The main difference between the two is a player cap per server. This player cap per server creates issues with creating long term real estate. I believe the best 'end game' for DayZ would be to incorporate additional modes or incentive to work together with other survivors in a red vs blue style game. It took me very little time to realize that the zombies in the game are of no threat and the real end game is pvp. Why not expand on that and give some incentive to work collectively with other players. Right now as it stands the only people that I don't KOS are the people in my vent server. Ultimately I don't need an "endgame" though. I play games for fun and typically games that have an "endgame" quit being fun once you complete the end game. Open ended sandbox games are amazingly fun and if DayZ never has an endgame, I'll be fine with that.