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Everything posted by tuthmes

  1. tuthmes

    new player, bad situation

    as said... Sticks + Rags = Splint = right as rain Keep the gun Most sharp things open cans of food. don't eat Rice or Milk without a LOT of water handy Caned food aka beans / peach's / spagettti will add water and food to health You can RUN a hella long way still without food and water LUCK!
  2. tuthmes

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Anyone else having issues with being scoped in with an sks and seeing only your hands? as in the sights are off? my AK on my back is fine scoped in but as I get my sks in my hands I scope in and its way off?
  3. Yes you are at Dubrovka
  4. tuthmes

    Characters complain too much (Experimental)

    Hey! HEY! hey hey! hey! im friendy~!! I NEEEEEED Your help man!! You got FULL GEAR MAN why you scared of me?! Dude I wanna SEE that backpack... Hey Hey hey hey! Why you backing up!??? BOOM!
  5. Find a compass, head south and hit the water once you find the coast run west till ya hit a supermarket with a few zeds Your now at Bay Tikhaya Now that Map will help ;) Good Luck and HUNT WELL!
  6. Sorry man but that will never happen, hell even if they come out with PvE servers Zeds will and can kill you, you can still take a wrong step off a tall building and end up just as dead, if your Lucky and don't just break your legs and have to crawl to find a bush with sticks and hope you can find a shirt to tear into rags to make a splint. If you die in game that's it, your dead. Start over.. Learn the lesson of Why you died and try not to make that mistake again. (its a bitch I know, but its one of the many reasons I love this game) And as allways. 1. Never trust anyone. 2. Never get attached to the gear. (Its not yours, you're going to lose it someday / somehow Death will happen) 3. The game is Alpha (not even close to being done yet) 4. Bugs / hackers / dupers / campers / bandits / newbie scrubs who want your gear, All of that Will make you so pissed that you'll rant and rave like a madman frothing at the mouth, wanting to climb a clock tower for targets. 5. If it looks good on you, sure as shit somebody else will think so as well and come after you for it.. Its Fight or Flight brother... and that's DAYZ (you may be better of with a squad man, lone wolf may not be your thing) Anyway, I Wish you well and good luck :)
  7. Want advice? Try jumping on a low pop server and explore, get to know the game and layout, most towns have a well and you can drink from ponds as well. You can outrun zombies (Zeds) or beat em to death with your fists / shovel / ax ect ect, You can use a screwdriver to open caned food as well as an ax and other items work as well. Take a look around here on the forums for tutorials/FAQs as said above.. Good Luck ;)
  8. tuthmes

    what's your favorite backpack to use?

    I like em all for one reason or another, Just wish I could spray paint the talon / mountain ones black or green =) Why not? Holla!!
  9. tuthmes

    Every time I log on Im a Bambie

    I gotta start this out with a LOL!! Zombies running after you for miles/up hill..... Nope, Zeds for me still get lost and confused after a few turns around some trees/houses/ ect I will say zombies and players Hit Box are fubar atm, had a hopper chase me then it looked like he ran off, i went back to close where he saw me and he poped right back in, needless to say i ended him... Allso seen quite a few Zeds floating away after death, to instanty respawn.... Hey its still ALPHA.. Weps, stop the police/piano bar run people, you may get lucky, but more often no, not a dam wep in sight... (what the hell do i call the big metal barn type buildings that you run up some steps to loot out of a side door?) Backpacks, weps and food ect ect spawn there now.. Garage... Scopes and fresh fruit and clothes/ Ax is rare (so far as i had seen) tools/ lights for your peacemaker ect ect... This Patch has changed the loot order placement, and LOL Zeds get to cheat! hehe I live North and West so i dont really need to deal with zeds, last time i went down from my tree stand to salvage some southern plains, as above, this is what i found out... HUNT WELL
  10. tuthmes

    Best Feeling Ever

    but I offered him some food and water, and gave him a morphine, as I had 4 already.....That makes you smell like hopper, and a low pop server hopper as well... I Like That, tell me..do you jump often from server to server? are you on the west coast? east coast? Just saying... (sorry, meds are kicking in...)
  11. I kinda find it fun (in my own sick little way) to set up camp with good cover and wait for that well geared hopper to open the front doors, most times he/she will loot the place clean and camp out.... But for that poor bastid that thinks he/she can just loot and scoot..... KABOOOM! .....and I say "thank you." Oh and its always FUN to hear someone looting inside, and then hear the panic of AK's and shottys fireing as another player logs in.... Good Times :lol: kinda why I stay outside under cover. Watching, Waiting....
  12. tuthmes

    Character just reset

    I have had my char reset after joining a new server, even looked around a bit, logged off , joined a server I knew was stable and "Poof!" my char is back to normal.. Happened a quite a few times when I first started playing, hopping servers to test ping and such.. My two cents anyway.. (off topic) I need coffee to be ingame plzkthx /yawn TuT
  13. tuthmes

    long range scope on colt python

    So Real, yet so Hawkward :)
  14. tuthmes

    New patch equals crazy drinking glitch

    Killed a Zed only to watch his corpse just....Float away, then respawn :huh: lol I Love Patch Day :D
  15. tuthmes

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Don't really know bud, all I know is that in city's before patch I never noticed any lag at all, Smooth as a baby's ass so to speak now...its very noticeable.. playing right now on a low pop server to check again, before I was in a med pop (17 people) so we'll see :D
  16. tuthmes

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Well, I climbed down from my deer stand today to take a look around..... First thing I noticed was the lag spikes, never really had an issue with them before, but now WOW they happen a whole lot more. Next thing was the city LAG, as soon as I started rendering the city (any city, I went to five) my rig started chugging, very low fps. Before patch DayZ = Ultra setting no lag at all, anywhere. This patch lol I don't know what they did, but its chewing my fps up big time. :huh: specs... i7-4770S @ 3.10 GHz (RAM) 16 GB --- Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB Its ALPHA BABY!!! :lol: I can live with it lol sooooooo anyone else having this problem?
  17. tuthmes

    What's your favorite weapon?

    I LOVE my SKS, saved my ass so many times, Next is the 357 mag, put down a few mad dogs with that one. Next is the sawed off SHOTTY its back to being a beast again! HUZZAH!!
  18. tuthmes

    How this isn't fixed o.O

    This. This right here, would imo be the best fix they could put in ASAP, its a real shitty way to play, and as long as it go's on some douchebag will always exploit it.... (sorry if off topic) TuT
  19. tuthmes

    Has a Helmet ever saved your life?

    I learned the hard way that a ballistic helmet wont stop a newbie's fist from knocking me the "F" out........ (should of shot that little turd.....) lesson learned ;)
  20. tuthmes

    Mental Health

    I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT ALOT! (how in the seven hells could they do this, i dont know...) But I LIKE IT!!!!
  21. tuthmes

    Hi! New and Shit

    Welcome to DayZ :) You learn as you go... I would HIGHLY suggest you check out some of WOBO's DayZ Videos on Youtube, very helpfull.. Good Luck and Hunt Well!!
  22. As a fresh spawn you can pretty much sprint the map, north / south / east / west without dieing from thirst or hunger. besides the fact that there are ponds and pools of water you can drink from that have no ill effect at the moment. Allso, there are towns and stuff NW that have little to no zeds, as well as listed on the DayZDB map, in the northwest there is a town that is not there anymore, but the well is...... ;) Happy Hunting
  23. Get food, Get Water, and Get into the woods.... Wait it out, Camp it out. I read up on these issues and i bugged the hell out, Keeping an eye on here for some better words next patch drop. For now im eating beans in a deer stand far far away =) Good Luck Hunters!
  24. tuthmes

    Random Ruined item

    Do allready ruined items spawn ingame? Or, was someone there before me? :o (I did use the search option /shrug) Found a ruined can of tuna fish out in the middle nowhere...
  25. tuthmes

    What graphics card should I get?

    I am running a GTX 750 3G / 16 gigs ram/ with an i7 processor... in game, everything cranked to max,some random framerate drop but not often (alpha) so ummm, ya, there ya go.. Good Luck!