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Everything posted by tuthmes

  1. tuthmes

    haven't seen a police car since 0.49

    Shhhhhhhhhh! That's where I found my MP5-K Hardly anyone out there as well....
  2. tuthmes

    1st person dying breed

    I have 1 gripe about 1st person view... You can hear a player drinking, eating, reloading ect, however the whole coming up behind you (no footsteps sounds) and or the whole (No gunshot sounds) needs to be looked into big time, Another thing that needs Devs on the spot looked at is the video WOBO just did on the spinal Bone hits...Check his vid here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wky22FdMY5w THAT SUCKS for Long Term Players... Sorry I am in my Drink again Mods =P Luv ya! TuT
  3. tuthmes

    1st person dying breed

    Indeed, what you say is true and I have not logged into the experimental servers lately, but I have noticed that when a new patch is put into experimental the stable servers take a bit of a hit.. As a new experimental patch hits I would guess most people would want to try it to see the effect and changes because as its moved to stable it would effect 1st and 3rd pops on stable.. my 2 cents anyhoot :) Cheers! TuT
  4. tuthmes

    1st person dying breed

    Perhaps most players are on the Experimental servers....
  5. tuthmes

    Whats your favorite location on the map?

    North... Far North, center of map and go up then go left er right... I only go down to get food/meat/bullets/water...Awaiting more content... TuT out..
  6. Once more unto the breach, dear friends...
  7. Gotta say I LOVE DayZ and I LOVE me some Planetside II as well, and if the Forgelight Engine was a women well....ya... =P {Its Just Soooooo Pretty) Keep in mind Planetside II is a SONY product, Sony is a huge company! and I mean HUGE, tons of cash to flow into products. I have My Hooks into Landmark and Looking hard at Everquest Next as well as H1Z1... That said, DayZ could be that.... However, you would need a HUGE amount of funding for such a game, like SOE type funding.. $$$$$$$$$$$$$ + Man/women power (lots and lots and even more lots of people) DayZ is a Fun as hell game to play, with a great idea. I support it through my money as well as my voice. and I hope one day This Game will be THE GO TO GAME for THE Survival / Zombie experience.. My 2 cents anyway TuT
  8. WOBO should test this.....Dude has mucho time. and I Like his Vids... Nuff said
  9. tuthmes

    DayZ Development progress makes no sense

    If Thirty dollars means that much to you... /shrug You prolly should not even play.. Did Mommy give it to you? Daddy?
  10. BTW =D Can anyone link me to the LORE of DayZ? I know of the green mountain storys and such..But, is there any kind of Lore that should be known? (eg How long has this been? What date and time the Zeds started? How far flung the plague has spread? If indeed it is a plague?) IMO DayZ NEEDS a Backstory and I have yet to find one... DEVS>? lol Love you all, but i'll shoot you on sight! TuT
  11. I am sorry...I must have missed that... "My main reason is both of these are present in warz or ISS as it's now known" <== Quoted" I am Sorry, but ummm are you talking about what is going on Now in the world? DayZ is a game friend, not a graphic representation of what is happing now...
  12. Awwwwww =p Why? I don't know DayZ lore that well I admit, however would not the addition of nighvision equipment add to the game's dynamics?
  13. Himmmmm We can dream right? Assuming they fix the glitch's and looking far down the path of this game... I would love to see more immersion, random / seasonal environmental effects. Tornados, Snow, Blizzards, Heavy Fog, High Winds ect ect. More ways of making fires,diverse hunting methods, more types of animals, snares, traps (for human and animal) Trade Post for Barter / NPC traders and or Player Barter or both =) a safe zone to trade / meet up swap story's. (perhaps a small town with a pub / bar) Drinking alcohol and its effects on you, assorted types of alcohol for barter / trade / wound care / fire making Gold and Silver / Gems in the form of coins / bars / jewelry ect Night Vision optics (super rare) for most weps and or goggles. Thermal / light enhancing... Jesus I could go on and on LOL :D Anyway, like I said We can dream right? TuT
  14. tuthmes

    I Give up... I really want my money back.

    "I think from now I will have to shoot ANYONE who comes near me. Like they do. I Apologise now In advance....... Sorry everyone I kill" Now Your getting the Idea!! :thumbsup: and another youngling dayz player learns ;) Good Luck and Hunt Well !
  15. tuthmes

    Your thoughts on the newest implementations

    Ok let me see.... First Look to WOBO's video about it here... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLXhrRCHfYs My thoughts on it is... Its a Game Changer for how we all play DayZ atm. The Weather will make you think twice about what you do. Its a bit extreme atm. the hot/cold thing but.. You are going to need clothes for different weather.. My two bits anyway. Good Luck :) and Hunt Well TuT
  16. tuthmes

    Learning to start a Zombie Stampede

    Watching Zeds chase cows wile I am watching on a hill scoped in, always reminds me of the Benny Hill theme song. and I always smile a bit :)
  17. tuthmes

    Colour blind support

    I support this 100% in no way shape or form should a game hinder people that have a handicap. I salute the devs that work on this. Big Time! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: I just wish my mom, cough, could play.. (she's a quad) one day tho it will be all eye / thought gameing as she is 63 idk... But man she would rock!! Brooklyn born and Raised!! Back in the dayz 60s / 70s Tut
  18. tuthmes

    New NEAF civ buildings!

    Looks like a good place to die... Thanks for the heads up ;) Tut
  19. tuthmes

    Exp Server too full

    Wait...wait...What?!?!? Only Privileged people? Oh Hell.... (oh the questions I have for you...Dude really? your mind works like that? really? Really?) Never mind the fourteen year old in you calling me a moron and a idiot. (nice edit btw lol) I could not even get SHITFACED DRUNK enough to even try to think like you do..Holy Shit.. Let me guess... You like having a KING and QUEEN to right? Shove off man, That Fanboy tag has you to a T.
  20. tuthmes

    Exp Server too full

    Quite aggressive aren't you? I do indeed read the forums, everyday. What are you referring to if I may ask? You have insulted me twice is thirteen words, perhaps you should Read the forums. “If your brains were dynamite there wouldn't be enough to blow your hat off.” ― Kurt Vonnegut And even so I reply.. My question above remains the same (nice edit :rolleyes: btw)
  21. tuthmes

    Exp Server too full

    Well well!~ I am so glad you do not have a say in the matter. the devs deem worthy.... Holy fuck!! LOL!! If I may ask... Who or what kind of player would you think is worthy? What I mean is, do I need an IQ of 105 to be worthy? Or Do I need to know how to play the right way??? To be worthy...... Worthy..... ( I want shoot you in the face, just for that post) :lol:
  22. tuthmes

    Exp Server too full

    LOL Indeed :D and agreed!
  23. tuthmes

    They nerfed characters.

    Oh hell.... Time to pack dry clothes... Hey Thanks for the heads up man
  24. tuthmes

    They nerfed characters.

    on stable?