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Everything posted by biorage

  1. biorage

    Dayz server with passwords

    Yes it's a rule. Do a search and you'll see the reasons why. Also there's a new HOTFIX that was released, thus why most servers LOCK to update.
  2. biorage

    300 player servers ever possible?

    Even on small servers, there's always going to be a bandit, or a group at the most popular places. Being the costal cities, or the airfields. If there were 300 players, it would be un-playable, unless the zombies get multiplied by 10.
  3. We should be allowed to have the option to host a local database, See this thread Post my opinions about the local databases on page 6.
  4. I'm glad you agree. Yes, it would also give you the authority to do what you want, and be respected, not treated like shit like how most adminstrators I see on this forums are. Benefits: - Reserved Slots - Donation Pools - Spawning of items(Admin controlled) --> If admins get out of hand, there are several alternatives in terms of servers. (Wouldn't matter if it was abused, since the Database is on the local server) With this I can finally run a role-playing server, with a character sheet application, and a whitelisting system. I know there are a lot of role-players whom would want to role-play in DayZ, it's an amazing platform to do so.
  5. There is to much ammo around. Head into an air-field, it's a galour of ammounition. Hunting towers have a galour of ammo too!
  6. Why would you have to agree or not? You're also one who wouldn't pay $1xx+ a month to host a server. @WildGunsTomcat Exactly, it's why I like to propsoal an option to host a local database server for those who want full authority. Edit: There could be "Offical Servers" That are listed, and are the unified databases, like how it is now, with the options of other server admins to have their database per server.
  7. I agree with the OP, now to read the rest of the pages. @Vipeax There should be a choice where server owners can have their own database, or have a central database among their own servers, or the unified version of how servers are now. If we are investing money to promote and host games for the community, we should be able to have the authority to do what we want if it's on our own server database, if it's how the current structure is, I completely agree with how it is. I also assume that when the game get's beta enough or launches, there will be a charge for the game, so, I don't see a problem, as this game his so much potential, anyone will be willing to shed out $20+ for it. I myself want to run a serious role-playing server, however I've recently sent in an e-mail to further this situation. A single sided database where we are in full control would be interested, with the option of having a universal database as it is now. ^ This could be the solution for reserved slots, etc, nothing to worry about as what happens on the "private" servers, stays there. I also see kids bitching and complaing in the server section if the server is passworded for more than 10 minutes, seriously. If I'm paying $100+ month and can't get these immature selfish kids out? Than I really don't see it feasible, they complain and bitch about something they are getting for free, free to play on, free to play. If there is a subscription monthly, they may be filtered out.
  8. biorage

    Why is everyone a dickhead?

    Why? BECAUSE SURVIVAL. and not everyone is a Dick Head, If you aim your gun at me, your going to die, also a lot of back stabbers. It all comes down to just shooting anyone on site, there's to many risks involved. Thus why I form groups outside of in-game.
  9. biorage

    IF this was an actual game...

    I would prefer a Stand Alone Game, I'd pay about $20 for it, as ARMA III is due to release, and DayZ would be ported over. Studio would work better, as the current infastructure is set up as a unversal system. I would like the choice for server-side databases however.
  10. It's a good proposal.
  11. I don't see what's wrong with side-chat, it's not like everyone's role-playing. However, I do see a lot of people talking in SideChat. Meta-Gaming isn't a problem, since everyone uses VoIP.
  12. biorage

    Server Admin Killed me upon Logging In.

    Yep. TL;DR Don't log off in towns. Log off in the woods.
  13. biorage

    US 28 Chicago 22/US 27 Chicago 21 Locked

    You guys need to chill the fuck out. You should be thankful that people are paying with there money to host servers FOR you to play. Stop bitching.
  14. biorage

    Zombie Children YAY or NAY

    ^ I agree. Kids should be in, that's a no brainer.
  15. How it's setup currently is your doing DayZ more of a favour than yourself, by offering your $ to host a server. Yes you have the ability to Ban / Kick, and the biggest motivator is to have a place called "Home" for you and your friends. However the rules are strict, you cannot spawn items/vehicles, nor can you ban or kick for slots, as Blasty Stated.
  16. biorage

    Server-Side Databases

  17. biorage

    Making A Home

    I like this idea.
  18. biorage

    still being attacked through walls

    Still getting attack through walls. Stair cases now I.E in control tower hiding under stair case, if they are above you can get hit still.
  19. biorage

    Do you like 1.7.1?

    It's fine how it is, EXCEPT - Zombies running zig-zag - Zombies spotting you while prone and your hiding behind a bush.. no way they could really see you IRL. - Zombies being able to spot you from 12039021930912 miles away.
  20. Greetings, I'm looking for some people to play with, preferable with a microphone. I'm a big zombie fanatic, but this game looks like it really depends on the team-mates.. purchasing is not a problem for me, however I would like to find a small group or something along those lines to play with. A bit about me: - Have a Mic - Canadian, eh. - Have a forum - I'm pretty hardcore when it comes to zombies, and FPS, I played a ton of FPS games in my life-time, so skills shouldn't be a factor. - I can role-play. - I work full time, and I'm older, lol, my spare times are usually after 6 pm EST, and weekends. I'm looking for people to play with that hopefully have great communication, and know how to have fun. Please add me on steam or Skype. BioRage - Steam BiohazardRage - Skype Thanks!
  21. biorage

    Looking for some people to play with!

    Add me on Skype, we have 5 party going at the moment.
  22. Greetings, I did make a post http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12496 But I realized that there were a lot of people posting here looking for groups, so I figured this would be an ideal place as well. ---------------------------- I'm looking for some people to play with, preferable with a microphone. I'm a big zombie fanatic, but this game looks like it really depends on the team-mates.. purchasing is not a problem for me, however I would like to find a small group or something along those lines to play with. A bit about me: - Have a Mic - Canadian, eh. - Have a forum - I'm pretty hardcore when it comes to zombies, and FPS, I played a ton of FPS games in my life-time, so skills shouldn't be a factor. - I can role-play. - I work full time, and I'm older, lol, my spare times are usually after 6 pm EST, and weekends. I'm looking for people to play with that hopefully have great communication, and know how to have fun. Please add me on steam or Skype. BioRage - Steam BiohazardRage - Skype Thanks! Installing as we speak! :blush:
  23. biorage

    Looking for other survivors.

    Hey, Depending on your timezone, we could play together, My contact info is in this thread here.. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12496