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Everything posted by biorage

  1. biorage

    Cancel your servers.

    If you don't like the universal HIVE, Than run your own private DayZ server, easiest solution.
  2. All I read was "hop servers". <_<
  3. Should pick it up, it's worth the full price, but now it's 20% off for $23.99 USD. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/4638/ Worth every penny for the game itself, than of course the bonus for DayZ. :beans: Enjoy!
  4. biorage

    DayZ and Arma2

    Steam Sale, you need combined operations. Get both, it's on sale for $25 today.
  5. biorage


    Why would I want to carry a bag of stones? That would drag me down a lot. The idea of picking them up in random places seem fair enough. Ideally I think it would work better as a melee than a throwing item..
  6. biorage

    Broken Bone

    Military Camps. Hospitals. Friends. If you don't have a friend to get it to you, or your far away from a town with a hospital, than your going to have a bad time.
  7. biorage

    M1911 or Revolver?

    1911, I find the G17 only good for headshots, if your accurate and can get a shot per head count, that's 17 zombies. 1911 ammo also spawns everywhere. Not a fan of the revolver, to slow and 6 shots for my taste, I'll pass.
  8. biorage

    GPS location

    Hmm.. I'm sure it could be done with minor coding tweaks, but it's something ARMA II it self should of implemented to be able to move it wherever on the screen.
  9. Check my signature, trying to get a small community going to discuss DayZ ideas/topics/strategies and of course group formations among friends of friends!
  10. biorage

    Mountain Dew??

    Apparently people use Mountain Dew as a trading item, as it is quite rare. I have yet to find one...
  11. biorage

    different servers

    No, the differences will mean either you can uses - Third person view or ONLY first person view - Name tagging off, name tagging on (When you highlight a person will it show their name etc) And a few other various things. It does not add what you start with.
  12. biorage

    everlasting darkness??

    The server time represents the in-game time, so if your east coast and it's night time, well chances are that server is night time as well. IF you want a day time server, your going to have to do some calculations on to see what zones are day for you when it's night, and vice versa.
  13. biorage

    Don't Remove Tents.

    Hmm.. unfortunately the dev's have made their decisions.. Suppose that means faster time to put your items back to a safe area.
  14. biorage

    As50 Or M24?

    Yeah, AS50 is semi auto too, M24 is a cock-bolt-action.
  15. biorage

    What counts as DCing?

    DC referings to aborting during a fire-fight, or being chase after zeds, It's an exploit that you can abuse to get out of "sticky" situations, apart from that, there is no problem.
  16. biorage

    Computer Specs?

    My build as of this January. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArDLrSIudp1HdEtvYkliOTNRSW90S0dTUlBFWlZPSnc Get more ram, that should do the trick.
  17. biorage

    Downloading Arma 2 from Bohemia

    Just get it through steam, it's easier. Leave your PC running for several days, download both games at the same time.
  18. biorage

    Can anyone here gift me Arma 2 on steam?

    Get a visa gift card /thread /facepalm @op Sign for a new credit card if your that desperate, if your to old to mow lawns, than I guess people who cut lawns "professionally" are all kids?
  19. biorage

    Questions From a Noob

    1. Sadly, not all buildings can be entered, only ones that have windows where you can clearly see into it. Mouse three down when you see a green symbol on the middle of your screen. <|> or >|<. 2. Most likely that was a decorative item, most hatchets you would fine would be laying on the ground somewhere, scroll your mousewheel, if nothing appears to pick up, than most likely it's for aesthics.
  20. Hello All, I was browsing the server list this whole weekend, and I kept coming across a few servers that stated. 1) "Server side database" or something along those lines. Does anyone have any details on this matter? Thanks. I also came across one's that listed up as "un-offical"
  21. ... and this is why you have no friends, or a social life.
  22. biorage

    can zombies hurt you inside vehicles?

    Yes, they can, they can even hit it enough to make it explode. I notice they can hit through the windows, so generally it's better to be inside a vehicle than to surrond it, like a bike.