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About strider87

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. strider87

    Come get us!

    Well for a Norwegian you have very good English and I commend you! I'm sorry if I insulted you I figured this was mostly American/British board. Also again, for the 3rd time: of course anyone that comes looking for us might die. We're of course going to fight them! That's the point. I posted our position and a general idea of how well we're armed. Anyone who comes knocking does it at their own risk from then on. What I hope to happen is for a group of players to get together and come take us down, it would make for an excellent fight.
  2. strider87

    Come get us!

    I hope I've made it clear to everyone that we're just looking for a glorious fight and fully expect and sort of want our characters to die. We're not looking to slaughter more players in pointless PvP just to boost our egos. Also, to anyone looking for us: MY FRIEND HAD TO TAKE A BREAK FOR A BIT AS WE HAD BEEN PLAYING FOR QUITE A WHILE, WE WILL BE BACK IN THE SAME LOCATION TONIGHT AT AROUND 8:00 PM EASTERN TIME
  3. strider87

    Come get us!

    We've walked from the NW Airfield to Electro and back about 2 times now looking for trouble. How do you think we got so geared up? We've been stopping at all the airfields, military bases and cities, taking down prey stronger than us, and general looting for the entirety of these characters lifespan. They've lasted so long at this point and have such good gear it's become too easy we just want a nice fight to top it all off. It's not like we've been scuttering around the whole time avoiding anyone who could put up a fight. :P
  4. strider87

    Come get us!

    doesn't really seem relevant honestly
  5. strider87

    Come get us!

    Is that an issue?
  6. strider87

    Come get us!

    My name in game is Matt and my friends is Tyler Pitts. We're here. We popped a flare in the street on our location. Come take us. Server reset but we're still gonna be there. We're waiting people.
  7. strider87

    Come get us!

    My friend and I are outfitted to the teeth with a load weapons and loot in Electro. We're on UK 0-42 on DayZ:SA Experimental. We're somewhere in Electro camping in a two-story red building. We've killed many innocent fresh spawns but they've proven too easy and boring for us. We want a challenge! Bring as many friends as you want. Come and take our loot, if you can.