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Everything posted by SamualACarver

  1. SamualACarver

    1st person cameraview is to low

    I like playing in 1pp but the problem I have with it and I really hope this gets changed is you cant look around independent of moving. I know you can unlock the camera but with the camera unlocked you cant control the direction you are moving. They should both be totally independent of each other. Characters should be able to walk and change direction at the same time looking around like in real life. That is the problem with 1pp your ability to look around is totally hindered. Its makes it hard to view your surroundings and totally inhibits you awareness. It is a major limitation. 3rd person sort of makes up for this and gives you better awareness of your surroundings but it is also unrealistic since you can look over walls etc. Looking and walking should be totally independent of each other. Characters should be able to look around in any direction while at the same time moving in any direction. In real life a person in a Dayz situation would constantly be looking around like their head was on a swivel while at the same time steadily moving around in different directions.
  2. SamualACarver

    today i was enjoy happy surprise in my camp

    So what if he called him "blackie" even if that wasnt the Players name and it was a black character. People need to get off this being over sensitive to race BS. Saying a person is black or white or whatever is no different than saying if a person was a man or woman. It is just part of the description of the person. If you are going to describe a person you met how well could you describe them if you didnt say what they looked like. How stupid would it be to describe someone you met and said. "I met a human" or is it more descriptive to say "I met a black guy today" or "I met a white woman today" A persons race or skin color is just part of who they are and when you mention it there shouldnt be any difference than mentioning a person sex, hair color, eye color etc. Being so overly sensitive to race is what keeps racist issues alive.
  3. I have been having a lot of problems with zombie fighting. The problem I have is my weapon just passes right through the zombie. I have managed to kill them with a machete but it took a long time and for every 5 swings that seemed to pass right through the zombie maybe one would hit. Even with an axe I may have to swing 3-5 times before the hit counts. Its helped me get better at dodging zombie attacks but it is aggravating when it takes 5x more hits than it should to kill one. I was thinking that it was a desync issues. That what on my screen looks like a hit passing through the zombies head is actually totally missing him because the zombies actual position is different from what I see on my screen. Could that be it?
  4. SamualACarver

    Clothes & Temperature

    This is not like real life at all. Wool is the best material there is for keeping you warm when it is wet. Wool retains about 80% of its insulating ability even when soaking wet.
  5. SamualACarver

    Clothes & Temperature

    I have been having a very hard time keeping warm and have died of hypothermia a few times. One of my characters is right now near death. I have a down jacket on and my clothes are at worse worn. I have all bright green bars and can not get warm. When I played last the server I was on it was raining. I built a fire under a tree but the fire did absolutely nothing. I actually stood in the middle of the fire and nothing happened. Does rain somehow make fire not hot? I've tried everything I could think of. I tried lighting one of the portable stoves to warm my character up (inside a building so it should have worked better) and it did nothing at all even when I stood on top of it. How exactly am I supposed to warm my character up?
  6. SamualACarver

    How are we supposed to play the game right now?

    I have noticed it being harder after this update especially for a fresh spawn. It is hard to fight off a bunch of zombies with no weapons. I have had quite a few fresh spawns die within 5-10 mins. I have a question on how to deal with multiple zombies as a fresh spawn Here is the situation I have had happen a few times. Start out fresh spawn head toward a town a zombie comes from seemingly out of nowhere. I start punching him (except now it is a lot harder I used to be able to punch out a zombie without taking any damage now it takes 5+ hits for 1 hit to actually do damage) I am fighting one and then a 2nd zombie reaches me then a 3rd usually at least 1 is a crawler. So now I'm just getting my ass kicked and bleeding I have to run away. The zombies give chase and attract more zombies. I had 5 of them attacking me at once one time. I end up dead. I have had this situation have quite a few times since the latest update. How do any other people deal with this. Also I am having a lot harder time actually hitting zombies with a weapon. I have hits that I know should connect but dont. I kinda think that maybe I am de-syncing or lagging some times. Because I will take multiple swings at a zombie none of the hits register. But I will take hits from zombies that are facing the wrong direction. I think that I am safe from being hit because I dodged a hit the zombie moves past me and is now facing away from me it attacks the air and I get hit. Anyone have any advice on how to deal with this?
  7. SamualACarver

    The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino

    I agree with you it would suck if Dayz went that way. I'm new to Dayz and havent played any games like it but I've watched a few videos of the mod and another game kinda like Dayz with massive bases and stuff. I saw a video of someone building a tower on that other game (cant remember the name) but they basically chopped down trees then magically had wood panels to stack together to build with. I thought that was stupid. I think Dayz should be realistic with building and if it was it would pretty much eliminate the problems you pointed out. I'm a carpenter and building a house is not at all an easy process even just an average size home can take months to complete. You shouldnt be able to chop down a few tress and have a house built in 30 mins. If Dayz took a realistic approach to building structures building anything more than a log cabin or stone house would be nearly impossible. I think the process for building even a small log cabin should be something like this. Clip from the movie "Alone in the wilderness" about Dick Proenneke a man that went to live alone in the Alaskan wilderness. This is him building his log cabin. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYJKd0rkKss#t=112 Building even a small cabin is a lot of work and you need a lot of tools. I dont think that Dayz should include every detail in the building process of a log cabin but a Player should have to gather up at least 4-5 different tools, some rope and a variety of different building materials. To build a small cabin should probably take 20-30 man and game hours. So a single Player building a cabin in the woods should have to spend 20-30 game hours to build a small cabin. If you had 5 Players building one it should take 4-6 hours. Building a stone structure should be the same way. Also realistically you should be able to take apart other structures and use materials from those but you would need a vehicle to transport the materials to your building site. Doing it like this would keep people from building massive elaborate structures and doing stupid sh*t like you mentioned. A small cabin in the woods would be a very valuable thing. In the Dayz world there isnt any electricity and if there were it would be limited. There is absolutely no way anyone is going to build a massive multi-story building much less a concrete and steel military type base. If it was set up this way Players would be more likely to use already existing structures and fortify them. I think that it would be awesome if Players would have to claim a structure and then secure and defend it. It would be cool if clans could lay claim to a village or town or base and other Players and clans could fight to take them over. Making the building process more realistic and difficult to do would make claiming even a small village very hard to do. Pretty much you would have to build a log or stone wall around the entire village like a mid-evil village would have been. Something that would take 100's of man game hours. A clan of ten could maybe build a log wall around a small village in 10-20 hrs. A lot of work and time but the harder you work for something the more important it becomes to you. Completing a project like that would be a great accomplishment for a clan. Creating a system like this will greatly reduce the amount of structures Players wil build and will also give the "wilderness survival" Players a lot more to do. Even now chopping down a large tree should take 15-20 mins of steady chopping. Some people may think that is boring but if you want or need the wood you should have to work for it and earn it.
  8. SamualACarver

    Item Tetris is it worth it ?

    I think what would be better would be to make each slot smaller. Basically take the existing slots and subdivide those into 4-6 smaller slots. So something like a pen would take up 2-3 of the small slots (half of one of the current slots). Weight should definitely become a factor carrying a heavier load should slow you down and tire you out faster. It would make for more variety of play styles and give incentive to travel light. I dont think weight should come into effect until there is persistent storage. That way you could have a secret stash somewhere and only carry the items you need for a specific "mission".
  9. SamualACarver

    About game performance;

    This might help. I just upgraded my Graphics Card for DayZ (mostly) I have an older system also. Here is the card I got it was just $150 dollars and was well worth it. I dont know how to see how many FPS I'm getting but Dayz runs super smooth now. No stuttering at all in cities or anywhere. I dont have everything set to max but I have the important stuff set to high or very high (but like shadows I have low as possible). I am not very computer savvy so I had to ask at a computer forum on the best graphics card for my system this card was the answer I received. I read some reviews and watched a few videos about it and I was sold. It was as good as all the reviews said. I think this is a great option for anyone looking to upgrade an older system. Here is my system and the card I installed. My system http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883113086 Invidia EVGA GTX 750 ti http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Superclock-Dual-Link-Graphics-02G-P4-3753-KR/dp/B00IDG3IDO Here is a video review of the card. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_Pnte_niJE
  10. SamualACarver

    Game keeps crashing

    I am needing help with this Dayz is constantly crashing and it is pretty much random. It doesnt seem to be any set time. I can play for 30 mins (but never more than that) or 2 mins and it will crash. It will just crash straight to desktop. This started happening a week or so ago with an update. Previously I would have the occasional problem where the screen would go black but Dayz would still be running. I could hear myself moving and other in game sounds but the screen was black. I would have to ctrl/alt/delete to shut Dayz down and restart. I havent had that problem lately. Dayz just crashes, shuts down and just goes to the desktop. I have updated my my graphics card drivers. Uninstalled-reinstalled Dayz. I have tried different settings. I submitted a report to Feedback Tracker with all the info they asked for. This was over a week ago and I have had no reply at all. I dont even know if the Devs read it or care. This is getting very aggravating. It is basically unplayable. Does anyone have any suggestions at all what I could do to fix this? This is driving me crazy. Thanks Edit: For more detail to what is happening the game freezes then seconds later crashes to desktop. I Dled an Nvidia monitoring program. The Graphics Card temp stays around 70-75 degrees celcius which with nothing but the browser running basically at idle it stays around 65 degrees. On the Nvidia monitoring program it has 91 degrees as the threshold temp. So I think the temp is fine. My memory usage goes up to around 98% after a few mins in game. System Specs: I dont know what all specs are needed to list. Gateway FX542X Windows Vista Processor Intel Core 2 quad CPU Q9300 @ 2.50 GHZ 2.50 GHZ Ram 4 GB 64 Bit operating System Graphics card: Nvidia GeForce 9800 GTX+ Memory data rate 2200 MHz Memory inteface 256-bit Total available graphic memory 2303 MB Dedicated video memory 512 MB GDDR3 Shared sytem memory 1791 MB
  11. SamualACarver

    Game keeps crashing

    Thanks for trying to help. I updated my post. I dont think it is the temp.
  12. SamualACarver

    Doors are wrong?

    I dont know how it is in Russia or other countries, I would think it was the same but, in The U.S exterior doors on houses open in (into the house). Most modern commercial type buildings do have exterior doors that open out but, houses dont. I am a carpenter I notice things like that. Besides being more realistic it would make it so much easier to enter a house or any building. Especially if your in a hurry (being chased or trying to avoid being seen). Instead of needing to stand in exactly the correct spot or getting pushed out of the way by the door (like it works now) you could open and go straight in much faster. Which between getting in or out of a building in a hurry in Dayz Players usually try to get in faster and dont need to get out as fast. Storm doors and screen doors on houses open out. Exterior doors on commercial or public buildings (more modern buildings with doors that dont have knobs) open out because in case of an emergency people can evacuate the building faster and easier. Imaging running to a door to get out of a burning building and having to pull it in toward yourself instead of just pushing it open. Imaging a whole crowd of people trying to get out.
  13. I'm new to this game so I dont know how many of which item there should be out there but what they could do is give these items a lifespan of so many hours of use like in real life. All vehicles and parts being release with Global limits. Higher numbers for more real life common vehicles like a standard passenger car. Low numbers for vehicles like Helis and other military vehicles. Like cars and helis and other vehicles they would all start missing certain parts that they need and it could be different for each vehicle. Like you may find one car that is missing some belts spark plug wires etc another missing tires with some of the better vehicles missing harder to get parts. The same for helis and since helis are such premium items they would all start out missing a few common parts and at least one rare part but it would be different parts so that all helis werent missing the rotor as its rare part. One may be missing a rotor and another missing an important and rare engine part. When they emplemented the vehicles a certain number of these different rare parts would be released and globally restricted. The parts could be initially released in phases. For example they release X number of rotors then a couple or few weeks later they release X more until they feel they have the right number out there. Each of these parts would basically come with a timer on them with a random X number of hours of life for each part. There wouldnt be a timer that Players could see or anything. For example you may find a rotor that has 100 hrs of life left or find one that has 50 hours of life left. You wouldnt know. Just like in real life. When you buy say an alternator for your car it basically comes with a timer on it because sooner or later it is going to break and you will need to buy another. Once they make the initial release and have the number of those items out there they stop spawning them. Then every few weeks or so they release a few more. By that point some of the rotors from the initial release would have used up their lifespan and basically broke. If you had managed to get a working heli eventually the rotor fails and you will need to find a new one. Doing it like this would prevent real hardcore Players and Clans from basically hoarding up all of the rare parts. It would also prevent there being a million helis out there. Here is an outline for how it could be emplemented. Like I said I dont know what amount of vehicles or parts is appropriate so I'm just going to use some random numbers. Also this is an example of Helis missing rotors as their rare part. The same thing could be done with helis missing a different rare part and the same for other vehicles. All vehiclee would also be missing some random more common parts and some interchangeable parts like tires. So you could have a car with 2 different size tires different color doors ect. Example: Helis missing Rotors 1) Release 50 Helis missing Rotors as a Global limit. They could release more over time to replace any that have been destroyed or as the Player base increases 2) At the same time release 25 Rotors (all with random number of hours life span maybe between 50-200) 3) 2 weeks later release 25 more rotors. 4) Release more Rotors to replace some of the initial Rotors that would have reached their lifespan. By A: They could either keep track of the number of working Rotors Globally (but I dont know if that is possible or practical) then release an appropriate number Globally. B: They could just wait for a few weeks when they know some of the Rotors would have reached their lifespan then release 5-10 more Globally. Wait a few weeks and release some more. 5) Other parts on the Heli would also wear out over time so in order to keep your Heli flying you would need to periotically replace different parts. Some parts more common others rare. You would have to do a maintenance schedule on your Heli but eventually it would just become worn out over time and not worth the effort to keep it running. Maybe eventually the engine finally goes and is very hard to replace basically only being possible by pulling one from another Heli. This same system could be applied to all vehicles and parts and would be very realistic. It would also prevent some Players and Clans from hoarding all of the best vehicles or everyone having a Heli. This way the vehicles and parts would be circulating around all of the servers and everyone one would get a chance to sometime get a nice vehicle. It would open up trading and give Players and Clans a reason to travel to other servers to acquire replacement parts. The parts and vehicles would also stay rare like they should.
  14. SamualACarver

    If you die in DayZ, you deserved it

    Yea in some ways the idea that if you die its your fault is true but unless you KOS there isnt much you can do. I am new to this game and I have been killed a few times by other Players. I am a very cautious Player also. I scope out every town before I enter I move in a crouched position look around every corner, close doors behind me everything I can think of. Everytime except 1 that I have encountered another Player they have killed me. The one time they didnt I had guns and an axe and they were a fresh spawn with no weapons. I was just now killed on a characterI had 7hrs of play time into. I was in a building I had a pistol in my hand. I heard footsteps I turned as the door opened and someone walked in with a rifle. I started to say dont shoot but didnt get a chance before they just shot me. I lost a lot of good gear with that. The only way that I can see to survive is to just shoot whoever you see. Every single time I have tried to talk to another Player I have been shot. I'm getting ready to start a new character and thats exactly what Im going to do. Im not going to try to talk to anyone I will just KOS. Like I said you are right when you say if you die its your fault. I would still have my last character if I would have shot that other Player as soon as they walked in the door.
  15. SamualACarver

    Possible way to implement vehicles fairly into DayZ

    I didnt mean for things to just disappear. Just for things to degrade or wear out over time. For example Helis get initially released at a Global limit with for example 50 the first week and 50 the next week. Then a few here and there on a random schedule after the initial release. So if you found a Heli you inspect it and see it needs new plug wires, a fuel pump and a rotor. You find the items with like the plug wires being the easiest to find as there are universal wire sets irl that you cut to length a lot of fuel pumps will work with different engines also. You also find a Rotor for it the Rotors being rare since there is a Global limit on them maybe a few more than the number of Helis that were released with a Global limit. You get the parts in and each part has a random hidden number of hours that it will work. (You should be able to inspect the Heli and notice some parts starting to look worn or the Heli performance degrading.) Once the Rotor reaches its random time limit it finally fails. It doesnt dissapear it just stops working. So you have to find another one. This would be happening Globally to every Heli and rotor and other parts all on there own time frame. The parts would be randomly released at a Global limit so they may release 5 one week 10 the next none the next week etc. The engines would also eventually wear out with the only option being find another Heli and pull the engine. With a system like this no one could hoard and keep all the Helis each heli would have a total lifespan. Over time as old Helis finally get worn out there will have been a steady but random trickle of them being released on random servers. That way the over all total number of Helis in game would be fairly consistant but everyone would have a chance to have one at least for awhile. As the total population of Players increased they could release a few extra every so often to slowly increase the total number. This is very realistic and fair to all Players. It stops the problems of real hardcore Players and Clans always having helis and more casual Players never getting them and it also stops the problem of there being way too many helis in the game. This could be done with all vehicles.
  16. SamualACarver

    Dean Hall on Vehicles and Barricading

    I'm new to this game so I dont know how many of which item there should be out there but what they could do is give these items a lifespan of so many hours of use like in real life. All vehicles and parts being release with Global limits. Higher numbers for more real life common vehicles like a standard passenger car. Low numbers for vehicles like Helis and other military vehicles. Like cars and helis and other vehicles they would all start missing certain parts that they need and it could be different for each vehicle. Like you may find one car that is missing some belts spark plug wires etc another missing tires with some of the better vehicles missing harder to get parts. The same for helis and since helis are such premium items they would all start out missing a few common parts and at least one rare part but it would be different parts so that all helis werent missing the rotor as its rare part. One may be missing a rotor and another missing an important and rare engine part. When they emplemented the vehicles a certain number of these different rare parts would be released and globally restricted. The parts could be initially released in phases. For example they release X number of rotors then a couple or few weeks later they release X more until they feel they have the right number out there. Each of these parts would basically come with a timer on them with a random X number of hours of life for each part. There wouldnt be a timer that Players could see or anything. For example you may find a rotor that has 100 hrs of life left or find one that has 50 hours of life left. You wouldnt know. Just like in real life. When you buy say an alternator for your car it basically comes with a timer on it because sooner or later it is going to break and you will need to buy another. Once they make the initial release and have the number of those items out there they stop spawning them. Then every few weeks or so they release a few more. By that point some of the rotors from the initial release would have used up their lifespan and basically broke. If you had managed to get a working heli eventually the rotor fails and you will need to find a new one. Doing it like this would prevent real hardcore Players and Clans from basically hoarding up all of the rare parts. It would also prevent there being a million helis out there. Here is an outline for how it could be emplemented. Like I said I dont know what amount of vehicles or parts is appropriate so I'm just going to use some random numbers. Also this is an example of Helis missing rotors as their rare part. The same thing could be done with helis missing a different rare part and the same for other vehicles. All vehiclee would also be missing some random more common parts and some interchangeable parts like tires. So you could have a car with 2 different size tires different color doors ect. Example: Helis missing Rotors 1) Release 50 Helis missing Rotors as a Global limit. They could release more over time to replace any that have been destroyed or as the Player base increases 2) At the same time release 25 Rotors (all with random number of hours life span maybe between 50-200) 3) 2 weeks later release 25 more rotors. 4) Release more Rotors to replace some of the initial Rotors that would have reached their lifespan. By A: They could either keep track of the number of working Rotors Globally (but I dont know if that is possible or practical) then release an appropriate number Globally. B: They could just wait for a few weeks when they know some of the Rotors would have reached their lifespan then release 5-10 more Globally. Wait a few weeks and release some more. 5) Other parts on the Heli would also wear out over time so in order to keep your Heli flying you would need to periotically replace different parts. Some parts more common others rare. You would have to do a maintenance schedule on your Heli but eventually it would just become worn out over time and not worth the effort to keep it running. Maybe eventually the engine finally goes and is very hard to replace basically only being possible by pulling one from another Heli. This same system could be applied to all vehicles and parts and would be very realistic. It would also prevent some Players and Clans from hoarding all of the best vehicles or everyone having a Heli. This way the vehicles and parts would be circulating around all of the servers and everyone one would get a chance to sometime get a nice vehicle. It would open up trading and give Players and Clans a reason to travel to other servers to acquire replacement parts. The parts and vehicles would also stay rare like they should.
  17. This has happened 2x now. I get hit with a zombie twice and die. The second time just now I had spent probably 5hrs over a 2 day period going from the far east coast to the big airfield. My first time going to the airfield to get some good gear. I had been in total stealth mode the whole time. When I would get to the edge of a town I would scope the whole town out and then move through the town crouched and looking around every corner moving from cover to cover ect. Totally being careful. I did that all the way from the coast even in the woods and fields. I finally get to the airfield scoped it out real good no other Players were around. I go into the 1st hanger and a zombie comes running at me. I swing with the axe and miss. I think the zombie hit me but I wasnt bleeding or anything. We turn and face each other I swing the axe I guess he zombie hit me cause I died that fast I dont even know for sure what happened. I was totally full health Energized was bright green, the green healthy bar was bright I was max health but I died that fast. I cant figure out what happened. Was it a glitch? Is there something happening I dont know about? I have had zombies hit me multiple times maybe as many as 10 but not die. I am sure no other Players were around I really scoped everything out before I moved into the hanger. If a Player did shoot me or something would I hear the gun shot? I'm not sure what happened. I'm frustrated though that I spent all that time being extra careful and then die for seems like no reason. Anyone have any ideas what happend? Having that happen made me think it would be nice to get a message after you die that says how you died. Like "You were shot by another Player." Or "You were killed by a zombie." Something so you can know how you died. What would be best would be if you could see a replay of like the last 20-30 secs like some other games have. Anyway I am totally new to Dayz I think it is great but very frustrating at times. Any tips or advance anyone can give me would be appreciated. Thanks.
  18. SamualACarver

    How many hits from a zombie to kill you?

    Thanks everyone for the replies. It helps a lot to understand the game hearing from other people experience. I didnt know about crouching and the one hit kills from Zeds I didnt know if that was a glitch or what. A few times I have died and couldnt understand why.
  19. SamualACarver

    Noob needs help

    Hi all, I just started playing DayZ. I never played the mod so I am totally new to it. I love it its a lot of fun but I am getting very frustrated with a few things. Maybe some people could help me out give me some advice. First thing is I can almost never find any guns. I have watched a bunch of youtube videos and I see people get guns in a matter of minutes. I have played sometimes for hours and never find a gun. Ihave probably 50 hrs of playing in and I think I have found guns only 3 times in all of my many times dieing and respawning. The second and biggest issue I am having and the main reason I keep dieing is that I dont know how to melee fight the zombies. I have been killed by zombies lots and lots of times and I have only managed to kill maybe 2-4 with melee weapons. I cant figure out what I am doing wrong. I have had bats, machetes, sickles, pitchforks, knives etc and I still die pretty much everytime I run into a zombie. One problem I am having is that the zombies score hits even if they arent facing me. I have had them be 10 ft away facing the other direction and still scoring hits. I have tried to run at them attack run on past turn arond and repeat but that doesnt work because everytime I hit them they hit me. Even though I am hacking at them with a machete and hit them 10-20 x or more they hit me with their bare hands 3 to at the most 10 times I die. It always ends up with me trading blows with the zombie, me hitting it 20-40x sometimes knocking it down other times it doesnt seem like I am doing anything to it besides some blood spattering. It hits me 3-10 times and I'm dead. I just died a few minutes ago. I had a sickle was chopping away at the zombie he hits me like 4 times (while facing away from me) I start bleeding like crazy and it doesnt even phase it that I have been chopping away at it with a sickle. So I had to run away or die. It never stopped chasing me so it eventually killed me. I respawned in the same area. I found the zombie standing over my previous dead body. I thought screw it I'll try attacking it with my fists. That didnt work because I got in the fighting stance but my character wouldnt hit. I was mashing the mouse button and he wouldnt swing. The zombie hit me 3x and I was dead. Anyway I am getting very frustrated and would very much appreciate some help. Thanks
  20. SamualACarver

    Noob needs help

    Thanks everyone for the help and tips, it clears a lot of things up for me. All the info you all gave me is very helpful and will make the game even better (which it is already awesome). Those few things I asked about were really bothering me now I know what to do. Thanks all.
  21. SamualACarver

    Im trapped

    Hopefully someone will reply with an answer soon. My character is trapped in one of the boarded up rooms in the police station near Khelm and the Lumber Mill area near the church. When I was in the building there was a zombie walking around with half her body sticking up from the floor. I couldnt attack her and she couldnt attack me. I left the building started heading across the street the game just suddenly glitched and I was like teleported into one of the rooms in the police station with the boarded up doors. Now I cant get out. I have been trying everything I can think of. Trying to jump out the window (cant) tried to run through the walls (cant). I can get my head through but thats it. I have logged off and on quite a few time and tried different severs but nothing is working. I dont want to kill my character. I have a few good items including a gun but no ammo for it yet but I have like 2+ hrs to get to this point and dont want to start over. Either way I cant kill my character anyway since there isnt a suicide option (might be a good idea to add). So what can I do? I cant play like this. Do I have to wait for my character to starve to death so I can respawn? Thanks
  22. SamualACarver

    Noob needs help

    Thanks for the advice. I did do a little better with melee fighting. I didnt know that you could aim for specific areas with melee weapons. After you said to aim for the head I put the reticle dot on the zombies head when I attacked with a shovel. I guess I was hitting it in the head. It is kinda hard for me to tell for sure but I did kill a couple before they could kill me. How realistic is the melee fighting or is it intended/will be? What I mean is that with a shovel I have more range than I would with even a machete, and definately more range than the zombies hands. So it seems that I should be able to hit the zombie with a shovel and stay out of the range of its hands by hitting then moving back. Does it work that way? I tried it but couldnt tell if it was working or not for sure. As far as server hoping I have sort of been doing that. One thing for sure I have been connecting to servers with 3 or less people on them. Some of the reasons being. I am not very good with the controls yet. I am not very good at melee fighting. I dont know much about the game and interacting with items. I'm getting better but still I have a lot of learning to do. I thought it best to start out learning on a server that will be a little easier. I get killed enough by zombies to not also need to worry about Players killing me. I have also been going on 24/7 day servers for the same reasons. I am trying to learn and the added difficulty of night is too much. A question about that. A lot of times I go on servers that say 24/7 daylight but they are still really dark, not pitch black but dark enough that I cant see anything but some shadows. Why is that? What do I look for on the server list if I want full daylight. Even servers in my time zone have been dark or late dusk when it should be full bright day outside. I was playing at 4:30 pm it is full daylight and doesnt get dark here until 9pm but all the servers I tried in my timezone were like it is when it is 8:30pm, almost dark. Any other advice anyone can give me is appreciated because like I said I am totally new to this game. I just heard about it last week. It looked totally awesome so I bought it and it has been but it is hard to learn from scratch. Thanks