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About chadthom32

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  1. chadthom32

    Mil tents crashing servers?

    Ok, I got a mil tent and put it down on a 1st/3rd server. Logged out and tried to log back in, kept timing out on me. I waited about 20 mins, logged back on and my tent was there, gear was in it, and then got booted...lol......Maybe they are crashing the servers? Edit: Waited a little bit, logged back on, tent was still there, took off away from tent and then Authentication Timeout again. Not having this issue on other servers, Maybe its just the ones that you yourself have Mil tents on?
  2. chadthom32

    Mil tents crashing servers?

    I noticed I had a lot of lag and crash issues when playing in HC servers, Not so much a problem in 1st/3rd...little lag, but not crashing
  3. chadthom32

    What is this symbol?

    Find a lock pick, they are everywhere...You can lock/unlock doors with them, you can also unlock locked doors with some melee weapons (Axe, Sledge Hammer, Hoe, ect...)
  4. chadthom32

    Question about Tents in Standalone

  5. Once I find a tent and place it on a Persistence server and put gear into it....Can I change to other servers and then come back to the server I placed my tent and the tent still be there? Or once you leave the server you placed your tent, the tent disappears?
  6. chadthom32

    AK 101 Mags

    Are there still AK 101 Mags in the game right now on stable servers? Ive had this AK 101 for over a week and cant find a mag, only time I found a mag I loaded it in to the AK 101 and ran around for about an hour just to find the mag had some how disappeared. Its getting really annoying not finding one, I hit all the Mill bases and nothing, Ive tried server hopping (I know that sucks) and still cant find anything, even on fresh restarted servers. Is it a bug and should I just drop it and go with Mosien and SKS?
  7. chadthom32

    Every time I log on Im a Bambie

    I cant find a mosin long range scope, cutting down trees gives me sounds like Im bouncing bullets off of it, I finally find a AK 101...go and log out and come back later as a new spawn with no one in my area when I logged out, no zombies either....why when a new patch comes out that is supposed to add new gear and fix different bugs, just creates more bugs? All ready seen some popular YouTubers not playing the game anymore because of the issues. Pls stop adding and just fix the issues we have, a tent dosent help me out when I lose everything when I log. And why if Im experimental only do I keep getting no experimental servers?
  8. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    Shouldn't have to go through player fixes to try and make it work....its your game, you charge for it....make it work
  9. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    I bought this thinking I could download and log on and play the dayz mod......what they don't tell you is there is a shit load of stuff to go through before you can play....but we will take your $35 and say thinks!!.....and most of the stuff to try and go through is BS, doesn't work and you are just F$cked....if you don't want to keep a game up to date then offer it for free and let people deal with it, if you're selling it then GET THE DAMN THING WORKING
  10. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    Ive tried the Verify the Arma 2, Arma OA files. Ive tried all the tips and tricks for this mod on this forum and I get the same long message about files that I cant do anything about......I went to the sticky and tried to verify the cache of Arma 2 and Arma OA and it still doesent run....I keep getting a need to enter his key on prompt but never get the prompt. If the game is broke ok, np.....if other people are playing then give me my money back....spent $35 on this game and its broke as fuck
  11. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    Ive started ever game title for arma 2, downloaded dayz mod....all from steam.....still get a program file and needs a key code....both arma 2 and arma oa gives me a key card......never shows enter key card during arma 2 or arma oa...never shows to enter a key card for dayz mod....not sure how else to spell it out besides this game is fucked steam. I want my money back for the sell of a broke as game you said was playable
  12. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    when I try to do a server in dayz mod it shows its sponsored by gamespy....that that was out?
  13. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    wtf, even get an error message about a SCAR when I run credits....this game is fucked give my money back
  14. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    really want to talk to steam so I can get my money back for a broke ass game......don't offer it if its not running right or at least let the people know if its is or isn't running right.....if its a player mistake sorry, all other games from steam run perfectly fine, just having problems with this one...and I paid for it so it really %^&** me off that it doesn't run
  15. chadthom32

    Can Not play Mod

    ive tried to do my own server I guess because no other server pops up, and it just locks up....game dosent do anything for 8mins