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Derbysieger (DayZ)

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About Derbysieger (DayZ)

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  1. I have to say the darkness in this game reminds me a lot of my four weeks in Romania a few years ago (March-April). The nights in the carpathians were absolutely pitch black when there was no moon. Especially during cloudy nights you didn't see anything at all. Not even silhouettes like you do in Arma 2 nights. It was just dark. One time when we were hiking we got a little too carried away so it went dark before we got home and we literally had to grope our way for the last kilometers. No flashlights, just a compass and a dirtpath to the house we were staying at. With a clear sky there is always a little light, that's true but on that day it was just black and it was kinda terrifying when we realised we wouldn't make it before nightfall.
  2. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Wildies vs Coasties. Which are you?

    The only town on the coast I regulary visit is Berezino. It's much less populated than Chernogorsk or Elektrozavodsk. When I die I usually go straight to Elektrozavodsk or Chernogorsk, there I loot the supermarket, café, firestation, church, policestation/school (whatever you wanna call it), the hospital and then leave the town asap. Next stop is usually Stary Sobor and Novy Sobor or Polana, then NW or NE Airfield where I meet up with my group of people.
  3. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    How long have I been alive?

    @Felix: Yes, it seems that's the way it works. @all: When leaderboards were working you could easily find your character when you knew how many zombies you killed.
  4. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    You can't lower your secondary weapon. You never could (I'm surprised you didn't know this as a veteran). That's the reason you fall off ladders when you climb them with a pistol.
  5. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Lowering your weapon

    Nope. It works just like in A2. You just can't lower your secondary weapon. I think I actually survived a lot of times because I either lowered my weapon or saluted.
  6. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Spawn on coast glitch with existing character.

    Me and all the players in my group (5 other players) spawned at the cost but we all kept our gear so it's no biggie.
  7. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    I played for about 2 hours this night and what can I say, I love the new spawnrate! I actually think there is a real reason to throw tin cans and whiskey bottles now. It works like a charm. I cleared the way to the supermarket in Polana that way because I was out of ammo for my revolver and very low on SD STANAGs (~6shots left). It was pretty funny to have all the zombies in the vicinity slowly walk to one point to check out what caused the noise
  8. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    yep, I completely agree. Looting towns was utterly boring. Now it's even more difficult than in earlier versions of the mod. I like it.
  9. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    1.5.7 update

    It reminds me of the earlier versions of the mod with even more zombies. I crawled into Krasnostav and just before I entered the Supermarket a Zombie spotted me: 78Kills more on my counter and I need to find some wild animals for steaks. I like it very much.
  10. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Low zombie count/low loot across servers

    What I am wondering is why the Zombie count is so low even after a restart. I find plenty of loot but zombies seem like a dying species. Example: When I approached Stary Sobor in earlier versions I was able to see a ton of zombies around in the open and had to very carefully make my way through. Now when I go to Stary Sobor, even if the server has been restarted ~15mins ago there are no zombies in the open. All the zombies are either in houses or at the spawnpoints of loot under small roofs or in lootable entrances. I can run through towns and villages in bright daylight without having a horde of zombies chasing me. The first time I entered Stary in DayZ my kill count rocketed from ~40kills to something like 150kills in a few minutes. After that I could walk around for a few minutes until they spawned again. Now when I enter Stary I have only 20-30kills more after I searched all the houses. Also I haven't encountered a single Zombie at deer stands since the update.
  11. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Hearing loss?

    just hit esc, disconnect (not to the server lobby or you will loose your spot on the server), reload your character.
  12. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Map is too big?

    The map is NOT to big. I just logged off after playing with my friends for several hours. We have met or seen about 10 other players in this time, heard shots of at least another 20 guys and we were attacked by two players (one bandit, one survivor) who underestimated the strength of our group and payed with their lives after killing one of us. 2 M4s, 2NVGs, a Tent and other usefull stuff is now ours. What is LACKING after the update are zombies. Before 1.5.6, towns were at least a little bit dangerous, even without other human players present. Now, you can just run through a town or village ignoring the few zombies on the way to the next house and then gun them down. This was at least somewhat risky before the latest update, and I died a few times to zombies. After the update I haven't seen more than 750 zombies on a server, often it's even below a hundred zeds. The tension when you get to a town is somewhat missing unless you happen to run into other players.
  13. Derbysieger (DayZ)

    Classsystem - Encouraging Teamplay

    In the last days, I often thought it would be cool if there was some sort of system that would encourage more teamplay, a system that could make a living survivor much more valuable than his loot depending on the situation. Me and my friends were often thinking that it would be more fun if not everybody could do anything. My Idea was that before you start you choose a class that has different skills. Any class can still do basic things like treating wounds, simple repairs on vehicels or hunting. But repairing an engine would require a certain class, a hunter would be able to scavenge more food off of animals, an engineer would be able to construct better fortifications, only a doctor could completely heal somebody who's heavily wounded and so forth. So basically a system that would encourage people more to work in groups (It's safer and more fun anyway). One would have to make sure that you can still play fine as a lone wolf of course. What do you think? Would something like this work for DayZ?