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Everything posted by wil24567

  1. Judging by the fact that computers are present in houses, i would say sometime after 1999.
  2. wil24567

    Banned JUST4LULZ

    Battleye doesnt ban for funsies. You hacked, nothing more to it. We can't help you, and its only a matter of minutes until the moderators come and lock this.
  3. wil24567

    Status Report - 22 Apr 15

    I'm aware what it is, I'm just happy for its arrival!
  4. wil24567

    Status Report - 22 Apr 15

    Lada Niva?!??!?
  5. Not possible at present time, DayZ has horrible Crossfire/SLI support, and you won't be playing it at 4k with a single GPU. Best choice is to wait.
  6. This isn't really the place to ask....... you might have better luck at the Epoch or Overpoch forums.
  7. wil24567

    DayZ Lag

    Shouldnt this be in troubleshooting? You also can't run DayZ with that system. It's just not possible.
  8. wil24567

    Toy Guns/Junk Guns

    Random junk that serves little to no purpose only puts more strain on the server, I say keep non-essential items hardly anyone will use out, at least until items don't have such a heavy impact on server performance.
  9. wil24567

    closing doors in apartment blocks

    It hasn't been a month yet.......
  10. wil24567

    Switch to AAA engine

    10 million copies of DayZ? How far up your ass did you pull that figure out?
  11. wil24567

    Missed Connection: The Gorka Killer

    This should probably be in Standalone General Discussion...... Not sure why you put it in Off-topic..... I also highly doubt that he drank the gasoline, either.
  12. wil24567

    Fix things before adding new things.

    Pretty much everything you said has been confirmed by the Dev team. Patience is key, here. It is only alpha, after all.
  13. wil24567

    look at that view..

    ^^^TheCreeper gets the cred for this one
  14. wil24567

    To those who enjoy seeing more zombies

    "Go circle jerk there" Well OP, you're no fun. *takes lotion bottle and leaves thread*
  15. wil24567

    Rich gets richer, the poor gets poorer

    Technically the "devs" don't care what you do, DayZ is supposed to be your story. Central Economy will be tweaked very soon, but even then i fail to see the "lack of loot" you people complain about, it is simply not true........
  16. wil24567

    .55 sucks its too hard!

    Whew, thought this was another rant topic...... seen far too many of those today.
  17. wil24567

    Why delete the thread Udate runied everything?

    Doesn't matter. Posts like that turn in to flame wars faster than you can say "alpha". You don't have to like it, but the way things are run around here isn't changing anytime soon.
  18. wil24567

    they killed DayZ for me and many others

    For realsies, the spam of "omg zombz too hard pl0x fix" is getting really old...... Go back to the comfort of your mommy's arms, ffs.
  19. wil24567

    thinking getting new gpu

    I have one, quite a step up from my old 760. Can't beat the price/performance ratio, I'd recommend.
  20. wil24567

    A new sniper rifle and a new LRS

    Yes, but do you think that Archangel stock makes any sense in a Eastern-bloc country?
  21. wil24567

    before you add the horde....

    This is not the first post of this kind, BroskyBro. There have been many others..... far too many others....
  22. wil24567

    Status Report - 10 mar 15

    Can't wait for the hordes.
  23. I thought we had seen the end of these threads..... this forum never ceases to amaze me.