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Everything posted by wil24567

  1. wil24567

    My dissatisfaction with the map of DayZ .

    Chernarus is a poor country, therefore there aren't going to be Wal-Mart's and Aldi's all around, and while it's not my favorite map of all time, it fits the setting of the game quite well. Really wouldn't hurt to have larger buildings in a more urban area of the map, however....
  2. wil24567

    DayZ SA Modding: A New Map

    1 word: America. Make a suburbia/urban area map, M4's in every house, because thats how we roll, and mod in some American muscle cars, and I'll play that shit till the day i die.
  3. wil24567

    Windows 10 Upgrade?

    Still rocking 7. Wont you get 10 free now but have to pay up in a year? Directx 12 makes me salivate. however. :rolleyes:
  4. wil24567

    Revert the ammo can back to 8 squares for ammo

    Now that the can only holds 4, its the same as putting 4 stacks of ammo in your inventory, and the box also says 300 rounds :huh: . One must question the developer's logic on this one....
  5. wil24567

    Vehicle engine mechanics

    Please. Do it, Bohemia. If you want to make cars practical, make it to where I have to go look up the manufacturers repair manual to repair the vehicle.
  6. Loot spawns are crazy. I got fully geared in Berezino by visiting those 1 story buildings with a porch out front, they spawn ridiculous amounts of military loot.
  7. wil24567

    Choosing a PC...

    1000 Euros? You could build my system in my sig for that kind of money.... don't know why you're wasting time with a shitty 6 core AMD, go with the I5 and go crazy with the gpu.
  8. wil24567

    Stable Branch - 0.57 Discussion

    Update runs smooth, over 30 fps in Berezino consistently! Those small outpost buildings have amazing military loot as well!
  9. wil24567

    I need a good Narrator for a DayZ short film

    Damn, if only DayZ was like this every time i fired it up....
  10. wil24567

    DayZ Battleye ban

    We can't help you. support@battleye.com
  11. wil24567

    Internet = Fps Boost?

    In order to "speed up" your internet, you will have to pay for more Mbs from your ISP. There are no ways of speeding up your internet on your end.
  12. wil24567

    Find cheaters, Volunteering

    I read this three times over, and it still made no sense...... can anyone try to convey what OP is trying to say here?
  13. wil24567

    Question regarding my Computer

    After a quick google search, it seems you just have to update your BIOS with that update, I won't go into updating your BIOS because I've never done it, just watch a youtube vid, should be straightfoward enough.
  14. wil24567

    Question regarding my Computer

    FUCK! meant desktop. Sorry! As to the 970, works wonders for me, but the whole 3.5 gb gimped aspect may throw you off, and the price on the 980 just dropped....
  15. wil24567

    Question regarding my Computer

    My guess is your PC is a laptop, that model of I7 is not typically in laptops. So, I personally would invest in a stronger GPU, that GTX 645 is pretty piss poor. Even a 2GB 760 will improve your frames dramatically, and it will save you the trouble of wiping your PC.
  16. There are computers, albeit 90's Pentium 1's. Chernarus is a poor country, nothing else to it. Would like to see a more modernized area of it in the future, a large post-Soviet city, with all the modern amenities of a city in Europe.
  17. wil24567

    Status report lateness

    Oh well, I'm off to H1Z1! DayZ blows! Early Access is a scam! Why isn't the renderer in? Why are Zombies broken? Why is gam n0 fix? jk
  18. wil24567

    What is it that drives you to play DayZ a lot?

    ^i feel this way exactly. It was great when it came out, and still is, but you really devote quite a lot of time in order to have a good time. No doubt however, that i will be dropping a lot more hours as large features are added.
  19. wil24567


  20. wil24567


    Your search for the term dying without shoes returned 54 results....
  21. wil24567

    Why change the Mosin

    This would take a gunsmith to do as well but you could probably do it by yourself as the Mosin-Nagant is a simple creature. I own the Archangel stock. Installation is EzPz, just 2 screws. Considering they're adding the .44 Deagle, a modernized stock doesn't sound super out of place.
  22. wil24567

    Exp Update: 0.56.127TheBeast.

    I must say I'm not a fan of the heavy breathing, but Jesus, this patch runs smooth. Highest fps yet! :D
  23. wil24567

    DayZ 2012 VS DayZ 2015 Mod

    ................................. The search button is lonely, more lonely than it ever has been :( :( :( :(
  24. wil24567

    Status Report - 06 May 15

    Biran Hicks..... This just proves the incompetence of these devs..... Fire them all! On a slightly more serious note, keep it up boys. The shits about to start gettin' real, I can feel it, it's like a fizzing sensation right behind my penis.
  25. wil24567

    AMD Rises from he Dead!

    I'm scared for Direct X12, I have heard it unlocks AMD's true potential. As an Nvidia/Intel fanboy, I feel I may have wasted my money........