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Everything posted by dawnofduskk

  1. dawnofduskk

    dayz epoch invisible car.

    Hey all, been playing Dayz epoch lately, and so far i have encountered no one, and as such, my humanity is in the +2000 range Now, I've made my way to the bandit camp, the trader won't talk to me, because of my humanity being too high, but on the ground beside him was a red key and a radio. picked them up, and moved across a little, and have had the wheel icon pop up on the screen. I can access all options to the vehicle, even though I can't see it, when I go to the driver's seat, my character's animation is getting into the car, and then stands back up, and resumes like there is no car. To summarise, I can't see the car, I can access it's options, and nothing hinders my movement, like it would, if there were a vehicle there. I assume that this is because of, like with the trader, my humanity is too high, is this true? Cheers all.