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SuperDarly (DayZ)

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Everything posted by SuperDarly (DayZ)

  1. Been playing on this server for over a month now. Overall quite a positive experience. There are still plenty of bandits playing, but they need to get up close and personal to rob you, it's a nice change from just getting pegged from 400m out by some guy and his AS50. I'm in the Toronto area of Canada and I get very playable pings on this server, so east coast NA players should have no issues.
  2. Changing video memory to "Very High" and then back to "Default" has worked for the glitches on both my Nvidia/Intel based desktop machine and my AMD/ATI based laptop. Eliminates the crazy polygons shooting all over the place instantly.
  3. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    How did you kill your first victim?

    First night playing. Low on blood (like 1.5k) and was passing out, screen blurring. Was in Cherno near some train tracks and heard some pistol shots. Crawled up a small berm near a factory and saw 3 guys standing around a flare and a pile of zombie corpses. Took aim with my 1911 and headshot the first guy, wounded the 2nd and the 3rd bolted to some bushes. I died in the firefight with the 3rd guy, I was so pumped from the adrenaline afterwards! I only shot at them because they were a group and I figured they might have some med supplies and weapons I could keep myself alive with.
  4. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Loot points

    I've found some good weapons in hangers, usually AK's or pistols. Remember to check the rear corners of the hangers. It's an easy to miss spot because the loot is hard to see from a distance.
  5. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    New (Second Hand) Gaming PC! Need Help!

    Did the guy before you play ArmA2 and/or DayZ? Did he use malicious scripts for the game? If you answered no to both these questions, I cannot see how you'd be banned.
  6. My friend isn't online and I'm bored. Banditry is kind of played out at the moment for me, so I've got a blood pack, morphine, painkillers and a weapon for any new players who might be in trouble. Add me on steam: Clarkeh or PM me here and I'll let you know what server to meet at. I'm north of Elektro at Staroye, so if you're anywhere nearby we can set a meet point as I have transportation and can get there fairly quickly. B)
  7. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Any newbies need medical aid or a weapon?

    Ok well I gave "Loopy" some morphine and a couple FAL mags at Castle Rog, so I've done my good deed for the night. We both had bandit skins on, so let that be a lesson to you folks. Not all bandits are bad guys.
  8. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    So, I have a Satchel Charge...

    Will one charge take down any size building, or only small ones? My vote goes for blowing a church.
  9. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Who's playing guitar in Cherno???

    I would so rotate into the evening guard duty. PM a when and where if you don't want to publicly announce it.
  10. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    D/Cing Cowards... Rocket.. Please add logout timer

    Yup, it happens. One of the reasons why I don't stick around if I'm in a firefight and the other person disappears. Just bug out before they respawn 100 meters behind you and gun you down.
  11. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    D/Cing Cowards... Rocket.. Please add logout timer

    I wonder if the guy in a group of 4 players that I stumbled across in the woods felt good about his friends all bailing and D/Cing after I shot him. Teamwork, hurrah! :rolleyes:
  12. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    I play alone since I have no friends that play ArmA or DayZ :( Anyways, I was looting the deer stand east of Polana, and scanning the opposite hillside with my binoculars before trying to sprint across the open field to the other side of the road. I spot 2 guys crouch running along the hilltop (Note to newbies, don't silhouette yourself against the sky). I sit there for a few minutes trying to track where they're going after they disappear behind the hill. I figure it's safe to run across since they haven't seen me and I haven't seen any movement. After sprinting across the field and to the treeline between Polana and the factory south-east of the town, I come to a forested area that slopes downward. At the base of the slope are 4 survivors in paired groups about 150-200 meters away. They haven't noticed me yet, so I watch them while peeking from behind a think tree trunk. I have two options, try and make friendly contact or go for the ambush. Remembering my last encounter with a group of survivors, I decide to ambush. I have an AKM with 3 mags and a revolver with 4 clips, more than enough for a short fire fight. I take aim and engage the closest pair, I hit them both and one dies instantly. After taking a couple near misses of return fire I sprint up the hill and go to flank them from the left. After repositioning and spotting one of them I open fire again, he's hit and drops into some bushes. I noticed I don't see anymore movement or return fire, so I go to investigate. It turns out that after the initial shooting, the 2 of them D/C and that left the guy who died and one other sitting there. The last guy D/C after I repositioned and fired at him. I looted the body of the one that died and got some more AKM mags, and a few survival goodies. TL/DR version: Make sure you get those headshots when ambushing a group, because if they're pussies they'll D/C at the drop of a hat.
  13. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Flashlight still not working!

    Did you put in fresh batteries? :P
  14. Watch the news. Anytime a murderer is caught, all their neighbors say "he seemed so NICE, I had no idea he was capable of that!" There is no easy IRL way to tell someones intentions.
  15. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    S--t just got real

    http://penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/games-you-might-not-have-tried-4 Skip to the 1:09 mark for DayZ. Being featured on penny-arcade = huge new audience. Congrats Rocket and the rest of the DayZ team :D
  16. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    S--t just got real

  17. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Community PSA

    People thinking this way are wrong. They paid 15 - 30 dollars for ArmA 2 and ArmA 2: OA. Both are excellent games with almost unlimited replay thanks to the included editor. DayZ is a free mod-in-progress for ArmA 2. I don't understand how people just cannot grasp this concept.
  18. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    More zombie/infected types

    I would enjoy a more diverse zombie threat. Nothing too crazy, but a few more types than just "monkey" and "shambling". A fat guy that runs slower than the normal shamblers but hits harder would be nice, because cherno-russians all seem to be very fit upon getting infected. I am also advocating for a model that looks like Bill Murray. He should spawn very rarely and never attack you because he's just pretending to be infected :P
  19. SuperDarly (DayZ)


  20. SuperDarly (DayZ)

    Gamma and brightness

    I imagine you can probably adjust it, but not to the extremes as before.