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Everything posted by KingofTheWorld

  1. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.136147

  2. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.136067

    I cant change gama settings now is it because of last update on exp ?
  3. KingofTheWorld

    Physically Based Rendering

    Is this feature completely changing graphics ? I want to know what exactly will be diffrent ?
  4. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    You just saw what bug its. I stuck inside door also zombie getting rightttttttttttttttt inside wallll whats that man same thing happened to me many times because something not right. I know solution they need make zombies less agressive in houses because they running wildly most of time they glitching into some objects or wall because they are so wildly jumping attacking. They supposte to jump on me but somehow they getting inside walls. goddamn Im so angrt. And yeahhhhh craqling at indoor also crawling through doors huge PROBLEM
  5. KingofTheWorld

    Three Things YOU Still Want

    -İnfected wont glitch through walls and wont push you into walls -Able to pee and poo -Road flare, chemlight wont make you totally blind.
  6. When you look at road flare or chemlight you almost cant even see where you going. Why this happening and How u will fix that. road flare, chem light any other light source makes us totaly blind.
  7. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    They was always like that once you let zombie in its hard to kill or escape without causing bug I want some devolopers answer me how they think they can fix. Tell me technical details if not ,dont answer me.
  8. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    This is open world game I want Kill my zombies at indoor. Lets say I use one house as base and zombies attacking breaking in my house then what ? İts over keep pushing me into walls and I cant even hit them properly. I want my freedom
  9. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    Boys and girls attention please. Somebody telll me how they can fix this problem that I showing in my video. This is crazy so we cant even kill zombies in houses ??????????? This is just simple corruption I had more crazy ones. For example many zombies waiting outside when I open door immidietly they pushing me inside walls also if you open door there is NO ESCAPE cause everytime they hit its making error. I really had enaugh version 0.61 and still like that ??? Imagine a game you cant even pass through doors properly ahauhauhauahu check my video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRlTMDS_wq0&feature=youtu.be
  10. KingofTheWorld

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    1gb update but no exp servers this really makes me sick !!!!!!!! They are saying devs working so hard. But who knows where is prooff prove it Even if servers up guess what ? I cant even join game cause 98898797989 ppl trying get into one server. I hate 0.59 I vomit I hate it so badly. I HAD ENAUGH !!
  11. KingofTheWorld

    Long Chain and Chain Ball For Hostiles

    As everybody know we have handcuff for put on our hostiles and make much fun but in my opinion its not enaugh for DayZ This game should be show off diffrence from other dayz mods. So I suggest those actions; 1-We should able to put chain ball our hostile (for both leg) And that item could be loot from prisons and some houses or crafting method we can make chain ball. 2-We should able to attach long chain on our hostiles handcuff. And we should able to controll hostile take where we want to go with chain and also able to attach that chain on certain places like grates, bicycle park places or something like that so hostile cant run away. But you should get long chain with crafting and it should be hard to get it abit. 3-we should able to attach long chain on hostiles neck too or if you saying noone cant get rid of chain so then make it rope so when our hostile wiggle so much he can break rope and run away. İn my opinion for realistic game both option should be in game rope and chain.
  12. Supporter 22. Massacre By Crazy Cannibal - DayZ Standalone 0.52 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHs3VA8DOvo
  13. KingofTheWorld

    Supporter 22. Massacre By Crazy Cannibal - DayZ Standalone 0.52

    I was going to make a lots of fireplace thats why. I had alots of human meats but unfotunatly I didnt record. I m human meat collector. If they can change textures of human meats I wıll be enjoying much more than before to collect and eat them. Die you stranger. this is my country not allowed to reach border. note: Im not mumbling my microphone shitty.
  14. KingofTheWorld

    I'm angry at myself

    Hey budddy Im friendly player.... until you turn your back :bandit:
  15. KingofTheWorld

    Do we want vehicles?

    this is not depends on yourdesire. Cars,boats,helicopters,bikes will be in game. This game wont be running-walking simulator.Also rarity of veichle pars should be like rope-burlap snack this is my personal opinion.
  16. KingofTheWorld

    Any server without or less KOS´s ?

    You think I was serious :D Heres your beans :beans: :beans: .
  17. KingofTheWorld

    When does the cars come?

    First this game need optimization even now game usuallly laggy and buggy like helll. I dont want to think what wıll happen when cars implmented in to game.
  18. KingofTheWorld

    Any server without or less KOS´s ?

    Buy server put password and enjoy whole map yourself no KOS no nothing all yours there you go.
  19. I dont like the word "hyper-rare" its just game some weapon can be rare ok but not hyper-ultra rare. Any 50 cal anti material rifle and lightmachine gun can be rare in military bases. Also I want rocket laucher but I dont think they have time to do that. I think %90 wont be in game because I can see what type of crap they working on.
  20. KingofTheWorld

    What's your favorite weapon?

    50cal. barret
  21. KingofTheWorld

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I think you wılll finally choose another game to play because I really dont think Dayz wıll be boring game like how its now. I recomended you start to search new game for you. Devs not that stupid they know what to do for gain much players and they wont make this game how you want. you can be sure wait and see.
  22. KingofTheWorld

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Totally agreee
  23. KingofTheWorld

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    I said firstplace usefull but I actually mean nothing there except badly damaged bandana, rotten apples and jeans on whole novo. İs it really enjoyable gaming exprience ?
  24. KingofTheWorld

    Experimental Branch: 0.48 Discussion

    Did you ever find red berries I searching since so long and cant find one.
  25. KingofTheWorld

    Remove black You are dead screen

    When you died press esc you can barely see if someone around your body.