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Lumberjack (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lumberjack (DayZ)

  1. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Hackers - What you need to know.

    Very nicely put.
  2. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Base Wiping

    Yes have had same issue, it's sometimes a bad server restart keep checking back maybe you will get lucky and it will all show up again. On a side note hoarding vehicles like that and giving away your location albeit not the server (by the way this area is a common hiding place) will only lead to heartache eventually, just accept you will lose it all and remember you found it once before and go on the adventure again. But I would advise against keeping all your eggs in one basket, 2 or 3 vehicles tops in one location.
  3. Just deal with it and move on. There is nothing you can do to retrieve lost gear, but you found it once so you can find it again.
  4. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    No comment...

    Maybe you should stop trawling cheat forums then posting it here, personally I think anyone posting links to external cheat forums should be given one warning second time is a ban, I,m sick of it daily there are links to this cheat site. Having been an Admin I am familiar with these sites, a disturbing thing is at this moment Dayz is on of the most common viewed threads more so than cod or Bf3! If you truly love this game and you are not a supporter of these sites stop posting links here increasing the traffic flow to these sites!!
  5. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Who the fuck?

    Your proof is what you learnd of the Internet? Can you base any of what you know to something you,ve experienced in real life? I agree it's amazing the trauma a body can survive but reading these accounts of amazing human survival only make up a small percentage you never read about the 95% who die from very little. I heard of a cutter in the states who fell onto the stump of a tree he just cut down the splinter hit the artery in his inner thigh he bleed to death in minutes.
  6. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Who the fuck?

    No offence if if I shot you with a .22 round your going to fall to the ground like a sack of spuds and go into shock, whilst what you say has and does happen it is rare especially being shot in the head 99.5% of the time your dead. A single round will incapacitate most people including trained soldiers, an AK47 to the leg or arm will tear you up. I was shot in the leg with a .177 air rifle at close range trust me whilst it did not hurt straight away or even bleed as it went through muscle I found it hard to walk after a few minutes as the trauma caught up with me. I am a climbing lumberjack and have seen many blunt force injuries and cuts with chainsaws none are pretty and the effectiveness of the individual after the first few minutes once shock kicks in is dramatically reduced. I mean shit man I crushed the tip of my finger in the tree I managed to get myself down but it rendered my hand useless now try to go one handed! just undoing your trousers to take a leak is hard it takes time to adjust. Just trying to say this super soldier Hollywood stuff is BS. We are just sacks of flesh and to see it torn apart in the battlefield, work or just in your leisure time has a profound effect. But this is just a game and has no bearing on real life, and I as yet have not had a chance to play the new update so cannot comment on the Nerf but some things sound retarded.
  7. Even with your combat logging, disconnecting to replenish your ammo and all manner of other cheap tactics, it's still a reasonably impressive feat, but not one that will gain you a single gram of respect. Personally I have come kinda close but I will risk and die by these risks. And if I ever achieved such greatness I would not post it here as all will know what a coward I really am, so congrats on owning them noobs.
  8. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    This is getting out of hand...

    I doubt it's got anything to do with the nationality, and just because it has a German flag does not make it German so moot point really.
  9. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    This is getting out of hand...

    By my statement I meant I wonder if admins are locking the server so they can find the heli and stash it somewhere.
  10. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    This is getting out of hand...

    Curious if this is about the heli's?
  11. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Possible admin abuse -US 273- (Video)

    I lose count of the stuff we have lost, the vehicles the camps etc etc the deaths by bugs hackers and legitimate players. Even been at our camp storing stuff when one of the team got sniped, we hunted for that player/s for 15 minute and another team mate went down, I nearly went down after they got behind me, it was only my good fortune that my teammate happened to chance upon them sneaking up on me. It felt really suspicious like they had esp, but they could of just outplayed us, and if we all died we,d accept the lose of our gear. And if we was 100%!it was hacker we,d try and identify this player and not shut the server down right away to save our shit as there are other players in the game. That's camp was crazy so many vehicles in one place and dozens of tents, face it it will be found you will lose it, and when I am back I,m going to hunt them down :)
  12. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    First Time at The NW Airfield

    I was with my wife we just made it from the coast with some basic supplies ie better back pack map compass Lee Enfield and AK. We was at the south barracks in the woods to the west but within the walls making a plan of how best to move in when my wife accidentally discharged her weapon man I went mad, I was like for f@
  13. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    How long does it take to get from one side of the map to the other?

    It takes approx 3 and half minutes to run a kilometre in game.
  14. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    More hospitals?

    You have answered the question on why there should not be more hospitals, they not only hold within the items to greatly increase your chance of survival, but also your greatest chance of death. Having more will just make it to easy.
  15. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    The Problem With Blood

    Zithon it's just harder solo, and not being able to give a transfusion solo whilst maybe not accurate presents an interesting dynamic to the game, I,e the need to seek out assistance in your fellow man. I think it's a genius move, being a soloist just means you got to adapt, I find it so intense I,m literally nervous the whole time, when I find a heli wreck the urge to check it out is so great but with no cover I just do not know what is lurking in the tree lines, maybe a ghillie suited player with 50.cal I,m happiest and more relaxed once I have some of my group online and we can move in a group, yet I,m also cool to play for days on end solo. You have realised that being in a co-operative of players will help a great deal so go out there and find a group, or stick to the forest hunting animals and drinking from puddles for weeks on end.
  16. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    More hospitals?

    I think it's good the way it is, but I,ve responded to enough of this posts today I think. The game is meant to be hard. I think you was lucky to only wait 30 minutes and to even live at all.
  17. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Random ideas to improve this great game!

    A lot of your ideas are going to make the game easier and this is something I personally would not like to see. As it stands I think the difficulty in getting meat to recover your blood is well balanced. Also if you die it should be a bitch to team up again with your friends so spawning system should stay the same if not be harder which I think Rocket is going to do with build 2.4 by removing the respawn button making spamming that to improve your spawn location not possible which I think is a good move. I play in a large group but mainly with my wife when one of us dies the achievment of meeting up again feels like a huge accomplishment making this easier would diminish that. The brutal aspect is something that attracted me to the game, the fact it's hard to regen blood or meet up with friends makes a huge impact on how you play and feel about dying. As it is if your organised it's not to bad so if anything remove blood bags or reduce the blood you gain from them to 6000. The economy system I am not so sure of but it kind of exists through battering and favour. There are some ideas I like the sound of as long as the brutal nature of the game can be kept intact, just how to implement them is hard, like making bases if these are going to become impenetrable forts of high tier loot hoards then this will unbalance the game, if they are going to be easy to raid then what's the point? We used to have tent camps but have long since given up on these as they only attract camp hunters and have lead to us losing kit. Farms and bases will just be the same this is not FarmVille! Keep it brutal keep it basic it's a formula that's worked well so far.
  18. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Should armed vehicles be added to Dayz?

    Not something I,d like to see.
  19. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Rosco ate shit.. thanks for the m9sd

    Really you posted this, I mean really!
  20. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    The Problem With Blood

    It sucks at first but after a while you'll get used to finding animals, you just got to get a feel for what you,ll find and where you will find it. Like I said for me at least the woods to the West of Zelenogorsk market is always a good place for wild boar. In the fields south-south west of starry you will find goats and maybe a cow. Fields around Vybor can also yield cows. And the official position is not if you have no friends then screw you, playing solo is fine but of course the difficulty is a little higher.
  21. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    The Problem With Blood

    Suck it up. For one be more cautious with your encounters, on average in a bad loot run for supplies I,ll lose maybe 2000 blood tops. Basically without sounding like an arrogant ass, you just got to be more carefull particularly as a solo player. Ive played for days on my own and probably had to recover 6000 blood in that time it's easy enough once your used to the mechanics. My preferred source of meat is wild boars, whilst cows give the greatest yield of meats they are in open fields leaving me exposed to getting sniped. Let's say I hit up Zelenogorsk market and lose a couple thou bloods I,ll run to the woods in the west now if I run for a km throughout that wood its pretty rare I do not find a couple of wild pigs.
  22. For your own use I can see the point, if your going to make it public, I,d treat it like a dear stand map looking for all you snipers in the hills so do not bother.
  23. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Rescue Teams

    I,ve not been through to many zombie apocalypses yet to know if military convoys are a common occurrences. But I do not like the idea it sounds to scripted, and the whole point of this game is its not scripted as such, it's just us and how we react. Also your idea is already in place, they are called held crash sites, they have supplies such as weapons, medical and others such as NVG,s.
  24. Sounds like your in debug plains, try hoping servers sometimes you,ll spawn in debug forest which is at least within the map itself.