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Lumberjack (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Lumberjack (DayZ)

  1. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    First encounter with "friendly" players.

    I would of kept all the stuff, your more than likely going to die probably to hackers and lose it all anyways so i would of just enjoyed the silenced weapon whilst I could. As for ditching the Ghillie you need to find either a camo clothes or a dead player with a spare set of civi's as civi's do not spawn as far as i know. This is only a free mod alpha do not get to worried about the hacked in gear, just do not be an ass and lower yourself to their level by hacking yourself. To be honest I am really bored of the Alpha now i,ve done everything there is to do, if I die I know where to get regeared with all the top tier stuff in under 30 mins, seems everyone has 50.cals, but I am sold on Dayz as soon as Rocket brings the standalone he will have my cash.
  2. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Are there actual friendly people out there...

    There are friendlys out there, but it's more reliable to find them here and meet up or use TS otherwise take extreme caution in game as most trust no one now much like you.
  3. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Females should have their period.

    I want to be dominated, and I only just figured out what IRL means ha
  4. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    File Integrity check Failures

    I am getting random kicks for a wheeled2.pbo file sometimes after 10 mins sometimes an hour or more I,ve tried fixing it by verifying my game with steam to no avail, and installing the same file from my wife's pe but this version of the file just makes my game crash. Interestingly my file is some 304,000kb's my wife's copy 202,000kb and a friends 94,000kb so file sizes do not even match. The only option I can think of next is a clean install unless someone else here has another suggestion? Hmmm thinking about it wonder if I could replace the whole arma2 add ons folder rather than part of it from my wife's copy?
  5. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    PvP problem is a double edge sword.

    If your determined enough you will find one again, when you do when using the scope press N to switch between Thermal and NV.
  6. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    PvP problem is a double edge sword.

    You do realise the L85 is not only a Night Vision weapon it has thermal too?
  7. Lumberjack (DayZ)


  8. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Can I get a char reset?

  9. Lumberjack (DayZ)


    I have had this twice in one week, its some kinda bug i wouldn't worry about it, if you know where you was before you wigged out then there is a chance you can find your body with all your gear, if its been a while its gone deal with it and move on. The trigger seems to be for me seems to be joining and instantly disconnecting wigged me out. The game is being made into a stand alone now so we got to face the harsh fact that what we are playing now will end and never be made into something stable so just enjoy with all its problems.
  10. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Artifact glitch is getting ridiculous

    Your not alone, I know you say you tried all the fixes but have you tried looking right at the artifacts so they fill your screen then go into your advanced video options and try enabling and disabling the vsync? and maybe the memory usage untill they disappear, this works well for me but they do come back eventually but its quicker than disconnecting.
  11. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Vehicle saving completely broken suddenly???

    Its Alph...... ah god damn it someone beat me to it.
  12. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Another grass/plant file cheat?

    I was quite blown away by the number of people using this exploit, our server found and banned 6 in a short time. But this is the problem with advertising the cheats here because most of those that use exploits learnt them from here or other sites that are advertised here.
  13. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    There is no such thing as a good hacker experience, I,ve meet some more pleasant cheaters who have not killed me on site and have offered me all the shit I want, but probably when their meds wear off they'll be turning you into goats or thunder dooming the server. The brutal fact is, cheaters/hackers do not hack because they suck at a game most cheat/hack to degrade the experience for us all, they get immense satisfaction from trolling the community I guarantee that most cheaters/hackers are here registered, post and read all our comments, they feed off us. It's one of the reasons I,ll never vent my anger in public because they love it so why let them win on the forums too!
  14. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    3 hacked games wtf is this garbage?

    Way to jump on the let's scream it's an Alpha mod DUH! Band wagon. The fact is this is a really weak thing to say at this current stage, with such huge popularity and publicity among the PC gaming community that people ARE NOT buying Arma 2 they ARE buying Dayz that fact it's a free mod is a fact but not a very relevant one, over a million players I am willing to bet 95% parted with their cash to play DayZ. It's the same for me I bought Dayz not Arma2. But I can appreciate Dayz was built around Arma2 and is a free mod based around a trust engine mil sim so will have weaknesses against scripters. Do I feel cheated out of
  15. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Banned from DE 839

    Do you have any program's like TS3 or MSI afterburner using an overlay? Also if it's not global it could of been a false positive temporary ban try jining the server again in 24 hours.
  16. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Best place for a Camp?

    On uk123 at 183/045 let me know when you put it there and I,ll guard it for you.
  17. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    lol really?

    Beware of the friendly fire exploit, if you see a player was killed by friendly fire after you shot him be sure he will be back at same spot in a few minutes so best to log off or run away.
  18. There are also far more effective ways to police your server legitimately, our own server certainly does not seem to suffer hardly as bad as others and it's well populated.
  19. The fact your thinking it is ethically wrong. I once knew an admin from a different game who got hold of all the hacks so he could test them to aid him in catching hackers, sorry but this is morally dubious. Another admin from same game began to develop his own anti-cheat he was respected by me and many others and his anti cheat became one of the most popular alas he got lured to the dark side as those who can program anti cheat can often make the best cheats a sad sad day. What you are considering should never be attempted and I question the maturity and responsibility of those involved to even consider it a good idea.
  20. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Trading L85A2 AWS for AS50

    Your funny, I really would not waste my time with trying to get hold of a hacked in AS50 TWS more trouble than it's worth.
  21. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Playing with or without DayzDB

    I don,t use the guides to be fair after a while you just know where to get what you need and what areas will yield what loot you need so it's a weak point really.
  22. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Remove shock

    If you was not happy with the server you was in you should gone some where quiet to log out not in a zombie hotspot then the 5 minute shock timer would of been no big deal, never mind lesson learned I,ve had the same issue to.
  23. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    How many Ghillies have you found?/When?

    I,ve found them in entry booths to factory type areas to. Found about 5 spawned the rest in players back packs
  24. Lumberjack (DayZ)

    Silly little player....

    Symptom u da man oh yeah you showed that silly little player, cool story XD
  25. I remember when me an my wife started playing this game and we both got taken out at the NWAF after we,d survived several days had several hundred zombie kills and had the best gear in our dayz game so far. We both cradled each other and sobbed ourselves to sleep that night.