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About Ranph

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    On the Coast

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    United States of America, West Coast
  1. Ranph

    A new clan to watch for Hacking!

    Recently the server I am an Admin on ran again into another clan on players that you other admins need to be aware of: SEC9 Kozy and SEC9 Cory. The were rude disrepectful to me in game full well knowing I was an admin and while I was in the RCon. No one should have to put up with profanity for any reason. And these two do an injustice to both their clan and other players.
  2. Good Morning/Afternoon! First off I want to apologize for the issues with our server at the moment. It would seem our host is having some kind of tech issue. We are working with them to speed things along. Secondly, we have recently added a few new rules for playing on our server. Mostly they deal with our naming policy. Due to recent attacks by players we ask that you do not use alphanumeric, leet spelling, all caps or caps intermixed in your names. Also we welcome members of other gaming communities and clans, so please proudly show us your Tags! We have also implemented an ingame radio station. If you have any requests for songs by all means send them to us at: [email protected]. Along the same lines, if you have any issues about our server, we want to hear from you. You can contact the admin staff at: [email protected] and the issue will be forwarded to the proper admin. Thanks again for your understanding and your patients today!
  3. Ok, It would seem someone took the OP'ers advice and locked their server. I was able til the other day to play on this server, now i can not. I can't ID the host but here is the info: Multiplay - Nasty Nest is locked and in violation of the TOS. Can one of you admins or mods pass this on to support to see if they can correct this issue? Thanks.
  4. I'm sorry isnt this a violation of the TOS set forth by the Devs? ie we cant lock our servers...
  5. So last night I was on Son's of Liberty server, when my buddy and I got attacked. What was odd about it was when we went to loot the body of one of the two bandits attacking us was their gear. The player was from the STA clan, and all of his gear was pristine and gold! Yeppers I said gold, he had on him 3 AK 30rd mags that were pristine and gold in coloration. Where in this game do you find gold items? I'm sorry but everyone who see's a STA member log onto their server needs to watch them closely. Some of the members are STA-Turbo, STA-iBrasco, STA-Noxide. Also check out this clans desync numbers, iBrasco had a desync of 100,000. What the hell is this about? First I understand this game is in Alpha, but good god the hackers are having a hay day with it. Put and end to this crap and beef up the security, or at least give the server admins more Rcon controls. Thank you for allowing me my 2 cents.